英国泉修道院“连接”装置丨英国约克丨Steve Messam

2021/11/04 08:44:38
在北约克郡历史悠久的泉修道院和斯塔德利皇家水上花园,艺术家Steve Messam通过其引人瞩目的装置作品提出了另一种看待景观和历史建筑的方式。这一名为“过去的事物”的作品系列将向游客们展现出修道院和水上花园所发生的令人惊讶的视觉转变。
Throughout summer, a dramatic collection of contemporary art installations will present themselves to visitors in the grade 1 listed, historic Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal water garden, in North Yorkshire. Created by artist Steve Messam, whose work prompts another way of looking at landscape and historic buildings, These Passing Things will present an astonishing visual transformation of Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal’s folly buildings and water gardens.
▼“连接”装置,位于斯塔德利皇家水上花园,The artwork, Bridged, is located in the historic Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal water garden © Steve Messam 2021
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▼项目外观,Exterior view © Steve Messam 2021
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Bridged is a scarlet contemporary bridge sitting across the river Skell, close to the site of a lost iron bridge from the 18th century. The piece is a lightweight steel construction with a waterproof polyester skin wrapped around it creating a series of starburst spikes. The red contrasts with the predominantly green surrounding palette making a strong visual reference point in the landscape.
▼桥梁桥成为了河流两岸的视觉纽带,吸引了通常不会冒险前往水上花园的修道院游客 © Steve Messam 2021 The bridge becomes a visual link between the two parts of the site and attracts Abbey visitors who may not normally venture to the Water Gardens
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▼桥面细节,The bridge deck © Steve Messam 2021
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▼装置成为景观中一个夺人眼球的视觉焦点,Bridged as a strong visual reference point in the landscape © Steve Messam 2021
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泉修道院和斯塔德利皇家基金会的总经理Justin Scully表示:“这些色彩鲜艳、与众不同的装置作品重新激活了Aislabie最初设计花园时的精神和理念。同时,正像它们的名称所暗示的那样,这些作品并不会永久存在,它们将和曾经的那些戏谑小品一样,最终从景观中消失。”
▼装置外部以防水的聚酯表皮包覆 © Steve Messam 2021 The structure is wrapped around with a waterproof polyester skin
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▼倒影,Reflection © Steve Messam 2021
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The original designers of the Studley Royal water garden, the Aislabie family, created many follies to surprise and delight their 18th century guests. Since 2015 The National Trust at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal have been celebrating these fashionable and whimsical structures and the Georgian water garden they sit within, through its former folly! exhibition series.
Justin Scully, general manager at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal, said: “These colourful and distinctive installations bring to life the spirit of the garden as the original designers intended. And, as their name suggestions, they are temporary installations, and will disappear from the landscape, just as many original follies did.”
▼装置细节,Detailed view © Steve Messam 2021
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艺术家Steve Messam以其对景观和建筑环境的戏剧化介入而著称。他近期的知名作品包括“Hush”(点此查看项目详情),位于北奔宁山的一个偏僻地带。他的作品通常是针对特定地点而专门设计,通过对景观和空置建筑的临时介入,使普通的日常生活焕发出新生的生机,并促使人们以新的方式来感知其熟悉的环境。
Steve Messam is well known for his dramatic interventions responding to landscape and to the built environment, and whose recent works include Hush (Click here for more details) – installed in the remote landscape of the North Pennines. His works are always temporary and site specific, re- imaging the everyday, interrupting historical landscapes and vacant architecture to help people perceive the familiar environment in a new way.
▼整体鸟瞰,Aerial view © Steve Messam 2021
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▼透视图,Perspective view © Steve Messam 2021
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▼俯视图,Drone view © Steve Messam 2021
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▼尺度示意,Dimensions © Steve Messam 2021
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