

BY STUDIO: The deep meaning of classical gardens lies not in the surface shape of the landscape, but in the leisurely and comfortable state of mind conveyed from inside to outside. We pay attention to this kind of artistic conception creation in Zhenyuan. “Western-style landscaping” is popular today, it inherits and innovates Chinese-style gardening culture by combining traditional gardening mode and light intervention strategy, and explores a “local” community park that can not only satisfy the poetic complex buried deep in the hearts of Chinese people, but also meet the modern needs, so that community residents can get the immersive experience of both nature and humanity.
关于树的故事 The story of trees
基地为南宁五象一片百年果林,现保留着约 40 棵果树,我们的设计范围内有 19 棵被挂红牌保护的百年古树,其中还有一棵 180 年高龄的“荔枝树王”。整个场地东高西低,有 2 米多的高差,西侧低洼带还有一处约 4 亩的池塘,临水侧卧一棵独特的百年果树。场地原生的茂密林木与开阔水系,对周围高楼林立、飞速发展的新城市中心来说,弥足珍贵。
如何充分利用天然条件,围绕这片果林打造一个 1.1 万㎡的大型社区公园,提升其公众服务价值,是设计思考最原始的出发点。
The site was originally a centennial fruit forest in Nanning Wuxiang, with about 40 fruit trees preserved. There are 19 century-old trees within our design scope that are officially protected with red tags, including a 180-year old “King of Lychee Trees”. The terrain in the place is high in the east and low in the west, with a height difference of more than 2 meters, and a pond of about 4 acres in the low-lying area on the west side, and another lonely century-old fruit tree lying on the side of the water. The site’s native dense forest and open water system are invaluable to the surrounding new rapid developing city center, which is full of high-rise buildings.
How to make full use of the natural conditions to create a large-scale community park of 11 thousand square meters while enhance its public service value, is the most original starting point for the project.
▼场地现状 Site Status
▼场地演变 Site evolution
01 相地造园,因地而作 Gardening on the basis of the land
The quiet centennial fruit forest means a lot to the local residents. It is not only a record of time, but also an emotional memory and a spiritual belonging. Thus it becomes a natural thing to retain this forest, follow the trend of the terrain to build up its spirit of place. We hope to create a good natural environment for the old trees and an interactive link between the residents and the past.
To retain the forest, the first thing is to adjust measures to local conditions, that is, a light intervention strategy for the conditions faced by different old trees, laying out the space around the trees without disturbing the natural growth of the root system and its trunk, preserving the characteristics of the site and showing the unique spatial temperament.
▼设计推演 Design deduction
▼流线分析 Streamline Analysis
▼场地分析 Site Analysis
▼平面鸟瞰 Aerial View
其次是顺势而作,即顺应原地势高差走向,就高堆山,就低挖池,实现场地内土方平衡,并将场地原有的 2.6 米高差扩大到 4 米,营造变化更为丰富的空间体验。
The second is to follow the trend of the terrain, that is, to follow the direction of the original terrain height difference, stacking hills on high and digging pools on low, to achieve the balance of earthwork in the site, and to expand the original 2.6 meters height difference of the site to 4 meters, to create a more varied spatial experience.
▼剖面分析 Profile analysis
02 轻技策略 Light intervention strategy
以弧墙营造三远之境 Create three kinds of far artistic conception with an arc wall
To create a garden for the community, it is natural to follow the traditional aesthetic habits of the Chinese people: the view should be far-reaching and not exhausted, and should not be visible in a glance. The dozens of century-old trees existing on the site are tall, with dense crowns but sparse lower branches, making them easy to be seen through. In order to create a sense of deep and profound forest, we intended to divide the space layout through three straight walls at first, but found that this was not conducive to the integrity of the space, but also to the protection of the root system of ancient trees, so we think twice to not harm the original site trees, as well as to avoid causing the empty silence of “take in everything in a glance”, we used the far-reaching arc wall to solve this conflict.
▼墙体设计思考 Ideas for wall design
▼一弧三门划分院落 One arc and three gates divide the courtyard
▼弧墙与场地高差关系 Relationship between arc wall and site height difference
One of the characteristics of the arc wall is that it can not be seen the boundary, and it can produce the illusion of infinite extension of space, creating a sense of profoundness. At the same time, the narrow passage space formed by the intersection of the two arc walls, so that people can not see the end, triggering different reveries in the mind of each person. The white wall reflects the shadow of the trees, it is the modern language form, but a bit more traditional artistic conception.
