Renzo Piano
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伦佐·皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)于1937年9月14日出生于意大利热那亚(Genoa)一个建筑商世家。1964年,皮亚诺从米兰理工大学获得建筑学学位,开始了他永久性的建筑师职业生涯。他先是受雇于费城的路易斯·康工作室、伦敦的马考斯基工作室,其后在热那亚建立了自己的工作室
Rimani srl
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Light – generating, evocative, intangible – is the element to which Rimani devotes its creativity, experience, innovation and technology. Our point of departure is our expertise in electronics, IT, domotics and home automation. We invest in the continuous search for comfortable efficient lighting systems, tailored to each individual customer’s needs. We constantly strive to take our products and solutions a step closer to a simple and “smart” use of lighting; lighting that offers people a...
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Nel nome, l’essenza del proprio lavoro. Una storia familiare di artigianalità, esperienza ed eccellenza che si snoda attorno ad un materiale, la resina, molto versatile, risposta ideale ad un’ampia gamma di utilizzi: dalle soluzioni industriali a quelle civili, fino alle applicazioni più sofisticate nell’ambito dell’interior design. La posa è la fase in cui questo materiale affascinante prende vita; mani esperte, le nostre, plasmano la resina come in un procedimento artistico, fatto di...