庄臣公司 Wa·研究塔楼

2018/10/29 22:00:00
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企业对创新的承诺与赖特对富有远见的设计的嗜好相结合,产生了一种开拓性的挑战的结构。从十年前的十年开始,公司总部的扩张与莱特设计的行政大楼相邻,塔的设计扩展到了建筑师对现代工作空间和仿生结构系统的设想。楼板悬臂由钢筋混凝土“塔普洛”芯组成,砖和晶体玻璃管带围成实验室空间。在今天,SCJohnson 公司仍未使用大部分未使用的塔,塔可以被认为是以牺牲功能或大胆的建筑成就而追求的形式。
A corporate commitment to innovation combined with Wright’s penchant for visionary design, yielded a pioneering yet challenged structure. An expansion of the company headquarters adjacent to the Wright-designed Administration Building from a decade earlier, the tower design expanded on the architect’s visions for modern workspace and biomimetic structural systems. Floor slabs cantilever from a reinforced concrete “taproot” core, and bands of brick and crystalline glass tubes enclose laboratory spaces. Reverently maintained yet mostly unused by the SC Johnson company today, the tower can be considered either form pursued at the expense of function or a daring architectural accomplishment.
View of research tower and administrative building. Image © Ezra Stoller/Esto
研究塔和行政大楼的景观。图像 (Ezra Stoller/Esto)
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在完成 SCJohnson 行政大楼后 10 年,建筑开始于研发大楼。公司要求实验室为他们的新兴研发部门提供实验室。尽管在建造和维护行政大楼期间进行了试验,但第三代领导人赫伯特·菲克·约翰逊和赖特形成了密切的关系,为建筑师提供了前所未有的设计自由。约翰逊预计建筑“其中的美丽和功能是如此惊人地结合在一起,[那] 将证明对从事这项工作的男子和妇女的启发。”
Ten years after the completion of the SC Johnson Administration building, construction began on the Research and Development Tower. The company required laboratories for their emerging research and development department. Despite trials during construction and maintenance of the Administration Building, third generation leader Herbert Fisk Johnson and Wright formed a close relationship, facilitating unprecedented design freedom for the architect. Johnson anticipated a building “in which beauty and function are so spectacularly combined, [that it] will prove an inspiration to the men and women who work in it.”Preliminary perspective view in which tower tapers towards the base
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For Wright, the Johnson Buildings represent a break from the Prairie style, infusing aesthetics from streamline modern into his materially rich and light driven vocabulary.
View of bridge connection from administration building to tower. Image © Ezra Stoller/Esto
从行政大楼到塔楼的桥梁连接图。图像 (Ezra Stoller/Esto)
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通过一座桥连接到行政大楼,研究塔比地面高 153 英尺,地下钻 54 英尺。总部位于拉辛的蜡和油漆工厂,电影院,商店和住宅。由于城市遗址缺乏赖特如此重视的自然环境,视觉和物理上与环境的联系微乎其微。塔楼的主要入口位于楼下的车库附近。坐上第二层的圆柱形电梯后,一座由玻璃管组成的拱形护套的细长桥梁通向实验室空间。
Connected to the Administration Building by a bridge, the Research Tower rises 153 feet above ground and bores 54 feet underground. The headquarters are located in Racine amidst wax and paint factories, movie houses, stores and homes. Because the urban site lacks the natural context Wright so valued, visual and physical connections to the context are minimal. The main entry for the tower is located near the carport, under the building. After taking a cylindrical elevator to the second level, a slender bridge sheathed in an arch of glass tubes leads the way across to laboratory spaces.
Section and Elevation
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The compact, tightly-coiled vertical mass rises in contradistinction to the expansive horizontality of the administration building. Unlike the cavernous Great Workroom, the minimal floor plates and low floor-to-floor distance in the tower create a compressed space. The administration building, with its impenetrable brick, sequesters workers within a grand hypostyle hall. The ratio of solid to translucent inverts as the largely blank brick faces of the administration building give way to large crystalline bands in the tower.
The illuminated tower at night. . Image © SC Johnson
夜间的灯火塔。。图像 (SC Johnson)
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然而,这两个建筑都是从外面的世界上裁掉的,并把 FA1ADE 和结构的独立包装结合起来。虽然主要的玻璃墙壁承认有充足的光线,并且在夜晚用作发光的灯塔,但是管的结构扭曲了内部和外部的视觉。对于建筑居住者来说,外部世界的颜色和质量无法区分。
Yet both buildings are cut off from the outside world and articulate the façade as independent wrappers of the structure. Although the predominantly glass walls admit ample light and serve as a glowing beacon at night, the tube construction distorts vision from inside and out. For building occupants, the exterior world amounts to indistinguishable shifting colors and masses.
First Level Plan
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Second Level Plan
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Third Level Plan
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By leaving the first floor of the tower eroded, Wright reveals the singularity of the tower’s structural support. Second and third floor offices as well as a roof terrace hover on dendriform columns.
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A compact trunk-like core of conjoined tubes provides all building services to support lab spaces: restrooms, circulation, supply and return air, electricity, water, illuminating gas, compressed air, carbon dioxide or nitrogen, steam and direct and alternating electric current. The tower form minimized the length of utility distribution distances in comparison to a conventional low building.
View of tower during construction. Image © SC Johnson
施工过程中的塔景。图像 (SC Johnson)
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In section, each slab attenuates towards the façade, reflecting the diminishing shear and moment forces of the cantilever while also echoing the shape of the dendriform column capitals. The building alternates between smaller circular floors and square floors with filleted edges that extend all the way to the enclosure.