▼弧墙的设计既避免伤害了树根,又传递了深远意境,分隔出了远近不同的空间 The arc wall not only avoids damage to the roots of trees, but also conveys a profound artistic conception, separating the different spaces near and far.
▼庭院深深,树影斑驳 The courtyard is deep with mottled shadows
The arc wall that derived from the conservation strategy also contains a lot of design thinking. For example, the partial overhang treatment used in the wall not only stimulates people’s curiosity and exploration and enhances the interest, but also gives space for natural rainwater to flow. Since then, separated by a wall, there have been internal and external, high and low, far-reaching, density, width and size spaces.
We looking each other
▼柱子以最小的姿态落位 The minimal form of pillar
▼仿佛与石头融为一体 It seemed to blend with the stone
▼一墙之隔的内外远近 Inside and outside by a wall
▼原本存在于私家园林的疏、漏精致,现在以宁静致远的沉思空间,回归了人们的日常生活。The sparse and delicate nature of private gardens has now returned to people’s daily life as a quiet and far-reaching space for contemplation.
曲径回廊环倒木 Curved corridor ringed with fallen wood
Beside the original pond which on the west side, there is an ancient tree lying on its side, floating diagonally above the water, such a standing posture has a natural and strange beauty, which is amazing and awe-inspiring, and can not bear to destroy it.
▼设计前后 Before and after design
Therefore, in order to avoid harming the old trees, we changed the pedestrian routes, and set the protection line outside the five-meter range of the tree canopy, combined with the winding path back to the corridor, turned the original straight-through path into a garden-style experience path. The path is paved around the trees, providing sufficient space for the trees to grow, and forming a more nature-friendly walking system.
▼起初的动线简单明了,为了不对其有所破坏,转而环水建廊,以最佳的体验动线仿佛游弋于山水之间,生动有趣。The original route was simple and clear. In order not to spoil it, the corridor was built around the water in order to provide the best possible experience, as if we were cruising between the landscape,lively and interesting.
▼院子的设计是围绕它来的,这片水也是为它保留的 The yard was designed around it, and this water was reserved for it.
古树剧场 Ancient tree Theater
臻园最深处有一棵树龄 180 年的古荔枝树。它是这片地域的记忆与历史,承载了其精神、地域性及文化情怀。为了让它在今天依然能作为当地人的情感眷恋,容一处乡愁,我们围绕荔枝古树打造了一个向心性剧场空间,使其成为社区居民房前屋后的社交聚集场所,促进邻里交流,以此连接人与场地,同时连接人与人之间的关系。
There is an ancient lychee tree of 180 years old in the deepest part of Zhenyuan which is the memory and history of this region, carrying its spirit, locality and cultural sentiment. In order to make it a place of nostalgia and emotional attachment for local people, we have created a centripetal theatre space around the old lychee tree, making it a social gathering place for community residents nearby their houses, promoting neighbourhood communication, and thus connecting people to the site, and connecting the relationship between people.
▼设计前后 Before and after design
In ancient times, Confucius gave lectures at the Apricot Forum, and now under the ancient tree, it can be used as a traditional Chinese culture lecture hall for children and a place for community residents to hold various activities, achieving a distant and mysterious, yet clearly visible cultural heritage.
▼古树下的生活剧场 Living theater under the old tree
03 古法营建,山林回归 Ancient way of construction, Mountain forest return
In response to the nature of the site, we also take into account the deep spiritual needs of the Chinese people, and create a space with strong oriental cultural heritage through traditional gardening methods such as stacking hills and water management. From physical space to emotional support, it fits the external conditions of the site and the inner demand of the users.
掇山 Stacking hills
The creation of space also needs to “adjust measures to local conditions”. We have adopted different stacking methods for different spaces, not only for their appearance and meaning, but also to solve the height difference of the site, to protect the exposed roots, and to strengthen the slope and wall.
▼场地内高差 Height difference within the venue
▼通过置石掇山加固边坡 Reinforce the slope through Zhishiye Mountain
To create a mountainous landscape in the city, we need to stack mounds and place stones to complement each other, using stones to set the shape of the hills and earth to nourish the forest, which is the natural interest. So we continued to follow the trend and used the earth excavated from the west pond to form the hill on the east side. The resulting stone wall was used as paper, in which the stone was placed, to stack a painting of landscape.
