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上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio

2022/01/27 15:03:40
未/WAY Studio为上海BIANCHI PLUS意大利餐厅定制全新的空间升级方案,重塑了传统意大利代表符号,诠释了自然与美食的融合。
WAY Studio has designed the recent revamp of Italian Restaurant — BIANCHI PLUS in Shanghai, drawing inspiration from classic Italian elements of sculpture, food, and nature.
▼与其“观赏”雕塑,不如“置身”雕塑之内,Instead of viewing a sculpture externally, customers get to experience it from the inside ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-3
▼雕塑质感的墙面犹如石材雕刻而出,The resulting wall is as if sculpted from stone ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-5
▼灵感来自雕塑线条与油画笔触,Inspired by marble sculptural lines and the texture of painting brushstrokes.(图片来自网络)
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-8
The concept is to inverse the position of sculpture and its surrounding space. Instead of passive viewing, this inversion allows the viewer to participate actively within this sculpted space. The brushstroke-like texture and the sculptural lines extend from the entrance to the interior, leading customers inside. The design is inclusive of furniture and delicate details, such as the planters, seats, and even the decorative details on the facade and mirrors, resonating a unified environment. Curved walls are also used instead of hard straight lines, giving the space a more fluid atmosphere.
▼商场入口处的落地酒柜及熟成牛肉展示柜,Aged steak & wine, specialties of the restaurant, are displayed prominently at the interior entrance ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-11
▼临街出入口设计,Entrance facing the street ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-13
▼出入口处的设计如颜料挤压出管的形态,从原建筑立面挤压出来,The design of the entrance extrudes from the building facade reminiscent of paint squeezing out of a tube ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-15
The large lighting installation above the main dining area was inspired by the sparkling embers of a firewood flame. With the surrounding greenery planted around the room and the granite tabletops, diners feel as if in an outdoor oasis. From the sparkling interior design to the aromatic food, there is satisfaction for both visual and literal appetites.
▼重塑传统意大利代表符号,诠释了自然与美食的融合,Reimagining traditional Italian symbols to combine nature and food symbiotically ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-19
▼顶部悬挂的主灯装置设计灵感来源于BIANCHI PLUS主打熟成牛肉的火花,The large lighting installation on top of the main dining area was inspired by the sparkling embers of a firewood flame ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-21
▼美食与装置艺术相映成趣,Satisfying both visual and literal appetites ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-23
▼“火花”装置与“雕塑”墙面,Spark installation and the sculptural space ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-25
▼由包厢看座位区,viewing the seating area from the private area ©田方方Tian FangFang
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-27
The southwest orientation of the site provided a prime opportunity to incorporate abundant greenery in both the indoor and outdoor dining environment, creating a natural and soothing atmosphere. The wine racks are placed alongside existing columns, increasing the privacy of the diners. It’s a relaxing and comfortable haven hidden among the hustle and bustle of the city, providing a taste of nature and wilderness that aligns with the aim of the restaurant.
▼利用场地自身柱子置入葡萄展示酒架,同时形成半私密卡座空间,Using existing columns and wine –rack displays to bracket semi-private dining areas ©小谢氏 Xiao XieShi
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-31
▼身处自然环境中,体会轻松愉悦的感受, The abundant greenery is used to create a natural and soothing environment ©小谢氏Xiao XieShi
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-33
▼雕塑般的线条延伸至包间内, Sculptural lines extend into the private room ©小谢氏Xiao XieShi
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-35
▼空间细部,details ©十三Juan
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-37
▼餐厅平面布局,Restaurant Plan ©未/WAY Studio
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-39
▼餐厅剖面,Restaurant Section ©未/WAY Studio
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-41
▼出餐口墙体节点,Kitchen Outlet Wall Detail ©未/WAY Studio
上海 BIANCHI PLUS 意大利餐厅设计丨中国上海丨未,WAY Studio-43
功能:餐酒 客户:上海白安琪餐厅 地址:中国上海市 面积:540 平米 设计团队 :郑涛、黎紫翎、洪勤哲、张泽群、李旭东,田一晴 摄影:田方方、小谢氏、十三Juan
Function:Restaurant & Wine Client:BIANCHI PLUS Restaurant Location:Shanghai, P.R. China Area:540 sqm. Design Team: Zheng Tao、Fernie Lai、Alan Hung、Zhang ZeQun、Li XuDong,Tian YiQing Photography:Tian FangFang、小谢氏、十三Juan
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