

It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred to cultivate people. In the face of the recent adjustment and transformation in the education industry, education architecture have gained a higher attention, and a greater challenge will also be imposed upon their design. A campus can not only reflect the spirit of running a school, but also exert a subtle influence on students inside and outside the classroom. Campus space is a companion or guide for the growth of teenagers, so it is urgent to break the stereotype of homogeneity and put the focus of design back on users, so as to inspire self-cognition, promote communication between groups, and establish a connection with nature.
▼重庆两江人民小学,Chongqing Liangjiang New District People’s Primary School©gad
▼西南大学附属中学两江校区,Liangjiang Campus of the High School Affiliated to Southwest University
▼潍坊歌尔学校,Weifang Goer School
▼校园鸟瞰,aerial view of the campus
Located in the Longxing area of Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, the project is close to the urban main road and light rail station, and faces the urban park across the river. The residential land is planned around the project. The project site is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. By taking advantage of height difference and the landscape, the designer connects the public space on the campus with the roof of the building to form an outdoor platform. This is the main place for students to exchange and interact after class, and also the path through all the teaching buildings.
▼教学区分解轴测图 exploded axonometric of the teaching section©gad
The platform follows the terrain, and looks like a garden growing out of the ground, hiding the school in the landscape. It constructs an interesting world with the language of architecture, creates a free and harmonious space atmosphere, and opens a window for children to discover and explore the future.
▼入口广场,entrance plaza©shiromio studio
history pavilion and gymnasium
©shiromio studio
▼体育馆,gymnasium©shiromio studio
▼行政楼和图书馆 administration building and library
©shiromio studio
校园北部是教学区,六栋立面风格各异、颜色各异的建筑沿基地边缘展开,分别为 1-6 年级教学楼。六年时间、六栋建筑,孩子们每升一年级都会搬到新的楼里,在时间和空间的维度体验知识积累、升级的成就感。
▼不同的教学楼体量,different volumes of teaching buildings ©gad
Different from the single, closed traditional layout, the volume of the building is dissolved into the environment, developing a corner of nature for children in the city. In the north of the campus is the teaching area. Six buildings with different styles and colors in facades spread out along the edge of the base, and they are teaching buildings for grades 1-6, respectively. Six buildings are completed in six years, and children move to a new building every time they are promoted to a higher grade, to experience the sense of achievement of knowledge accumulation and upgrading in the dimension of time and space.
▼平台与不同的教学楼,platform and different teaching buildings©gad
▼教学楼之间的花园,garden among the teaching buildings ©存在建筑
▼儿童在花园中玩耍 children playing in the garden©存在建筑
▼风雨连廊,covered corridor©shiromio studio
A learning environment in the forest is created in the sports, etiquette and comprehensive administrative areas in the middle of the campus in conjunction with the sunken square in the teaching area. The public space and the roof garden of the building form an outer platform, so that children can enjoy the roof garden after class. There is a farmland on the northeast and northwest sides of the campus, respectively, and each class needs to claim a piece of land, so that students nourish their healthy and brave vitality through play, labor and harvest.
▼食堂与行政楼之间的公共空间,public space between the canteen and the administration building©shiromio studio
▼学生宿舍,students’ dormitory©存在建筑
▼体育馆室内,interior of the gymnasium©shiromio studio
▼图书馆室内,interior of the library©shiromio studio
▼公共课大教室,large classroom for public lessons©shiromio studio
场地位于重庆市水土新城,竹溪河畔,临近云汉大道并与数条次干道相接,周边规划建设多个公园与沿河景观带,内有高地及溪谷,梯田式景观保存完好。但基地地形起伏较大,高差达 47m;且校园用地面积约 120,000㎡,建筑面积亦超过 120,000㎡,如何平衡场地与体量是项目面临的首要挑战。
Located in Chongqing Shuitu New City, the site is on the bank of Zhuxi River, close to Yunhan Avenue and connected with several secondary main roads. A number of parks and landscape belts along the river are planned to be built around the site, with highlands and valleys inside, and well-preserved terraced landscape. However, the base has a large terrain fluctuation, with a height difference of 47m; The campus area is about 120,000 m2, and the building area also exceeds 120,000 m2, so how to balance the site and volume is the primary challenge for the project.
