Yunnan The sweep observation deck
设计师:olivier ottevaere + john lin
图片来源:olivier ottevaere + john lin
Olivier Ottevaere + John Lin在中国云南设计了一款木质观景台,名为:The sweep,它的设立将便于人们在此处观看周围秀美的乡村景观。建造用时仅短短的六天时间,该项目由香港大学建筑系的65名学生小组共同实践完成。整个结构包括一系列架子,共计12个,他们的排列围绕中间的圆形台位展开,最终形成了一个悬臂式的环状平台,人们通过这一平台,缓缓上升,观看十分便捷舒适。螺旋上升的倾斜,向游客们展现了水稻梯田和山谷的全景。该装置位于当地小学的入口处,事实证明,这一装置的使用率非常高,主要是附近社区的学生和他们的父母。孩子们非常喜欢这个有趣的装置,而且它还有一个用处,就是等到夏天的时候,人们可以在观景台的下面遮阴处乘凉。
译者: 蝈蝈
To create a view toward the rural landscape in the yunnan province of china, olivier ottevaere + john lin have designed and realized a timber observation deck titled ‘the sweep’. Constructed in just six days, the project was realized by a group of 65 students from the department of architecture at the University of Hong Kong. The structure is composed as a series of 12 trusses arranged tangentially around a central ring of posts. This organization results in a cantilevered donut-shaped platform, which slopes and gently curves to produce an engaged ascent for visitors. The climb up the slanting form culminates with an expansive panorama toward rice terraces in the valley below.
Located at the entrance to the local primary school, ‘the sweep’ has proven to be a highly used amenity for the community’s children and their parents. The framework becomes a playful structure for the students, while the platform serves as a waiting area, offering shade beneath its deck.
云南The sweep观景台远处外观实景图
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云南The sweep观景台外观局部实景图
云南The sweep观景台施工过程实景图
云南The sweep观景台结构图
云南The sweep观景台剖面图
云南The sweep观景台顶棚平面图
云南The sweep观景台顶视图
云南The sweep观景台后视图