挪威小城Brumundal的Mj st rnet建设于9月初开始,预计于2019年3月完工。由Voll arkitekter设计,这座18层的高层建筑将包括超过11,300平方米的空间,其中包括公寓、酒店、餐厅、办公室和公共区域,其中有一个4700平方米的游泳厅。MJ st rnet的基座宽度为16米,但Abrahamsen认为,如果这样做的话,就有可能建造更高的建筑:“主要是宽度决定了我们建造木材建筑的高度。更大的宽度意味着建筑物的晃动较小。一座更宽的建筑将使建造超过100米,甚至150米甚至更高的建筑没有问题。“
Construction of Mjøstårnet in Brumundal, a small town in Norway, began in early September and is due for completion in March 2019. Designed by Voll Arkitekter, the 18-story high-rise will include over 11,300 square meters of space containing apartments, a hotel, a restaurant, offices, and common areas with a 4,700-square-meter swimming hall. Mjøstårnet has a base width of 16 meters but Abrahamsen believes that it is possible to build taller if this is increased: “It’s mainly the width that determines how tall we may build a timber building. Greater width means the building sways less. A wider building would make it unproblematic to build higher than 100 meters, and even perhaps 150 meters or more.”
Courtesy of Moelven Limtre
用木材建造摩天大楼的能力是可持续建设的基准。作为项目的发起者,Arthur Buchardt在北欧高地系列的第一段视频中解释说,在当地采购云杉已经大大减少了建筑物的碳足迹,以及简单地生产格鲁兰柱和横梁,几乎不需要多少能源就能构成建筑物的主要结构。
The ability to create skyscrapers out of timber is a benchmark for sustainable construction. As the project’s initiator, Arthur Buchardt explains in the first video of the Nordic Heights series, sourcing the spruce locally has dramatically decreased the carbon footprint of the building as well as the simple production of the glulam columns and beams requiring little energy to form the main structure of the building.
Timber has often been questioned due to common misconceptions about its ability to withstand fire. However, it is possible to locate the glulam beams so that they do not mutually affect each other, according to Abrahamsen. The main issue in the construction is the lightweight property of the timber frame that can sway up to 140 millimeters at the top when faced with the strong winds of the region. To eliminate this problem, concrete floor slabs will be used on the seven top floors to increase the weight towards the top and slow down the swaying. The building will also be anchored into the ground with piles up to 50 meters deep.
Courtesy of Moelven Limtre
但是,随着最高木材结构的竞争升温,向高层建筑和城市住区委员会(CTBUH)提出的新规则似乎很快就会通过,它规定,带有混凝土核心的木质建筑被定义为木-混凝土混合结构。如果这些新规定付诸实施,他们将排除维也纳的霍霍大厦和温哥华的布洛克公地作为木材高楼大厦,让mj st rnet有机会创造世界纪录,直到下一个竞争对手出现。
But as the competition for the tallest timber structure heats, new rules suggested to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) look set to be adopted soon, stating that wooden buildings with concrete cores are defined as wood-concrete hybrids. If these new rules are put into effect, they will rule out HoHo Tower in Vienna and Brock Commons in Vancouver as timber high-rises, leaving open the opportunity for Mjøstårnet to set the world-record—until the next competitor comes along.
Courtesy of Moelven Limtre
News via Moelven.
挪威建筑师Voll Arkitekter Turnkey承包商Hent Turnkey分包商Mo11 Limtre结构设计Sweco客户AB投资面积11300.0平方米2018年项目类别可持续性制造商装车.
Location Brumunddal, Norway Architect Voll Arkitekter Turnkey Contractor Hent Turnkey Subcontractor Moeleven Limtre Structural Design Sweco Client AB Invest Area 11300.0 m2 Project Year 2018 Category Sustainability Manufacturers Loading...