▼校园鸟瞰,aerial view of the campus©麒文摄影
▼溪谷、梯田与校园,valleys, terraced landscape and the campus©shiromio studio
由于校内设初、高中部,共 120 个班,设计团队提出了“双校门”的解决方案。初中部从北侧山地正门进入,顺势下行;高中部从南侧谷地进入,依山上行,交汇于图书馆、食堂等共享功能,形成可分可合、便捷联动的交通流线。消防车道就高差沿建筑展开;无障碍坡道亦可顺势到达每一栋单体。
Since junior and senior middle school sections are set in the campus, and there are 120 classes in total, the design team proposed a solution of “double school gates”. The junior high school section enters from the main entrance of the mountain on the north side and descends along the terrain; the senior high school section enters from the valley on the south side, and ascends along the mountain; Converging on shared functions such as library and canteen, a separable, combinable, convenient and linked traffic flow line is constituted. The fire lane is extended along the building with the height difference; the barrier-free ramp can also reach every single building along the terrain.
▼初中部入口,entrance of the junior high school section©shiromio studio
▼从运动场看向学生公寓和风雨剧场,view to the dormitory and the theater from the sports field©麒文摄影
▼连接公寓和高中部的桥梁,bridge connecting the high school section and the students’ dormitory©shiromio studio
high school section
▼顺应等高线的空间布局,space layout following the contours©gad
The design team broke the thinking of flat ground and spread a “magic carpet” from north to south, from high to low in the site with the architectural technique of mountain city. All teaching buildings were placed in the terrain in a flexible and staggered manner following the contours. In this way, a high-density campus is mysteriously hidden in the natural environment. At the same time, the space for plant growth is reserved in the site, so that the buildings change organically over time.
▼教学楼顺应等高线布置,teaching buildings follow the contours©麒文摄影
▼阶梯式空间,terraced space©麒文摄影
▼教学楼近景,错动的楼层 closer view to the staggered teaching buildings©麒文摄影
教学楼均呈 U 形布置,开敞处面向沿河景观绿带;首层顺地势架空,将原始地貌纳入建筑单体,与内部空间形成联动。潺潺溪水萦绕在场地周边,但同时也会成为教学噪音,因此方案将食堂置于瀑布和溪谷旁入口广场地下,通过中庭引风,形成“观水而不废食”的场景。场地中央的图书馆亦顺应梯田走势,消隐于花海之中。依山就势的自由体态,层叠错落的生态绿谷,不仅最大限度地消解体量、减少土方,亦暗合“游天地之美,析万物之理”的西大附中学风。
The teaching buildings are arranged in a U shape, with open areas facing the green belt along the river. The first floor is elevated along the terrain, integrating the original landform into the single building and forming a linkage with the internal space. The site is surrounded by gurgling stream, which is also a teaching noise. Therefore, the canteen is placed under the entrance square by the waterfall and valley, and wind is introduced through the atrium, forming a scene of “enjoying water landscape while eating”. The library in the center of the site also follows the trend of the terrace and disappears in the sea of flowers. The free form and cascading ecological green valley not only minimize the volume and reduce the earthwork, but also coincide with the school style of “inheriting the beauty and mastering the truth of the universe”.
▼架空的首层空间,elevated ground floor space©shiromio studio
▼室外楼梯,outdoor staircase
▼二层平台,platform on the second floor©shiromio studio
▼通透的体育馆,transparent gymnasium©shiromio studio
The Goer School in Weifang City, Shandong Province is a primary school with traditional Chinese culture as the design origin. In the design, the conventional function-oriented architectural strategy was abandoned, and the space was derived from the content. The architect also participated in the curriculum setting and assignment book writing, and deduced the organic architecture that leads students to explore the inner and self-growth by space in nearly one year.
▼校园鸟瞰,aerial view of the campus©吴清山(山间影像)
▼设计生成,design generation©gad
Abstracted from the construction implication of Chinese classical gardens, the space is organized by means of strolling for the overall layout. It is combined with the elevated floor at the bottom of single building to enlarge the entrance and connects the second floor roof terrace with an outdoor staircase, forming a space atmosphere of indoor and outdoor permeation and interaction, and a moving line planning of “surrounded by outer corridor and connected by inner corridor”. In addition, the designer inherits and optimizes the traditional landscaping techniques such as opposite scenery and borrowed scenery, and introduces the green resources of the west scenic spot and the south reclaimed land. Moreover, through the landscape nodes such as gardens and lawns, the designer enriches the strolling levels and blurs the internal and external boundaries, creating a visual experience that is divided but not separated, limited but endless.
