

Lao Tzu once said that the household is treated as a room, and when it is not there, there is room for it. He intended to open windows to build a house. Only when it is inhabited can it have meaning. Things with high-level sense are often elephant invisible, and the same is true for houses. When a house with life and people as the main body breaks the inherent thinking given by the outside world, the ethics of design emerges.
This is a spacious penthouse apartment, which is a combination of two existing residences into a spacious modern family residence. The overall space satisfies the present and focuses on the future, carrying the leisurely life of a family of five. The concise design and high-end texture give the apartment a unique living background, and also accommodate the comfortable living and family environment that the hostess has always longed for.
There are two living rooms, a tea room, four bedrooms and matching cloakrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen and dining room, and an open private garden on the top floor. The designer rearranged the layout and connected the two houses organically, planning a three-dimensional lifestyle for the owners.
Black and white minimalism, natural avenues. The main living room accommodates multiple functions of reception, living and leisure. In addition to the busy life, there is also a place to inhabit, which can accommodate the ultimate belonging of the spirit.
Corridor, as a connection point between public and private areas, is simple but without losing order. Artwork can be seen everywhere, and the details of the house have been added to the house a lot.
The overall space is mainly based on white, black and marble, supplemented by modern and exquisite works of art, and agile landscape paintings embellish it, reducing the complexity to simplicity, and embodying the subtle beauty of Chinese people everywhere.
The cold night guests come to tea as wine, and the bamboo stove soup is beginning to become popular. Meeting friends with tea, burning incense, and fighting tea are unique fun things among men. The tea room is located between the main living room and the small living room. It not only connects the three levels in series, but also creates a game of light and shadow, where the fragrance of indoor tea and the fragrance of outdoor blend into one, and it is leisurely and contented.
The small living room is located in the private area of the house, and it is the best time for the mistress. Although the space is not large, it can also accommodate a few people to gather together. The blooming red flower sofa and blue love seat are bright and eye-catching, reflecting the hostess’s enthusiastic personality.
Climbing up the steps, you can reach the top garden, which is the best scene for family relaxation and gathering. The apartment has clear functional partitions, uniform colors, and collocation with clear lines. The atmosphere is natural, but the details are not lost.
Light spreads arbitrarily in the house, not only for lighting, but also to provide abundant energy supply for the residents. The outdoor scenery is cleverly introduced into the interior. Li Yanwen did the opposite, creating a light and warm residential magnetic field.
The space aesthetics advocated by Li Yanwen is to create a disorderly life in an orderly space. Regular walls and floors are the basis of order, and art and flower arrangements that can be seen everywhere bring warmth and texture to the space to offset the coldness of ceramic tiles and white walls. The designer turned the open and grand space into a relaxed, refined and warm family of five.
The kitchen is connected to the dining room and retains the oriental traditional layout design. The primary and secondary are clearly distinguished, elegant and simple. The family can get together easily and pleasantly, and the hospitality is more elegant and decent. The multi-functional area design allows it to meet a variety of different needs when the owner needs it.
While the master bedroom continues the atmospheric style of the space, it is elegant and tranquil. The indifferent colors resemble the flowers accidentally blooming in the lotus pond, revealing the couples casual and free life attitude.
In addition to retaining the warm and comfortable design, the daughters room also gives a large amount of white space, which not only leaves more possibilities for adolescence, but also leaves everyone in the familys creative freedom.
Home often carries peoples multiple emotions and life functions. It is not only a private place in life, but also a harbor and bay outside of social interaction. For the design of private house space, it is necessary to make breakthroughs and to be durable so that it will last for a long time.
每个家庭都有自己的理想生活,或宏大叙事,或温馨美好,理想的家一定是在历经世事,岁月沉淀之后才会成为每个人的理想归属。 冷静的房屋背后都是鲜活真实的生活,李延文以东方哲学作为设计基调,于大气沉稳中不失人文关照,让冰冷的房屋变成了可以承载一家五口三餐四季的理想居所。
Every family has its own ideal life, grand narrative, or warm and beautiful. The ideal home must become everyones ideal belonging after the world has gone through and the years have settled. Behind the calm house is a lively and real life. Li Yanwen takes the oriental philosophy as the design keynote, and does not lose the humanistic care in the atmosphere, making the cold house an ideal residence that can carry a family of five, three meals in four seasons.
PROJECT INFORMATION 项目信息 NAME - 项目名称 荣御新天地 LOCATION - 项目地点 河北省 邢台市 AREA - 项目面积 320 ㎡ DATE - 完成时间 2021年9月 DESIGNER - 主创设计师 李延文 STUDIO - 设计机构 空即设计事务所 DESIGN TEAM - 设计团队 韩杨、张涛、张庆宇、张珊珊
设计师李延文 李延文 北京空即设计事务所设计总监、主持 深圳臻尚环境艺术设计有限公司设计总监、创始人 中国高级室内设计师 中国室内装饰协会会员