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马文艺术校园 · 芝加哥河畔的重生

2016/02/11 17:00:00
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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架构师提供的文本描述。马文成立于 28 年前,通过视觉艺术教育和激励服务不足的年轻人。该组织在其历史上受到了两个简单而有力的想法的推动-- 制作艺术可以改变生活,每个年轻人都应该有机会这样做。尽管有明确的证据表明,通过艺术学习获得的技能和能力对学生在大学、工作和生活中取得成功至关重要,但自 1987 年马文成立以来,在获得艺术方面的不平等现象变得更加严重。
Text description provided by the architects. Marwen was founded 28 years ago to educate and inspire underserved young people through the visual arts. The organization has been fueled by two simple but powerful ideas throughout its history—that making art can transform lives, and that every young person should have opportunities to do so. Despite clear evidence that the skills and dispositions acquired through arts learning are essential to a student’s preparation for success in college, work, and life, inequities in access to the arts have only grown more acute since Marwen’s founding in 1987. © Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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至少有 24,000 名芝加哥公立学校的学生-- 占学生人口的 6%-每周接受艺术教学或获得认证的艺术导师的机会有限。各学校公平接触教员的机会仍然不均衡。只有 55% 的 CPS 学校有一名艺术讲师,在 2014 年达到了推荐的 1:350 指导员与学生的比例。
At least 24,000 Chicago Public Schools students—six percent of the student population—have limited exposure to weekly arts instruction or certified arts instructors. Equitable access to instructors across schools remains uneven. Only 55% of CPS schools that have an arts instructor met the recommended 1:350 instructor-to-student ratio in 2014.
First Floor Plan
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Marwen 每年通过其各种艺术项目为近 900 名 CPS 学生提供服务,这些课程是免费提供的。学生来自芝加哥 664 所公立学校中的 300 所,以及 57 个邮政编码中的 53 所。2014 年,马文认识到,太多的年轻人仍然缺乏可能对他们的生活产生影响的创造性机会。为了应对这一日益增长的需求,马文致力于一个雄心勃勃的目标:到 2018 年,为更多 30% 的年轻人服务,在他们的核心课程中为总共 1100 名独特的学生服务。
Marwen serves nearly 900 CPS students each year through its various arts programs, which are offered free of charge. Students come from 300 of Chicago’s 664 public schools and from 53 of the city’s 57 zip codes. In 2014 Marwen recognized that too many young people still lacked access to creative opportunities that could make an impact on their lives. In response to this growing need, Marwen committed to an ambitious goal: serve 30% more young people by 2018, for a total of 1,100 unique students in their core programs.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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To accomplish this goal, Marwen expanded its facility to deepen its role as a nationally recognized model of arts education. Situated on four floors of a heavy timber manufacturing building in Chicago’s River North neighborhood, the program includes a main public gallery for student work, an alumni gallery, library, administrative offices, and nine state-of-the-art instructional studios for photography, graphic design, film, animation, fabric, and ceramics.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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扩建项目包括一个新的入口和停车场、一个多用途的伐木空间、另外 15 000 平方英尺的新和 (或) 翻新的工作室空间,以及新的窗户、暖通空调、屋顶和建筑标志。
The expansion included a new entry and Parking court, a multiuse loggia space, and an additional 15,000 square feet of new and/or renovated studio spaces, as well as new windows, HVAC, roof, and building signage.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Local Identity.
15 年来,马文一直没有在公共场合露面。今年,马文向城市宣布自己,购买了工业阁楼,在那里,它一直租用空间和扩大其网站,以创建一个完全实现的艺术校园。有了新的存在,马文向公众传达了其深思熟虑的使命和愿景。
For 15 years, Marwen had no physical, public presence. This year, Marwen announced itself to the city, having purchased the industrial loft building in which it had been renting space and expanding its site to create a fully realized arts campus. With its new presence, Marwen conveys to the public its thoughtfully composed mission and vision.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Concurrent with its physical expansion, Marwen unveiled a public awareness campaign that placed Marwen student work prominently near mass transit hubs. Coupled with community outreach, new bridges were forged between Marwen and the communities that it serves.
Basement Floor Plan
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随着 Loggia 和通往主画廊的新入口的增加,Marwen 现在有了更大的内部/外部连接,这使得艺术可以从建筑物中溢出,进入停车场和广场。美化的入口法庭帮助学生和游客知道他们已经进入马文之前,他们已经踏进了大楼。
With the addition of the loggia and the new entry leading to the main gallery, Marwen now has a greater interior/exterior connection, which allows art to spill out of the building, into the Parking court and plaza. The landscaped entry court helps students and visitors know they’ve entered Marwen before they’ve set foot in the building.
To reach the instructional studios, students encounter artwork created by their peers and teachers in the loggia and main gallery, fueling their imagination and creating an aspiration to see their work displayed in the galleries as well.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Safe Harbor for Learning.
The existing building was mined for its beauty. Floors were gutted to expose a raw structure organized by heavy timber columns. Tooled concrete floors were poured to provide appropriate sound deadening and to complement the existing brick masonry and Douglas fir beams. The architectural palette is spare and quiet, allowing artwork to be the focus. © Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Because many Marwen students travel great distances, and at times through perilous means, the architecture attempts to provide a safe harbor for students, while at the same time liberating them to explore. Within this space, materials and elements become part of an instructional language that is intended to be “read” by future generations of artists, designers, and architects.
Second Floor Plan
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Like art, architecture is something to explore and to learn from. This may be the first consciously designed space some students have encountered. As architects, we must have the optimism to hope that good design has the power to inspire. That a simple, artfully expressed stair, a thoughtfully placed piece of ductwork, or the proportioning of a material palette will be absorbed by the inhabitants, whether explicitly or implicitly.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Strengthening Community.
一些马文学生除了自己的追求之外,几乎没有什么支持系统,也没有什么鼓励。当学校削减艺术课程时,他们有时会拿走唯一能让一些学生对学习感到兴奋的东西。Marwen 的社区支持发现和自我表达。新校区的目标是成为一个有凝聚力的学习社区,作为艺术教育的基石,并可进入芝加哥各地的不同社区。
- Some Marwen students have few support systems and little encouragement, other than their own quest for making.- When schools cut arts programs, they sometimes take away the only thing that gets some students excited about learning.- Marwen’s community supports discovery and self-expression.- The new campus aims to be a cohesive learning community that serves as a cornerstone of arts education and is accessible to diverse communities throughout Chicago.- © Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Marwen also provides free college and career counseling, leveraging relationships with universities and college networks and making them accessible to students. The recent expansion allows for Marwen to support more students and their families in the college process by creating new spaces for students and parents to research education programs, as well as a conference room for one-on-one meetings.
Third Floor Plan
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这个设计让学生既能感到安全,又能感受到力量。很少有 CPS 的学生可以说他们的作品是在画廊展出,挂在专业艺术品旁边。画廊和批评空间展示学生在每一层的工作,并允许即兴讨论和社会互动发生。这让学生知道他们的工作是有价值的,而不是孩子的游戏。
The design allows students to feel both safe and empowered. Few CPS students can say their work is on display in a gallery, hanging alongside professional artwork. Gallery and critique spaces showcase student work on every floor and allow for impromptu discussions and social interactions to take place. This lets students know their work is valued and not child’s play.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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By valuing the work in this way, instructors hope students’ experiences will extend beyond Marwen’s walls and impact their daily lives and their communities, and set them up for a future of success.
© Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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Architects Wheeler Kearns Architects
Location 833 N Orleans St, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
Category ExtensionArea 29875.0 ft2Project Year 2015
Photographs Steve Hall / Hedrich Blessing
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