

Iran Barin Ski resort hotel
设计方:RYRA Studio
设计团队:AshkanBagheriAghdam, NavidNasrollahzadeh
合作方:YaserKarimian , HamedTabesh, Ali Aashouri, Mina Vakili, MortezaRahbar, Mustafa Mohammadi, Amir Khade
摄影师:Persia Photography Centre
这是由RYRA Studio设计的Barin滑雪度假酒店。该项目位于谢姆沙克滑雪胜地附近,这是伊朗第二大的滑雪胜地,距首都仅一小时车程。2008年,客户委托建筑师重新设计一个滑雪酒店,为在极度寒冷天气中户外滑雪的年轻游客提供一个舒适而温馨的场所。当建筑师负责该项目的时候,基座建设已经几乎完工。主体结构与天花板已建造成一种经典盒子造型,但建筑师感觉矩形的体块与自然的坡地山势格格不入。
建筑师在看到周围白雪覆盖的环境后,想在自然和建筑之间寻找结合点,他们将建筑表面做成雪山一样的流动曲线。建筑表皮就像一张大的网格,围绕着圆形玻璃窗凹凸起伏,有点类似高迪在巴特洛公寓外墙上运用的大波浪。为了寻找一种既可以经受住寒冷的天气、又能反应出雪的质感的现代材料,建筑师使用了一种硅藻土(diatomite earth),有很好的可塑性和隔热保温效果。
This ten-storey resort is located near Shemshak ski resort, the second largest ski resort in Iran and in only half an hour drive from the capital. In 2008 ,client requested architects to redesign a ski resort ,a cozy and warm place for young people to relax in after skiing out in extremely cold weather. When the architects were brought on board to design the project, the base build had already been completed .The main structure and ceiling had been built in a classic cube shape, but the architects felt the rectangular shape was alien to the naturally sloping mountain formation.
This location is defined by Snow-covered landscapes ,So they didn't want the building to be indifferent about its surrounding ,but as a part of nature embracing that. The Barin Ski resort picks up on the philosophy of designing buildings so that the form emulates the immediate environment in a fluid way. Barin ski resort looks one with the snow-covered mountain, almost as if windswept onto the mountain side, like an iced rock formation.
The individuals rooms, 67 in total, each in a different size, from 45m studio flat to 270m penthouse, seem carved into a mountainous ice block like natural caves. Each cell which is in dome shape enhances the feeling of a warm, homely 'cave' to relax in after skiing out in the cold. The continuation of this design approach inside the rooms and corridors, which also have organically formed, as well as the pebble shaped windows that offer stunning views of the surrounding mountain range, all these factors make the Barin Ski Resort a holistic building that complements its natural habitat.