Zupelli Design
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"Zupelli Design Architecture" is a collaboration between Carlo Zupelli and his son Ezio, graduated architects at Politecnico di Milano (the latter has also previously earned a bachelor's degree in "Interior Design" at the European Institute of Design). In this new professional experience, they intersect the respective paths by defining a shared and complementary '' idea of living ": ZDA takes care of residential architecture, interior design, retail, construction, art direction and product design by following an approach where attention to detail and materials research are the essential elements.
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ZITOMORI is an architectural design studio set up by Maurizio Zito and Hikaru Mori, based in Milano and Avellino. The two of them graduated respectively at Venice IUAV in 1984 and at Tokio University of Fine Arts where she achived a second level master in 1991. After the Master's degree Mori moved to Milan where she strarts a professional career in the fields of Design and Architecture; Zito started working in the fields of Architecture, urban and territorial planning, socio-economie...
Formazione progettisti Passivhaus, Progettazione Passivhaus, Certificazione Passivhaus - I nostri servizi si rivolgono a tutti i settori della fisica edile, da traduzioni di manuali tecnici, brochures, libri (tedesco-italiano/inglese-italiano) a consulenza energetica per progettazione di case passive. Dal 2012 ZEPHIR è ufficialmente accreditato come partner italiano del Passivhaus Institut (iPHA Affiliate) ed è abilitato a rilasciare la certificazione per edificio Passivhaus.