

Dutch smart in the countryside W.I.N.D. house
设计团队:ben van berkel, caroline bos, astrid piber with ger gijzen, rené wysk and luis etchegorry, william d
结构工程师:pieters bouwtechniek
师:ingenieursburo linssen bv ,elektrokern solutions,
摄影师:fedde de weert(室外拍摄)inga powilleit(室内拍摄)
这是由UNStudio设计的荷兰农村智能住宅,名为“W.I.N.D. 住宅”,坐落于荷兰村庄小区。该项目贯彻了可持续发展的设计理念,同时具有灵活可变的内部空间。该设计与周边环境协调,生活区的布局可享有欣赏户外景观的最佳场所。建筑四个立面均向内凹进,创建了四个如花般般的翼楼。这些墙面凹陷,使彼此之间保持视觉联系,并在建筑中央交汇。建筑的垂直空间布局原远离中心,并进行错层布局,一个开放式楼梯联系室内前后两座翼楼。建筑使用了综合自动化系统,能集中控制电气网络,包括太阳能板和机械设施。住宅还设有中央气/水泵、机械通风设备以及太阳能光伏板等。落地玻璃幕墙采用了涂层玻璃,有助隔绝多余光线,降低室内热能。
译者: 艾比
located on the outskirts of a dutch village, the ‘W.I.N.D. house’ designed by UNStudio incorporates integrated sustainable solutions, while simultaneously enabling a flexible use of internal space. the design of the dwelling responds to its specific setting, with primary living accommodation positioned to offer sweeping external views.each of the home’s four façades curve inwards to create four distinct petal-like wings. these recesses are visually connected to each other through their sightlines, which cross at the heart of the building. the vertical organization of the property follows a centrifugal split-level principle, while an open staircase at the center of the plan connects the front and rear wings.
a comprehensive home automation system enables integrated control of the electrical network, including solar panels and mechanical installations. complete control of this ‘smart home’ is possible by a central touch-screen in the living area, while decentral devices provide dedicated control for each room. further control is possible remotely by independent devices via LAN-connection.the sustainability concept of the house also includes a central air/water heat pump, mechanical ventilation with waste heat recovery and photovoltaic panels. heat gain is reduced through the use of tinted glass on the fully glazed façades.
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅外部实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅外部局部实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅外部门口实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅外部夜景实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅内部实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅内部局部实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅内部过道实景图
荷兰农村智能W.I.N.D. 住宅分析图