Thomas Vidalenc
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Thomas VIDALENC – After having worked in Paris, Boston, New-York (I. M. PEÏ Agency) and Bucarest, he finished his studies and obtained a Masters in Architecture delivered by a prestigious jury: Catherine Durandin, historian and college professor, Jean-Michel WILMOTTE and Jacques Pochoy, two architects, and Jean-Claude Garcia, architect and architecture critic. Even at that time, Thomas Vidalenc clearly displayed where his interest lies. Through his analysis of the city of Bucarest, he approaches an essential theme: the importance of testimony and history in architecture and urbanism. In 2002, at 28, Thomas Vidalenc founded the agency VIDALENC ARCHITECTES. His goal was to gather architects and interior designers to offer a global conception of his work. Juliette BAEK-VERLYNDES – In charge of conception and interior design studies in the agency since 2009, she obtained her Masters in Interior design at the Charpentier School in Paris in 2006.