center M guo-ming han hole plaza shopping
设计方:Manifesto Architecture
图片来源:Kyungsub Shin
摄影师:Kyungsub Shin
这是由Manifesto建筑事务所设计的明洞M plaza购物中心,位于韩国首尔。在明洞,有一个新时尚王国可正在迅速成长,那便是高档综合购物中心——明洞M PLAZA。这里是个拥有众多品牌的卖场,能满足不同阶层人士的不同要求。走进明洞M PLAZA首先映入眼帘的是ZARA女装卖场,二楼是ZARA童装和男装。不仅ZARA,还有FOREVER21卖场,规模巨大。因此,许多来韩国观光购物的外国游客把“明洞M PLAZA”作为必逛景点。生活时尚品牌Kosney也不例外,占据了整个地下一层。此外,除了购物,这里还有许多休闲娱乐场所,如星巴克、Schoolfood(出售炒年糕、紫菜饱饭等韩国各种传统事务的著名特许经营店),游客们来到这里能欢乐购物的同时也能好好享受韩国美食。
The newly designed M Plaza embodies the intention of its design firm, Manifesto Architecture, to give the venue a new lively presence within Myeongdong, which is, architecturally, one of the most chaotic commercial districts of Seoul. Previously a simple glass box which was unique within Myeongdong ironically due to its relatively lackluster form, M-Plaza’s new design now features a level of volume and formal dynamism unrivaled even within its surroundings.
The process of M-Plaza’s “volumization” can be described in three steps, each with increasing intensity. First the glass curtain wall was etched with a ceramic frit pattern inspired by stacked cubes giving the smooth facade an initial charge of volume. Then a grid of vertical and horizontal extruded frames was installed to divide the facade into a set of puzzle pieces each 500mm deep.
Finally, a series of “funnels”, new glass openings framed by sloped stainless steel panels that take full advantage of the 500mm depth achieved by the extruded frames, are plugged into various puzzle pieces. These three architectural languages give the facade a greater level of depth and dynamism, but are applied in a consistent manner over the large facades allowing the irregularities to exist within a certain boundary of order.
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心外部实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心外部侧面实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心外部街道实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心外部局部实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心外部细节实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心外部夜景实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心内部楼梯实景图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心分析图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心平面图
韩国明洞M plaza购物中心正面图