

“Laneway studio”是一个小型室内空间设计项目,然而与该空间所在环境相较来说,它又变为一个十分庞大的项目。设计师为现有建筑置入一个全新的附加层面,改变了巷道景观。随着人们对紧凑密集生活需求的不断增长,这个25平方米的小型空间将成为该类型项目的重要模型。
The laneway studio is a small project in itself, however when seen as a type, multiplied across 100s of lanes across the city it becomes a large urban project. Doubling the height of existing frontages and adding another layer of use to a service lane transforms the lane imbuing it with the qualities of a street. As the need for density and intensity of use grow, the 25sqm footprint is an increasingly important model for the fine-grained pedestrian city.
▼建筑外貌,exterior view
An aluminium standing seam was used as a robust and unifying treatment for the entire exterior, including walls, roof, guttering and downpipes.
▼用铝板打造出统一外貌, aluminium was used as a robust and unifying treatment for the entire exterior
We wanted a similar unifying material for the interior that would be warm, robust, environmental and enduring. Australian Hoop Pine, with it’s warm honey colour met this brief, and further it’s range of products, including solid sections, plywood and veneer panels, enabled us to design the interior, as a unified harmonious whole. The tight efficient plan enables a living/dining kitchen room to overlook the lane, under a higher cross ventilated volume; a bedroom nook and bath that open and shut down to it. Storage is integrated throughout, under, behind and beside the nook.
▼隐藏在滑动门板之后的卧室和洗手间,the bedroom and the bathroom behind the sliding wall
▼将厨房,客厅和餐厅整合为一,the kitchen, living and dining spaces are integrated into one
▼存储空间遍及室内各处,the storage rooms are everywhere
▼内部空间采用完全统一的色调及材质,using a similar unifying material for the interior
▼入口楼梯细部,detail of the staircase
This type is very economic; no footings, lightweight structure, yet providing 25sqm housing for 2 people. In the mediation of bulk and privacy to the rear and the additional life on the lane, the development absorbs density, whilst transforming the service lane into richer more complex urban place.
▼建筑与街区后巷,the studio at the laneway
▼场地剖面,site section
Project size: 25 m2 Site size: 26 m2 Project Budget: $150 Completion date: 2018 Building levels: 1