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地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室

2021/11/22 09:54:18
▼西侧鸟瞰,Aerial view from the west ©章鱼见筑
地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-3
Unlike ordinary projects, the users of the site are the same people who built it in the first place, and a generation of people have grown up here. Every grass, tree, brick and stone in the site contains their memories. The name ‘Old Field’ itself has an air of looking back to the past. But nowadays, looking forward to the future has become a new task for the long-abandoned field.
As a supporting project of China Flower Expo, the Dongfeng Parlor project has its own special meaning. Although it is a project based on the present as a supporting facility for China Flower Expo, it is a link between the past and the future. The old field is the memory of the past, and its new development has initiated the construction of the whole Dongping Special Town. How to combine the historical memory with the future development demands has become the focus of our consideration.
▼场地关系图,Axonometric drawing ©同济原作设计工作室
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Exhibition Hall of the Future Town is located at the junction of the historical axis and the future axis, also the heart of the entire site.
▼东侧鸟瞰,Aerial view from the east ©章鱼见筑
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▼历史轴两侧的新老对望,The relationship between the old and the new ©章鱼见筑
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▼墙顶一体的基本曲面单元演绎,Basic curved unit ©同济原作设计工作室
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▼基本单元的生长衔接,Articulation of basic units ©同济原作设计工作室
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▼镜像对称总体形态,Overall form of mirror symmetry ©同济原作设计工作室
地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-20
The morphological pattern of the integration of the wall and roof gives the building a trend of landscaping. A simple unit extends and splices to form a spatial layout without boundaries, which serves as an inspiration point for the overall form. This different spatial pattern from the traditional one minimizes the obstruction to the site. Following the direction of the historical axis and the site pulse, pieces of walls grow out, and it forms a floor slab by twisting itself at the same time, creating an integrated exhibition space. The site pulse spreads to the interior, communicating and interacting with the exhibition function, and the roaming path lifts up to form the second floor, enclosing a high-ceilinged space, which forms the iconic exhibition hall of the future town.
▼项目概览:地景化的生长曲面,Preview: landscaping growth surfaces ©章鱼见筑
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▼墙顶一体的扭转曲面,Twisted curved surface ©章鱼见筑
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▼与大师工作坊相协调,Coordinated with the master workshop ©章鱼见筑
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▼旋转挑出雨棚,The canopy ©章鱼见筑
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▼二层上人屋面,First floor roof ©章鱼见筑
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In order to match the architecture atmosphere of the future exhibition hall from the past to the future, we chose the wood-grained concrete as the overall material. On the one hand, the concrete is plainer and more harmonious with the atmosphere of the old field; the continuous small wood grain provides more textural changes and blends with the large number of preserved trees on the site. On the other hand, the good plasticity of concrete also makes it more practical to form the space with the integration of the wall and roof.
▼上人坡道,The ramp ©章鱼见筑
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▼流动交错的绿化平台,Green platforms ©章鱼见筑
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The curved shape, the wood-grained texture, and the morphological characteristics of the integration of wall and roof, each of which has a great difficulty in construction. After many rounds of communication with the construction unit, a new type of three-layer formwork system was determined. 5cm wood formworks are in the innermost side, which are tightly spliced. The middle layer is fixed by woodworking board, and the outermost side is reinforced by wooden keels. All the formwork units were surface fitted by the lofted steel, and the construction of the concrete formwork was completed in this way.
▼流线汇聚至入口空间,Entrance space ©章鱼见筑
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▼一层展厅,Ground floor exhibition hall ©章鱼见筑
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▼北侧入口空间,North side entrance space ©章鱼见筑
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▼入口挑高区域空间延伸,Entrance space extension ©章鱼见筑
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▼顺应空间走向形成的台阶,Steps formed in accordance with the space ©章鱼见筑
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▼二层接待空间,First floor reception space ©章鱼见筑
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▼二层平台出入口 First floor platform entrance ©章鱼见筑
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In order to ensure the final effect and to test the operability of the formwork system, we requested a 1:1 sample test of a curved unit in the site. And after several attempts, we finally confirmed the specific process of formwork and concrete repair. A complete technical process and effect sample was provided for the overall pouring.
▼木纹清水砼,Wood grain fair-faced concrete ©章鱼见筑
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▼拆模效果 Demoulding effect ©同济原作设计工作室
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▼东立面,East elevation ©同济原作设计工作室
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▼南立面,South elevation ©同济原作设计工作室
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地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-65
地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-66
地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-67
地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-68
地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-69
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地景化生长曲面 · 上海花博会东风会客厅设计丨中国上海丨同济原作设计工作室-71
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