

Multicarpet Rollux Showroom
建筑设计负责人:+ arquitectos – Brahm-Bonomi-Leturia-Bartolomé
结构工程师:Carlos Perretta – Canales, Perretta & Asoc. Ltda.
设计团队:Javiera González, Ximena Cerpa, María José Varas, Felipe de la Jara, Natalia Figueroa, Diego Parra
摄影师:Aryeh Kornfeld
这是由+arquitectos设计的Multicarpet Rollux陈列展览馆。该建筑包括办公室以及展览空间。该设计注重材料和产品要以一种自然的方式体现在建筑的功能和调节气候上,而不仅仅是作为展览元素。建筑中央的垂直交通区域布置了大型图书柜, 该家具还兼具着隐藏暖通设施的功能。沿着建筑外立面的玻璃窗设施了金属围板,让人们在工作区获得最佳自然光线,并形成外立面的变化。
译者: 艾比
The MULTICARPET and ROLLUX showroom gathers sales and product specification offices, and exhibition spaces for customers. The commission emphasized from the outset that the work and exhibition spaces were integrated, seeking a close relationship with the client, and transmitting the intention of ROLLUX and MULTICARPET of supporting architects find the right materials and solutions for each project, in a joint work similar to an architecture studio.
With this starting point, the design of the Showroom integrates materials and products from both companies as a natural solution to the main functional and climatic requirements of the building, and not as exhibited elements in isolation. The design focuses on two main elements:
1- A large piece of furniture located in the center of the building, associated to the vertical circulation of the Showroom, which will serve as a reference library for catalogs that provide insight into the multiple lines of MULTICARPET flooring. The furniture has a second technical function, as it hides HVAC equipment and serves as horizontal and vertical shaft for building facilities.
2- Running a metal perimeter board and facade profiles that support the various lines of Interior and Exterior ROLLUX Curtains, along all glass facades of the building, allowing to control the optimal natural lighting in workspaces and characterize the exterior facades.
The architecture of the building focuses on the solution of the details of these two elements, simple solutions are sought for a clean project that transmits the quality of the materials displayed.
The building is located on a plot of 988 m2 in Presidente Kennedy Avenue. We design a compact volume of 3 floors above ground and one underground, with the full height permitted by the building code, to maximize the presence of the building on the street. Within this main volume we design protected outdoor areas, such as the sunken courtyard that is an extention to the offices in the basement, and a large terrace on Level 3 for product presentations and special events.
The rest of the site is completely occupied by vehicular circulation and parking areas, covering even a large space under the cantilever projection of Level 2. Removable doors and closings are designed so that the building is fully exposed to the street during the day.
Form and Structure
The building has an exposed, reinforced concrete structure, covered with aluminum floor to ceiling window frames on its three main facades. In the case of the west facade, we design a completely opaque concrete wall, which is associated with the vertical circulation and services, to thermally insulate the workspaces. The slab structure has no interior beams, so a homogeneous concrete surface for exhibition areas is achieved.
Multicarpet Rollux陈列展览馆外观图
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Multicarpet Rollux陈列展览馆
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Multicarpet Rollux陈列展览馆剖面图