
乌得勒支 Overvecht 区改造项目丨荷兰乌得勒支丨Paul de Ruiter Architects

Architect:Paul de Ruiter Architects
Location:Utrecht, Netherlands; | ;
Project Year:2021
With a mosaic of functions and residents, the three residential buildings, which together form "DeBuurt", give substance to the transformation plans formulated by the Municipality of Utrecht in the district approach "Together for Overvecht". Paul de Ruiter Architects gave meaning to this vision and designed the two outer buildings. With a combination of middle-rent, free-rent and various care residences, DeBuurt gives concrete form to this ambition. There will be space for about 343 ultra energy efficient rental homes ranging from 40 m² to 120 m². In addition, DeBuurt also contributes to the social cohesion within the neighborhood. For example, on the first floor there is a coffee corner with an adjacent gym. The project also includes a publicly accessible strip of parkland and a large central hall that will soon accommodate a variety of cultural activities.

Overvecht is characterised by nondescript, mid-rise apartment blocks set in a park-like environment. Any vibrancy to speak of comes courtesy of the more than 170 nationalities that call this neighbourhood home. Thankfully, it is here that real estate development company AM plans to build a demographically mixed residential complex that is set to contribute to the positive transformation of the neighbourhood. The newly developed NPD area will comprise three unique buildings designed to support the concept of “healthy urban living” (community-based well-ness). Paul de Ruiter Architects are to design the two outer buildings, and will work closely with NL Architects, who are responsible for the middle building. The public spaces and communal courtyard gardens will be designed by Flux landscape architecture.

Together, we aim to turn the NPD area into a vibrant, inspiring and socially sustainable neighbourhood, one that promotes entrepreneurship, learning, health, culture and creativity. Our inclusion of a wide variety of housing types in the design ensures that we meet the housing needs of a whole range of target groups. On the ground floor, we deliberately locate a mix of apartments and other facilities, so as to ensure that the wide passageways between and around the buildings brim with life and contribute to everyone’s sense of security. Communal spaces for residents to meet and socialise will include courtyard gardens, a green strip along the water and restricted-traffic inner zones. In addition, the middle block will boast a double-height base devoted to a variety of activities and functions, including a restaurant with a splendid waterfront terrace, thus providing yet more areas in which to socialise. Meanwhile, the development’s proximity and connection to the shopping centre will help to strengthen the neighbourhood’s position as an important focal point for the wider area. The character of the neighbourhood will be defined not only by its inhabitants and the local entrepreneurs, but also by the tastemakers and trendsetters that it attracts from other parts of the city. The result of all of this will be a pleasant environment in which to live and work, as well as a place that encourages you to develop and use your talents.

Paul de Ruiter Architects’ design is informed by our positive view of the neighbourhood. As we see it, the vibrancy of a neighbourhood begins with the diversity of its residents, and this is in evidence here.
Thus, as befits the neighbourhood’s diversity, the development of DeBuurt will include a variety of apartments to meet the needs of a range of target groups, including first-time buyers, upgraders, families, senior citizens, and people with special needs and requirements. This will help ensure a balanced mix of residents. In our designs are a variety of communal spaces, which we have conceived to facilitate and encourage social interaction, neighbourly support and mutual inspiration among residents. The result of all these considerations will be a neighbourhood characterised by liveliness and social cohesion.