▼精选石材,充分利用其自身脉络特性,形成峰峦各异、宛转相通之势 Selected stone, make full use of its own vein characteristics, forming a trend of different peaks and mountains
In addition to condensing the natural landscape in the space, we have also been inspired by Suzhou Surging Wave Pavilion to create a Surging Wave Pavilion of our era. The vaulted roof of the ancient pavilion adopts the structure of the garden on the Yangtze Delta, the stone pillar elements derived from Lingnan, and the detailed wood carving draws from the traditional craftsmanship of Minnan. We hope that use this combination of multi-regional cultural elements, a dialogue between ancient and modern across time, space and region will be carried out.
▼跨越时空和地域的古今对话 Dialogue between ancient and modern across time and space
理水 Water treatment
Traditional garden can not do without water, and the native water system of the site is an inescapable presence, so how to make full use of it and make it the finishing touch, not to ignore it like pearls covered with dust, is another major focus of this project.
Chinese garden advocates the creation of a distant artistic conception of the water system, if all the water bodies are exposed, it will lose its interest and charm. Therefore, on the basis of retaining and restoring the original pond water system, we guide the surface rainfall runoff and divide it into three water area according to the natural form, so that they are visually relatively independent, but under the rocks, corridors, bridges and arc walls to maintain the overall connectivity.
▼水体贯穿整片水系 Water runs through the entire water system
In this way, the water system is obscured and set off by elements such as rocks and curved walls, so that one cannot see the end at a glance, and there is more room for imagination and a million moods.
▼以多种元素“藏”住水体脉络,遂成山深水远的不尽意向 A variety of elements are used to “hide” the veins of the water body, resulting in the endless imagery of deep water in the mountains.
▼池岸边本身堆叠的假山其实并不高,但是因为有了池岸之深的衬托才有了现在的高峻感。The rockery stacked on the shore of the pond itself is not really high, but the depth of the pond’s shore is what gives it its current sense of loftiness.
▼还原自然的驳岸形态 Restore the natural barge form
We have combined elements such as stacked stones on the meandering flowing barge to functionally help reinforce those banks that are most vulnerable to water erosion, while aesthetically enriching their stylistic variations.
▼“溪流”水处理系统 Water treatment system of “Stream”
探索私有园林的公共化 Exploring the Publicization of Privately Garden
Different from the traditional Private Garden in the past, we tried to break some boundaries to explore the publicization of Private Garden In this project. Just like the current Suzhou gardens that are open to the outside world, it makes Classical Chinese Garden not alone. In this regard, we have created a number of spaces for “interacting with nature”, whether it is creating various small gathering spaces next to streams and under the shade of trees, or creating children’s activity areas combined with ancient trees are our specific interpretations.
▼人们在这里放慢脚步,感受自然 People are here to slow down and feel the nature
写在最后 The end
Landscape design seems to be about people and nature, but it’s really about how people establish relationships between people through nature at a deeper level. So, in the gardening process it is actually about redesigning the relationship among people.
The landscape not only brings the beauty of vision, but more importantly the beauty of social relations. How to use landscape as a medium to convey the relationship between people and places, making its publicity can be better shared. How to inherit the profound culture of our traditional Classical Chinese Garden in a modern city, and to make more “local” designs that meet our cultural needs, are issues that require our continuous attention and exploration.
This project is not just open in the sense of spatial layout, but will also be preserved as a community park to serve the public in the future, and this urban forest will eventually be subsumed into life and time.
Project Name: Datang · New Hope Zhenyuan Project
Developers: Nanning NewHopeReal Estate Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Datang Real Estate Group Co., LTD
Location: Qinglin Road, Liangqing District, Nanning city
Party A’s Creative Team: Zhang Ji, Zou Min, Lu Zhaowei, Wu Song, Xu Ming, Chen Honglong, Gan Tingwei
Party A project CompanyTeam: Pan Liding, Zhao Rufeng, Zeng Lin
Landscape Design: Shenzhen Baiying Landscape Design Co., LTD
Design Director: Bai Ying
Main Designers: Lin Zhengnian, Lu Zhiwei, Tang Lingyu, Liu Ting, Zhang Hua, Mo Yuquan, Wang Yan ‘an, Liu Zhenbin, Chen Kexuan
Architectural Design: Zhouyu Design Group Co., LTD
Landscape Construction: Guangxi Xinzan Construction Engineering Co., LTD
Curtain Wall Design: Lida Decoration Group Co., LTD
Floodlight Design: Beijing Tricolor Stone Environmental Art Design Institute Co., LTD
Decoration Design: Beijing Aidir Decoration Design Engineering Co., LTD
Photography: ikuku/Prism
Text By: Mooool
“ 设计通过本土的“在地性”设计,在现代中传承古典,以景观为媒介,拉近人与自然,人与场地间的关系。”
审稿编辑 Via Wang