Atelier Partero
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Atelier PARTERO byl oficiálně založen v roce 2006 autorskou dvojicí Mirka Svorová a Jakub Finger. Nyní je ateliér veden Jakubem, který společně s týmem pokračuje v započaté cestě ke krásným a zábavným prostorům. Nerosteme do velikosti, ale snažíme se posouvat kvalitu. Nad dílem se snažíme mít kontrolu a věnujeme se mu osobně. V současné době se ateliér zabývá širokou paletou projektů, od drobných atrií až po krajinné celky v rozsahu několika hektarů, přičemž těžištěm stále zůstává soukromá zahrada. Klademe důraz na celý proces od úvodních konzultací, přes důkladnou dokumentaci, výběr dodavatele až po autorské dozory, předání a následnou údržbu díla. Rádi pracujeme jak se zcela tradičními materiály a postupy, tak i s těmi nejnovějšími. Příležitostně přednášíme na vysokých školách v rámci bloků týkajících se zahradní architektury.
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Aytac Architects, architecture and research practice, founded in 2005 based in Istanbul, Turkey has produced works that involve the use of hybrid process of analog and digital tools in the concept stage and the outcome. The office operates like a laboratory with the aim to render space and building more mobile, dynamic, active than they have previously been understood as stasis and sedentary.
土耳其博德鲁姆半岛 Hebil 157 别墅群 | 雕塑般的景观与室内设计
Akkara Naktamna
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Born in Bangkok in 1979. Started shooting as a self-taught photographer in 2008 influenced by an Elliott Erwitt's book and a comedy movie called Pecker. His works have been shown widely both in Thailand and abroad such as IPA Street Photography Asia Award 2013, Miami Street Photography Festival 2013, Xishuangbana Photo Festival 2014, Photo Bangkok Festival 2015, Singapore Photo Festival 2016, NYC Art Book Fair 2016. SIGNS his zine is also collected by Franklin Furnace Archive and MoMA Library. He co-founded Street Photo Thailand collective and founded CTypeMag. Currently Akkara works as a software engineer, has one adorable daughter, and spends his a little bit free time for photography.
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Architectkidd is an architecture & design practice based in Bangkok, Thailand. The office is coordinated by Udomsak Komonvilas, Jariyawadee Lekawatana & Luke Yeung.
Alsar Atelier
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< A L S A R > A T E L I E R is a post-pandemic architecture and design studio based in Bogot¨¢, Colombia. The practice focuses on investigating the low-cost aesthetics resultant of the constant state of emergency in Latin America & the global south. So far, the studio has engaged with projects within the private and public realm that explore concepts of sustainable materialites, ephemerality, user adaptability, and low cost tectonics
Ashrafi & Zad
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ASHRAFI & ZAD is a design practice involved in design strategies that result in innovative, iconic buildings and urban environments. Our office consists of a talented team committed to design as a platform to benefit communities. Our work ranges in scale from residential, institutional, and civic buildings to urban design. We are a dynamic and evolving practice that responds to the continuous shifts in the social, cultural and technological conditions of our cities and environment.
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The ADR is Architectural studio founded by Ales Lapka and Petr Kolar, the architects, which provides a wide range of services. Its team consists of architects and engineers. The architectural studio specializes in constructional projects, renovations, interior design, furniture design and presenting exhibitions. Main activities of the studio: Architectural design of constructions, interiors, and design Complex project management of various projects ranging from master plannig to project...
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