▼层次丰富的校园,campus with diverse layers
Primary school students prefer lively and diverse spatial forms, but the designer connects all functions through the north-south axis, instead of directly using symbolic children’s elements or concrete architectural techniques. On the west side is a theme courtyard for thinking and communication; on the east side are sports facilities such as playground and basketball court. The main building is injected with a large number of informal communication spaces such as corridors, platforms and stairs, where children can stroll, play, have fun and meet. The most shining memory of the human spiritual world is nourished by the growing pains in a free and harmonious atmosphere.
▼廊道与阶梯,staircase and corridor©吴清山(山间影像)
With the design principle of space education, the architect permeates aesthetics into every detail. The north main entrance reflects traditional Chinese architecture with pitched roof, and demonstrates the cultural architectural style with virtual-real alternated block relation. The warm facade of the teaching building and sufficient light allow the purest life interest to flow indoors and outdoors; Free and flexible monomer layout and flexible shared space…enable students to think about man and nature, man and man, man and the spiritual world in a limited physical space.
▼入口门厅,entrance hall©吴清山(山间影像)
▼教学楼与庭院,teaching building and courtyards©吴清山(山间影像)
当下,教育建筑的定义不再是承载单纯的教学需求,而是丰富自我、发散思维、创造价值的生活场景。gad 研发的系列学校项目,重拾对场地的人文关怀、再现对空间的美学诉求。其以可持续的建筑手法,打磨出拓宽生命维度、探索自我成长的复合空间;以自然教育和美育教育为原点,塑造学生们的心理及人格结构。
At present, the definition of education architecture is no longer to carry pure teaching needs, but is a life scene that enriches oneself, diverges thinking and creates value. The series of school projects developed by gad regain the humanistic care of the site and reproduce the aesthetic appeal of the space. It creates a compound space to broaden the dimension of life and explore self-growth with sustainable architectural techniques, and shapes the psychological and personality structure of students with natural education and aesthetic education as the origin.
▼重庆两江人民小学夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of Chongqing Liangjiang New District People’s Primary School ©shiromio studio
▼西南大学附属中学两江校区夜景鸟瞰 aerial view of Liangjiang Campus of the High School Affiliated to Southwest University©shiromio studio
▼重庆两江人民小学总平面图,site plan of Chongqing Liangjiang New District People’s Primary School©gad
▼重庆两江人民小学剖面图,sections of Chongqing Liangjiang New District People’s Primary School©gad
▼西南大学附属中学两江校区教学楼平面图 teaching building plan of Liangjiang Campus of the High School Affiliated to Southwest University©gad
▼西南大学附属中学两江校区食堂平面图 canteen plan of Liangjiang Campus of the High School Affiliated to Southwest University©gad
▼西南大学附属中学两江校区剖面图 section of Liangjiang Campus of the High School Affiliated to Southwest University©gad
▼潍坊歌尔学校总平面图,site plan of Weifang Goer School©gad
▼潍坊歌尔学校立面图,elevation of Weifang Goer School©gad
▼潍坊歌尔学校剖面图,section of Weifang Goer School©gad
▼潍坊歌尔学校墙身细部,wall details of Weifang Goer School©gad
详细地址:龙兴组团 F15-3/04(A33)地块
项目规模:53585 平方米
摄影:shiromio studio,存在建筑,gad
Project location: Liangjiang New District, Chongqing
Detailed address: Plot F15-3/04 (A33) of Longxing Group
Project type: Education Architecture
Design time: October 2016-April 2018
Completion time: August 2019
Project scale: 53585 m2
Design unit: gad
Project director: Han Wu
Creator in chief: Si Tan
Team members
Architecture: Han Wu, Si Tan, Yuan Yu, Mingqi Hu, Wei Zeng, Siyuan Zeng
Structure: Jia Huang, Junjie Guo, Bo Zhou, Huan He
Water supply and drainage: Fengyuan Zhou, Dan Zhao, Zhu Wang, Lansen Xu
HVAC: Jidong Xia, Shengli Yang, Xiqing Su
Electrical engineering: Xingyue Zhou, Dongjin Li, Chunlei Huang, Hong Mei
Other participants
Interior design: Chongqing Architectural Design Institute
Landscape design: Chongqing Liangjiang New District Municipal Landscape Construction Co., Ltd.
