

有那些既能享受稀缺海景资源 又有俯瞰城市繁华背景的区域 才是最具有价值的居所 当代建筑艺术大师斯蒂芬 · 霍尔若以空间氛围追溯世界本源,空间格调似乎最为恰当,黑色与生俱来的神秘魅惑,高级灰自带的优雅简约,极素至简的语言,让设计也有了洗尽铅华的味道。熙熙攘攘的都市繁华中,寻一处至真至净之处,探寻生活的本真。
犹如帝国大厦坐镇曼哈顿中央傲视三面环海的半岛文明。厦门中海东湾项目一线海景 城市天际线,兼得都市繁华与山海自然,尽享无与伦比的视界盛宴。It looks like the Empire State Building sits in the middle of Manhattan and looks down upon the peninsula civilization surrounded by the sea on three sides. The first-line seascape city skyline of Xiamen Zhonghai Dongwan Project combines the prosperity of the city with the nature of the mountains and the sea, and enjoys an unparalleled feast of vision.在这里,可无界欣赏起居区的广阔景色,真正享受这座世界一流城市的极致繁华与独有景观,受到厦门城市文化底蕴和奢华空间的双重启示,柘壹设计联合厦门中海将两者结合,营造出精致的仪式感。Here, you can enjoy the vast scenery of the living area without boundaries, and truly enjoy the extreme prosperity and unique landscape of this world-class city. It is inspired by the cultural heritage of Xiamen city and the luxurious space. The designer combines the two to create an exquisite Sense of ritual.
秉承“让空间去适应并服务业主”的设计理念,巧妙地将美学与实用功能完美结合,家具的选型与灯具的选取都极其用心,营造出美轮美奂的品质空间。Adhering to the design concept of "Let the space adapt to and serve the owners", it skillfully combines aesthetics with practical functions. The selection of furniture and the selection of lamps are extremely attentive, creating a beautiful quality space.
通过搭配中的小心思、小技巧让品质的居住空间在细节中得到升华,每个细节都承载了一种艺术与生活和解的关系,舒适的家私、柔软的布艺、趣味的艺术装置、诗意的绿植,无一不呈现气质不凡的品味和艺术格调。Through careful thinking and small skills in matching, the quality of the living space is sublimated in the details. Every detail carries a reconciled relationship between art and life, comfortable furniture, soft fabrics, interesting art installations, and poetry. The green plants all present extraordinary taste and artistic style.
推门而入,主卧空间用宁静的色彩奠定了空间沉稳格调,徐徐而来的海风,飘窗盛满阳光,令人瞬间卸下城市的繁忙和疲惫。于此雅奢空间,宴请海景风味带进室内,是流行也是经典。Pushing the door and entering, the master bedroom uses tranquil colors to establish a calm style of space. The sea breeze coming slowly and the bay windows are full of sunlight, which instantly relieves the busyness and fatigue of the city. In this elegant and luxurious space, the feast of the sea-view flavor is brought into the interior, which is popular and classic.
低彩度的粉色女孩房是一道缥缈的“甜品”,有一丝妙趣,精选织物搭配为女孩房注入了暖意,充分流露出雅奢意境与女性柔美结合的绝味品味,让女孩能够专心致志的经营生活的烂漫。The low-color pink girls room is an ethereal "dessert" with a touch of fun. The selection of fabrics injects warmth into the girls room, fully revealing the exquisite taste of elegant luxury and feminine femininity, allowing girls to concentrate on their minds. The prosperous business life.
寻一隅静谧,让思绪沉浸的书房是对生活本真探索的圣地,以沉稳的黑色装饰凸显绅雅的气宇。大气低奢的构成工艺,造型极简却在细节处下足了功夫的家具还原了精神追求最初的本质。Looking for a quiet corner, the study is a sacred place to explore the true life of life, and the calm black decoration highlights the gentle and elegant atmosphere. The atmospheric and low-luxury composition craftsmanship, the minimalist style but the furniture with sufficient attention to details restore the original essence of spiritual pursuit.
味觉,四方食食,不过人间。烟火厨具的设计需注重于尺度,主人的身高烹饪习惯,功能收纳结合功能性五金合理分配。Taste Sifang Shishi But the fireworks in the world The design of kitchen ware needs to pay attention to scaleThe height of the owners cooking habits Reasonable distribution of functional storage combined with functional hardware.
次卧空间带着让人一见倾心的喜爱,不论是刚毅的艺术装置还是柔软的布艺都让矜贵赋予了空间,素净的床品在温煦的阳光里,生命力仿佛被唤醒。The second bedroom space brings peoples love at first sight. Whether it is a sturdy artinstallation or a soft fabric, the space is endowed with preciousness. The purebedding is awakened in the warm sunshine.
厦门中海东湾项目143户型柘壹空间设计 项目摄影 | 飞羽中海企业集团华南区设计管理部:厦门中海地产有限公司设计管理部:赵申、戴梧桐、宁李佳莉