

© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
Text description provided by the architects. The ground is observed as an extension of the lake due to its proximity and the little difference of height with it. For this reason, the architectural response leads to the dock as referent, which lies on the water transversely at only the needed points. That simple idea of subtly posing and go looking for the lake generates the project strategy.
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
The main concept is compose by a perpendicular encounter of two volumes; A longitudinal one to the lake that takes advantage of the maximum predial width, composed by modules of the private enclosures, and another one transverse, that leaves to the extension, like a shed of 3.10 meters. high where the public areas are constituted with the spaces of laundry room, living room, kitchen / dining room and a barbecue-terrace.
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
It is proposed the configuration of a structural skeleton exposed and modulated according to dimensions of commercial timber in impregnated pine; Which through various possibilities and combinations of enclosures, allows to set up new interior and exterior program units, according to the owner's needs and resources, thus generating a unitary composition of solids and voids within this framework.
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
The crossing and meeting of the beam-pillar system is used as the main tool for expression and image of the project, which is worked through the detail of joinery joints and assemblies that give the project a decomposed frame image where the structure Is detached from the skin of the volumes.
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
Floor Plan
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
The skylight of the longitudinal axis appears as a manifest element that, on one hand, gives an aura of natural light to the extension of the corridor and, on the other, it crosses the space of the central nave like a beam that shows the crossing and overlap of the different heights.
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
In relation to the materiality, the use of wood as a unique material was favoured both for economy and for the ease in handling of the local labor with whom the construction was executed.
The structure and louver are of impregnated pine, the outer siding is a 1"x 4" wood board treated with waterproofing varnish, colours black and smoke, of Wet proof; As for the floors, in the interior it was used a 1 "x6" foot board, vitrified colourless and for the exterior deck a 2"x5" impregnated pine board. As ceiling it was used a premium furniture plywood panel of 18mm arranged under a composition locked with black stonecutters and, 1"x4" pine wood board for private enclosures; Both of Arauco with a distressed white finish.
© Diego Elgueta
C.Diego Elgueta
Architects PAR Arquitectos
Location Las Cabras, Chile
Category Houses
Architect in Charge Pablo Lopez, Alvaro Cortés, Tomás Pardo
Area 138.0 m2
Project Year 2016
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