

Hongkong BabySteps Kids
设计方:AtelierBlur/Georges Hung Architecte D.P.L.G., Priestman Architects HK
图片来源:Jason Findley
BabySteps是位于中环地区的一家幼儿乐园,其具体位置是在Arbuthnot大街,世贸中心大厦25楼。这里侧重于在确保每个孩子都能健康成长的前提下,采取渐进式的学习体验,设置了玩耍区、音乐区和艺术区。因此,在室内设计部分,设计师们也特意利用能激发想象力室内设置,以供孩子们探索。这间面积160平方米的乐园,按照主要概念不同,划分为三个区域:1.冒险区:这里是经过强化的简单运动场所、还有流动而通透的较深空间 2.色彩区:这里色彩鲜亮明快,让人觉得优雅而微妙 3.明亮区:这里的布局宽大开放,随时欢迎孩子们来玩。
BabySteps is new playgroup in the heart of Central. Situated on Arbuthnot road, on the 25th floor of the Universal Trade Centre Tower. Centered around play, music and art therapy, the focus is on progressive learning while ensuring healthy psychological growth in every individual child. So, too, the design offers imaginative ways for children to grow and explore. Within the 160 sqm of commercial floor layout, Babysteps interior, therefore, features three main concepts: 1. Boldness: Enhanced simplicity, spatial depth with transparency and fluidity 2. Colour: Bringing the joy of colour in an elegant and subtle manner to the context 3. Brightness: open, spacious and inviting layout.
The principal playzone marks this center of exploration and movement. It is an open, luminous and inviting play area with multiple zones of activities: active, tactile, and calm. A large feature wall with curved geometrical colorful cutouts and built-in storage anchor the space and provide a playful yet peaceful backdrop for staging transformative play. Further, the cutouts provide glimpses into the classrooms from the children’s level as well as at the adults’ level.Behind the feature wall, there are three classrooms that align with the glass curtain wall. The entry area is essential to the initial welcome of both young children and visitors. Through the transparent glass doors, the entry is made up of a series of curved planes assembled with vertical colour and monochromatic metallic louvers. The pantry and the lounge area are the two zones mutually designed for parents and teachers to interact and to enjoy each other’s company.