

The horse Istanbul museum
设计方:yazgan design architecture
摄影师:yazgan design architecture
这是由yazgan design architecture设计的特马伊斯坦布尔展览馆。白色椭圆形架构将建筑统一为一个元素。建筑面积为1500平方米,位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔的Halkali,坐落于一个倾斜的景观之上,面向着跨欧洲的高速公路。场地将作为展览空间,这个多功能的项目还包括4000套住房,豪华酒店、家庭娱乐中心和购物中心。
随着一天中时间的推移,建筑与周边环境形成不同的视觉互动。当室外是浅色的,镜像的立面使得主要房间几乎不被看见,白色的肋骨架看起来就像漂浮在kognzhong ;而在夜间,钢架就变成雕塑状的灯具,在黑暗中闪闪发光。
译者: 艾比
encasing the ‘tema istanbul showroom’ with a white elliptical structure, turkish firm yazgan design architecture has unified the building into one element. the 1.500 sqm. volume is located in halkalı, istanbul in turkey, where it sits on a sloped landscape facing the trans european motorway. the site serves as a display space for tema – a multipurpose project that consists of 4000 residential units, a luxury hotel, a family entertainment complex and a shopping center.
the interior contains mock-up apartments, visualizations and models, as well as administrative and sales offices. placed within the round steel ribs is a mass made of a glass curtain wall – and the geometric form is positioned above a black pool, casting a reflection that makes it appear elevated.
depending on the time of day, the envelope generates different visual interactions with its surroundings – when it is light outside, the main rooms are almost invisible due to the mirrored façade, making the white ribs appear as if floating in space – while at nighttime, the steel fins are illuminated with LEDs that transform into a sculpture of light, a shining object in the dark.
the program is divided across three floors, and the entrance is accessed via a wood bridge that pierces through the outer elliptical façade. the interior showroom is based on reinforcing a sense of depth within these spaces, while maintaining an ease of way-finding that is created by the use of green color across various objects and surfaces.