

该项目是由艺术家heather clark与来自麻省理工学院的电子结构调查小组共同完成的。该项目被命名为“空中舞台”,它是一个多功能的社区艺术活动和表演空间。其实,这是一个临时性的舞台架构,这里是马里兰州小镇frederick的历史中心,交互性的舞台设计与浓厚的历史氛围相互融合,是一个值得亲身体验的艺术装置。
装置所处的建筑可以追溯到美国革命战争时期,这里之前是一个用于建造枪支零件的工厂。在2010年的时候,一场大火将这个工厂大部分景观摧毁,不过也促使了此次改造的发生。大火过后,这里变成了一个无人问津的场所,设计团队希望能够将场地进行改造。艺术家heather clark便找到了工厂的主人来商量利用余下的砖块建造一个多功能的社区影院,因为这里也正好位于镇中心的位置,人们可以到这里聚会歇息,就这样经过大家的共同努力后,一个舞台终于出现了人们面前。
artist heather clark, in collaboration with massachusetts institute of technology’s digital structures
research group, has launched ‘sky stage’, a multifunctional community arts and performance space. sky stage temporarily transforms a boarded property in frederick — maryland’s downtown historic district — into an interactive building-scale public art work.
the building itself dates back to the pre-revolutionary war and was originally used as a factory to construct gun parts. in 2010 a fire severely damaged the structure, causing the collapse of the entire second story. since then the building has sat dormant — burned and boarded up. hopeful that she could turn the site around, artist heather clark approached the owner with the idea of transforming the stunning brick architecture into a multi-purpose community theater and art installation that would sit at the heart of the town. a collaborative effort between a variety of local bodies has since resulted in the opening of the sky stage.