


The residential building of Balkhasb was registered on Auguest 11th, 2005 with the registration number 12384 as one of the national works of Iran.This historical house is a remarkable monument of Safavi and Qajar dynasties of Iran. The house is located in ancient fabric of the city in 11th Navab Safavi St. of Mashhad, Iran. The reason that makes this house worthy of attention is the fact it was built around 300 years ago, and that it has many detailed architectural decorations. Gholamreza Balkhasb, the current owner of the house, claims that a parts of this building is from Safavi period, and the other part is the renovated version of that from Qajar period which is notable according to the evidence (E.g. the type of plastering and the decoration).
All things considered, this house was chosen as our revitalization project. The function of this building is transformed from residential to commercial use to make it more engaging. The specific role of Balkhsb historical house is to act as place for marriage agreements. Because of religious customs of people in Mashhad, couples are meant to make their marriage official in a certain way which can happen inside and often outdoor in the yard of the house, followed by a traditional ceremony. A tent structure is added in the yard for extra protection and also providing shadow which is a necessity for comfort in warm and dry climate of Mashhad city. The other extension is the terrace at the entrance which connects the sidewalk and the road directly to the building (the former entrance was a narrow ramp passage from a lower level). This terrace in architecture is called “Iwaan” which is the name chosen for this project. A glass elevator is also added for easier access for disabled and elderly people. A green wall is also attached to some parts of the Safavi arches. The house also provides an office for marriage registry and administrative processes. The other functions added to the building are a photo shoot studio, a greenhouse (to provide a pleasant background), a place to sell printed and handmade wedding cards, calligraphy and selling albums. a fitting room and makeup recovery space for the bride, guest reception room and catering, and a management office.