

International Horticulture Exhibition Xian
位置:陕西 西安
:Miralles Tagliabue EMBT
图片来源:Zhen Zhonghai KDE
花园的上部列植有松树和雪松等常绿树种,而花园的下部栽植的则是开花的落叶乔木,这上下两个部分以一种微缩景观的形式象征着山脉和山谷。中国传统的篱笆栅栏上攀附着攀缘植物,将花园围合起来,带来一种秘密的感觉。 花园里有三种类型的鸟笼,两个站在地上,一个挂在树上,笼子里的鸟儿叫声婉转优雅,刺激着游客的感官。此外,花园中还有一个小池塘,每当当微风拂过水面带来阵阵清香。水面因反射着太阳而显得波光粼粼,当人们靠近水池时会产生一种宁静、祥和的景观感受。为了令整个环境显得更加自然,花园中的照明也采用了更加生态、自然的方式,光线柔软、温暖,给整个花园带来一种金色的光辉。
译者: 饭团小组
The trees are arranged responding to its position in an imagined micro landscape where pine trees and cedar trees are in the upper part of the garden and deciduous flowering trees in the lower part, as if the upper part would correspond to the mountains and the lower part to the valley.A reinterpretation of traditional Chinese wicker fence encloses the garden and ensure a certain feeling of secrecy. Here we will have climbing vegetation.
All senses should be stimulated… Birds will sing for the ears of visitants. Three types of bird cages will be placed in the garden. Two standing on the ground and one hanging from the trees.A small water pond will make the sun sparkle on its surface and will allow water plants to grow and embellish the site. A sense of stillness and peace will be enhanced when being close to the pond.
Air will smell beautiful when the breeze passes by the water through the water flowers. The artificial lighting for the garden is seeked in a very natural way.The quality of the light will be soft and warm, bathing the garden with a golden quality. Light will come out from wicker nests standing on the ground at the base of the trees or hanging from the trees and the pergolas.