Client: Chongqing Liangjiang New District Xinnan Education Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd.
Photography: shiromio studio, Arch-Exist, gad
Structural techniques: frame structure, large-span prestressed structure, steel truss roof
Building materials: paint, cement fiber board, perforated metal, glass curtain wall
详细地址:重庆两江新区水土高新技术产业园云汉大道 326 号
项目规模:120100 平米
景观设计:gad 青岛绿城建筑设计有限公司/重庆筑景景观设计咨询有限公司
摄影:shiromio studio,麒文摄影
建筑材料:饰面砂浆,仿木纹埃特板,U 型玻璃
Project location: Liangjiang New District, Chongqing
Detailed address: No. 326, Yunhan Avenue, Shuitu High-tech Industrial Park, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing
Project type: Education Architecture
Design time: August 2016-May 2018
Completion time: September 2020
Project scale: 120,100 m2
Design unit: gad
Project director: Yan Wu
Creator in chief: Si Tan
Team members
Architecture: Yan Wu, Si Tan, Yang Yu, Lin Li, Lingyan Wang, Yuanxing Cao, Xin Guo, Siyuan Zeng, Leining Guan, Yu Guo, Jianwei Yang, Shiyong Xu, Zhengyin Wang, Zhen Lu, Min Li, Lu Zhang, Yanbo Li, Yanwei Gong
Structure: Zhuoxing Yang, Lianhua Wang, Jia Huang, Bo Zhou, Qijun Shu, Shijie Xu, Guang Han, Chengxin Liu, Fan Yang, Guangxin Sun, Faqin Liu, Tao Li, Xiaodong Lu, Huaqiang Wang, Haiyang Liu, Xichuan Zhang
Water supply and drainage: Fengyuan Zhou, Dan Zhao, Jiangtao Lai, Peng Yang, Rui Qin, Junfang Cui, Kede Diao, Jianyong Chen
HVAC: Jidong Xia, Youzhi Liu, Shengli Yang, Yuankun Liu, Zhengguang Liu, Cheng Liu, Jiao Gong
Electrical engineering: Xingyue Zhou, Yuyun Yang, Cai Changyu Cai, Yuanyuan Sui, Weihao Mu, Longsheng Feng, Lin Zhou, Sheng Li, Yutuan Wang
Other participants
Interior design: Hangzhou Dianshang Building Decoration Design Co., Ltd./Guangdong Architectural Art Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Landscape design: gad Qingdao Greentown Architectural Design Co., Ltd./Chongqing Zhujing Landscape Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Curtain wall design: CMCU Engineering Co., Ltd.
Logo design: Chengdu·Huayi Craftsman
Client: Chongqing Liangjiang New District Shuitu High-tech Industrial Park Construction Investment Co., Ltd.
Photography: shiromio studio, Qiwen Photography
Structural techniques: frame structure, portal steel structure, steel truss roof
Building materials: decoration mortar, Eterpan with imitation wood grain, U-shaped glass
项目规模:31940 平方米
Project location: Weifang City, Shandong Province
Detailed address: Intersection of Taoyuan Street and Gaoxin 2nd Road, High-tech Zone, Weifang City, Shandong Province
Project type: Education Architecture
Design time: August 2019
Completion time: December 2020
Project scale: 31940 m2
Design unit: gad
Project director: Jian Li
Creator in chief: Jian Li, Huibin Zhu
Team members
Construction: Jian Li, Ye Ji, Huibin Zhu, Kun Li, Wei Sha, Yujian Mei, Xuyang Ding
Structure: Zhihao Kan, Yaowu Yang, Zhan Shi
Water supply and drainage: Fang Jiao, Jiong Xu
HVAC: Zhifeng Xu, Yan Zhou, Mengjie Yao
Electrical engineering: Xiaoyun Chen, Jianpeng Zhang
Other participants
Landscape design: Wei Luo, Dingding Wang, Wenyue Cai
Client: Weifang Goer Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Photography: Qingshan Wu (inter-mountain)