View of double height laboratory spaces. Image © SC Johnson
双高度实验室空间的视野。图像 (SC Johnson)
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剩余空间变成了双高体积,连接了两层楼。平板边缘形成了一块砖混钢筋混凝土膝盖墙。这 4 英尺 (11 英寸) 高的实心墙与环绕周边的箱子配合。赖特与科学家密切合作,在实验室内安装家具。
The residual space becomes double height volume, connecting two floors. The slab edge turns up to form a brick clad reinforced concrete knee wall. These 4 feet, 11 ½ inch tall solid walls coordinate with the casework that rings the perimeter. Wright worked closely with scientists on the installation of furnishings within labs.
© Ezra Stoller/Esto
Ezra Stoller/Esto
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由于其他每一层楼都是从外墙向后的夹层,Pyrex 管横跨两层楼高,中间是砖坯。由此产生的超大尺度进一步从外部抽象化了读数。当照明条件显示中间楼板的轮廓时,该塔作为结晶机械装置出现。Pyrex 管被用金属丝固定在铝制的支柱上,外部则是由玻璃线组成的内板。管道之间氯丁橡胶垫片的失效所造成的泄漏一直是一个持续的问题,直到研制出新的密封胶。
Because every other floor is a mezzanine set back from the exterior wall, Pyrex tubes span the height of two floors between brick spandrels. The resulting oversized scale further abstracts the reading from the exterior. When lighting conditions reveal the silhouette of the intermediate floor plate, the tower appears as a crystalline mechanic apparatus. The Pyrex tubes are held to aluminum stanchions with wire, and an inner plate of glass lines the exterior. Leaks caused by the failure of the neoprene gaskets between tubes were a persistent issue until a new sealant was developed.
研究塔在设计期间和完成后都得到了广泛的报道和积极的评价。建筑学以及人们对建筑的普遍兴趣和商业出版物,以及 1950 年代的两次 MOMA 展览,都是这座建筑的特色。
The Research Tower received wide coverage and positive reviews both during design and after completion. Architecture as well as general interest and business publications featured the building, as did two MOMA exhibits during the 1950s.
However, building occupants gave a more mixed review. The vertical nature of the tower all but precluded casual interaction, and a slow elevator discouraged stopping in on all but the most immediate colleagues. In addition, the extremely low ceiling height adjacent to the core conflicted with equipment use. As the number of employees and heat producing equipment increased over the years, the building became difficult to heat and cool. The glass tube walls leaked but were “capable of creating a gorgeous visual effect.”View of the small round elevator. Image © Ezra Stoller/Esto
小型圆形电梯的视野。图像 (Ezra Stoller/Esto)
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1982 年,SCJohnson 开办了另一个机构,以容纳其扩大的研究部门。塔毕竟是由于安全问题而放弃的--在紧急情况下疏散将是困难的,只有一个很小的楼梯。然而,SCJohnson 公司精心维护了 Wright 的视觉和细节。2013 年,塔进行了翻修,更换了 21,000 个砖和 5,800 个 Pyrex 管。目前,15 个楼层的 3 个级别正在用作办公室和展示空间。由于满足建筑规范的升级会损害 Wright 的设计,所以公司没有计划将剩余的楼层转换为可用的办公空间。从 2014 年 5 月开始,塔再次向公共旅游开放。
In 1982, SC Johnson opened another facility to house its expanding research department. The tower was all but abandoned due to safety concerns – evacuating in the event of an emergency would be difficult with only one tiny staircase. Yet the SC Johnson company has painstakingly maintained Wright’s vision and details. In 2013 the tower underwent renovations, replacing over 21,000 bricks and 5,800 Pyrex tubes. Three levels of the fifteen are currently in use as office and exhibit space. Because upgrades to meet building code would compromise Wright’s design, the company has no plans to convert remaining floors into usable office space. Starting in May 2014, the tower was opened again to public tours.
The topping-out ceremony of the Tower on October 15, 1949. Jake Stocker, the construction supervisor, is on the right.. Image © SC Johnson
1949 年 10 月 15 日,塔的顶出仪式。JakeStacker,施工主管,位于右侧。图像 (C)SC 约翰逊
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The Research Tower, along with the Administration Building, is on the National Register of Historic Places.
For more information or to read about the nearby schedule a visit to the tower.
Lipman, Johnathan. Intro by Kenneth Frampton. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax buildings. New York: Rizzoli: 1986.
Siry, Joseph
弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特 (FrankLloyd Wright) 为 S.C.Johnson 公司在他的建筑中采用了创新的环境控制方法。
建筑史:“建筑史组学报”第 28 期,第 1 期 (2013 年):141-164
Siry, Josepth. “Frank Lloyd Wright’s innovative approach to environmental control in his buildings for the S.C. Johnson Company.” Construction history: journal of the Construction History Group 28, no. 1 (2013):141-164
建筑师弗兰克劳埃德赖特位置 1525 豪街建筑师负责弗兰克劳埃德赖特结构工程师韦斯利彼得斯和孟德尔格利克曼供暖和冷却塞缪尔 R 刘易斯工程承包商本威尔采克项目年 1950 年照片埃兹拉斯托勒/埃斯托,SC 约翰逊类办公室
Architects Frank Lloyd Wright Location 1525 Howe Street Architect in Charge Frank Lloyd Wright Structural Engineer Wesley Peters and Mendel Glickman Heating and Cooling Samuel R. Lewis Contractor Ben Wiltscheck Project Year 1950 Photographs Ezra Stoller/Esto, SC Johnson Category Offices
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