

Stepping around Reuven Israel's new sculptures – now showing at Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles, it’s as if you’ve seen them somewhere before. Pictured: Installation view
Israel has looked to many different areas for inspiration for his first solo appearance in the city, such as, 'various forms of spacecrafts, antennas, and ritualised structures and objects of the past – temples, pottery, instruments and weapons.' Pictured: At First Blush and Green
Israel revealed that Arkady and Boris Strugatsky’s 1971 sci-fi novel, Roadside Picnic, an account of events after a visit by extraterrestrials that is only discovered thanks to the objects they left behind, was on his mind. Pictured: Installation view
'Like the objects left by the aliens, with my sculptures the viewer is left to "reverse engineer" the object's implied purpose through form and geometry, all while its unhinged from a specific context,' says Israel. Pictured: White Collar
Israel's sculptures are in fact totally built by hand, using MDF that Israel cuts, glues, sands and shapes, before embarking on a process of coating with different layers of paints and lacquer, until he achieves their deceptive glossy finish. Pictured: Group and Red Neck
'I want the physicality of the individual pieces to deceive the viewer,' says Israel. Pictured: Black and Blue (left) and Blackout (right)
keywords:Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles, Reuven Isarel, exhibition, art, sculpture