

Chile ZX FLUX adidas exhibition hall
设计方:Arquitectos Asociados.lo
建筑设计负责人:Eduardo Labra B., Diego Ortuzar F.
成本:20 Uf/M²
承包人:Jorge Rojas + Arquitectos Asociados.Lo
委托人:Sud Producciones
摄影师:Francisco Ibañez
这是由Arquitectos Asociados.lo设计的ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆。该项目要求用4个20英尺的集装箱建造一个展览馆,用3日时间建造,展览位置就在智利圣地亚哥市一座标志性建筑前方。于是建筑师提出用完全模块化的方式,创建一个围合结构系统,如同乐高积木块。主体单元体块为6.00 x 2.50 x 2.50米。设计任务是在4个模块之间形成联系,从而可以在有限的时间对这些模块进行组装和拆卸,并且让这些一起运作的模块能与城市文脉有所关联。此外,室内还将展示一些品牌元素。
译者: 艾比
With the idea of working with a complete module we defined a system of encounters between them, like Lego pieces. The primary unit was a volume of 6.00 x 2.50 x 2.50 m. The task was to establish a link between the 4 modules, in order to assemble and disassemble them during a limited time and how these modules, working together, could relate to its urban context. In addition, a number of elements from the brand were displayed inside.
Four moments of the exposition were highlighted in each container. In this way, each independent unit, was understood completely by following the entire circuit. In the first level of the artefact, 2 containers were installed in an “L” shape. Half a module was divided as to contain the other “L”, placed in the opposite way in the second level, in order to leave free spaces between the built volumes.
Through the voids formed in between the containers, one could see the beautiful façade of the MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo of Santiago).So, the way in which the containers were put together and the relation among what was built and the spaces that were left between them, revealed the link between the gallery and its urban context. In this way, the artefact was incorporated by its surroundings, becoming a spatial element, with different depths, recognizable by its shape and cavities.
This artefact, whose only intention was to be there for a limited time, these boxes that were simply assembled one on top of the other, attracted the passers-by to penetrate them in order to disrupt everyday life in an invitation to explore it.
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆外部实景图
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆外部局部实景图
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆外部夜景实景图
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆内部实景图
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆内部过道实景图
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆平面图
智利ZX FLUX阿迪达斯展览馆正面图