La Finca Roja
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Langarita Navarro
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Mar¨ªa Langarita is Ph.D. in architecture from the ETSA Madrid and she is a lecturer in Architectural Projects at ETSA Madrid. V¨ªctor Navarro is Ph.D. in architecture from ETSA Madrid and he currently works as a lecturer in Architectural Projects at the Universidad Europea de Madrid and has been lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Design in 201
Lagula Arquitectes
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Lagula Arquitectes is an architectural firm based in Barcelona since 2001. It brings together five partners and an extensive team of collaborators. The studio develops projects of all type for public and private customers, with a special mention to high standard residential developments around the world.
巴塞罗那 Bit·o House
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Carlos Sánchez García & Luis Navarro Jover (Alicante, 1983) formed LA ERRERÍA * architecture office in 2012. Our work has been recognized with awards such as 1st Iberic Prize in the XVII Competition Pladur, 1st prize in the Competition for the Salitre Gardens in Murcia with Ad-hoc msl and the 1st Prize in the Competition for the Environmental Observatory in Alicante, the 1st Prize in the International Competition for the revitalization of the river Vinalopó in Elche and Honorable Mention in...
We are a team of architects who reflect in our work the freshness combined with the experience of collaborations with long-term studies and participation in international projects. This global and multidisciplinary perspective allows us to have a renewed and different vision and sensitivity towards architecture. We approach the projects in a comprehensive way and we hope to bring the architecture closer to the people, analyzing social, economic and environmental aspects to incorporate them into...
巴塞罗那 R04 公寓室内设计
Laura Estrada
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Our professional path can be recognized by a clear idea: “Design Living Spaces”. This statement of intent gets realized through our compromise of using values as observation, innovative efforts, communication, feelings and the know-how of contemporizing traditions. Laura Estrada designs indoor areas using as a special tool: the design. She uses it for creating a personalized style in each area to achieve as a final result a reflex of the way of living of its inhabitants, as also as an advertising publicity for her business. Our vision consists in harmonizing and integrating the design with the need of our clients, providing a comfortable, well-being and happy living and converting spaces in a harmonical and elegant meeting place….a place for living. Once design and function are in harmony, interior design is personified and timeless.
Lucio Maia
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EL Perfil Profesional Arquitecto y Artista Plástico, graduado en la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) con experiencia profesional en las áreas de arquitectura, designe, artes visuales y bellas artes. Ha participado en exposiciones en Bruselas, Barcelona, ​​Rio de Janeiro y São Paulo. Sus obras contienen escenas de un imaginario lúdico en una variedad de colores y formas que crean un universo infinito e inusual. El artista crea mandalas que explotan en el espacio bidimensional,
Lujan Estudio
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We try to propose strategic solutions through design according to the needs of each project. The studio pays special attention to dialogue during the process in order to offer honest and effective solutions.
SMLXL DESIGN es un estudio de arquitectura e interiorismo. Somos un equipo multidisciplinar que está formado por profesionales con experiencia internacional. Hemos trabajado en China, Argentina, Italia y España, realizando proyectos en Europa, Asia, Sudamérica y Oceanía. Destacamos por nuestro trato personalizado con cada cliente, adaptándonos a sus necesidades y presupuestos. Creemos que es importante conocer al cliente para poder realizar una propuesta que satisfaga y sorprenda. Durante las fases de proyecto y dirección estamos en continua comunicación con el cliente para involucrarlo en todas las decisiones. Intentamos en cada proyecto incorporar el mayor número de soluciones posibles que aporten ahorro energético y sostenibilidad. En cada proyecto siempre intentamos implicarnos hasta el más mínimo detalle, para que no quede nada fuera de control. Ofrecemos al cliente un DISEÑO INTEGRAL. En él abarcamos todas las fases de proyecto: anteproyecto, proyecto básico y de ejecución, dirección de obra, diseño de mobiliario y decoración.
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