

Georgia Tbilisi's Procuratorate
设计方:Architects of Invention
这是由Architects of Invention设计的第比利斯检察院。该建筑由一个结实而鲜明的黑色框架与悬浮其中的明亮而精致的建筑体块组成。70%的结构与建筑边沿和地面分离,创建出“漂浮”的感觉。这些体块为建筑一侧留出了通道空间,强化了贯穿整个设计中的建筑通透感。悬挑的体块错落有致,并创建了露台与平台的空间。室内巧妙地利用了玻璃元素,创建了通透而光线充足的感觉,与深色的不透明外框架形成对比。首层作为主要出入区,设置了安检与大堂。顶层为检察官办公室、会议室、餐厅和走廊。屋顶花园可用于开展讨论会和举办其他活动。
The building consists of a stalwart, stark black frame that has luminous, delicate volumes suspended within it. 70% of the building is freestanding away from the sides and the ground creating an impression of ‘floating’ forms. The volumes make way for a passageway to one side of the building, creating a physical transparency of the building that is alluded to throughout the design. The suspended volumes are staggered so that they create terraces and balconies. The interior intelligently uses glass to create a feeling of transparency and light, in contrast to the dark impenetrable framework. The ground floor serves as the main access area with security check in and lobby. The top floor is dedicated to the Prosecutor's office, a meeting room, canteen and veranda for use by staff. A sky park, or roof garden, is used for conferences and celebrations. In contrast to the openness of the front facing facade, the back of the building is smooth and functional with few windows.The choice of materials and the form have been chosen to reflect the function of the building. The stark geometry of the black frame represents the uncompromising nature of the legal system. Inside the building, a clustered, mirrored volume endlessly throws reflections: “The semantic message here is that the centre is unknowable - purely because it is an endless reflection and ordering of the world around it”, says Architects of Invention director Niko Japaridze. “The structure mirrors the brain; the glass exterior mimics the lobar matter which processes exterior realities, while the hypothalamus is the centre of the nervous system controlling temperature, hunger, thirst and fatigue”.The next two buildings to be completed are the Ministry of Justice in Ozurgeti in April 2012 and the Ministry of Justice in Georgia’s newest city Lasika, on the coast of the Black Sea, completed in September 2012. The city will become a marine, economic and commercial centre and one of the largest cities in Georgia. The Ministry of Justice will serve the city’s estimated population of half a million according to Georgia Times. The design uses bold geometric shapes. The office space rests high above ground supported by elegant trusses and serviced by a vibrant red central elevator.