


Cordogan Clark created a space for the Hinsdale Middle School to have innovative learning and dynamic spaces in Hinsdale, Illinois.
The new Hinsdale Middle School includes 34 flexible core classrooms designed for 21st Century collaborative learning; an acoustically designed “cafetorium” seating 650 with full size stage, gymnasium and fitness center with direct access from the parking deck; locker rooms; administrative offices; student services; special education classrooms; library; fine arts classrooms; a flexible Applied Tech/STEAM Lab; and several spaces for small group instruction and collaborative areas. It also features a Media Resource Center with collaboration zones and modern library functions, and a Maker Space for student tinkering, including a “Green Room” for video production. Its design reflects the historic architecture of the surrounding neighborhood, using brick and stone with abundant glazing to maximize the natural light for the school’s instructional areas. The project includes a two-level parking deck located on the footprint of the previous school building.
Architect: Cordogan Clark
Photography: James Steinkamp
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