

SWA Group:2021年11月11日,加利福尼亚州旧金山——SWA集团的11个获奖项目展示了景观和建立一个思虑周全的“共同基础”如何提升城市的韧性和活力。SWA设计的加州林伍德里卡多拉拉线性公园和亚特兰大自由公园总体规划项目,获得了美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)颁发的较高荣誉奖项。该年度奖项旨在表彰景观设计实践中的卓越表现,并根据设计和建设质量、创新性以及对社区和行业的影响来选出获奖作品。
SWA Group:San Francisco, CA (November 11, 2021) – Eleven award-winning projects from SWA Group show how landscape and the creation of a thoughtful “common ground” can contribute to urban resilience and vitality. Two of SWA’s projects – the design of Ricardo Lara Park in Lynwood, California and a master plan for Atlanta’s Freedom Park – were singled out with high honors by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) national jury. The annual program recognizes excellence in the practice of landscape architecture and the winning entries are selected based on quality of design and execution, innovation, and impact on community and the profession.
© Jonnu Singleton
里卡多拉拉线性公园 Ricardo Lara Park
Ricardo Lara Park in Lynwood, California demonstrates how a small investment and creative thinking about landscape can transform the very infrastructure that has long divided and isolated a community into an amenity that unites it, offering much-needed environmental and recreational benefits.
© Jonnu Singleton
I-105高速公路沿线超过五英亩的空地被改造成一个一英里长的公园,每年可以过滤相当于六个泳池水量的雨水径流,同时改善空气质量并提供多个户外聚会空间。交叉的街道将公园分为了五个不同的区域:狗狗公园、健身区、游乐区、社区花园和教育区以及带有艺术品和雨水滞留池的消极休闲空间。该公园推动了林伍德的 “健康城市倡议”并与LARIO自行车道相连,为长期缺乏公园和开放空间服务的社区带来了健康的生活方式。
More than five acres of vacant lots along an I-105 freeway embankment were transformed into a mile-long park that filters stormwater runoff (equivalent to six swimming pools per year), improves air quality, and provides multiple outdoor gathering spaces. Cross streets divide the park into five blocks, and each block accommodates a different program: dog park, fitness stations, play structures, community gardening and education, and passive recreation with artwork and storm water detention. Advancing Lynwood’s “Healthy City Initiative,” the park connects with the LARIO Bike Trail and promotes healthy lifestyles in what has been a community long under-served by parks and open space.
© Jonnu Singleton
© Jonnu Singleton
自由公园 Freedom Park
Freedom Park in Atlanta, Georgia was born out of a struggle to stop the expansion of a planned state highway in the late 1970s and 80s. Slated to tear through a historic urban community, the roadway established its footprint but was stopped through the grassroots efforts of neighbors, advocates and civic leaders. Freedom Park’s unique outline, crisscrossing through seven Atlanta neighborhoods, bears the scar of that struggle. The resulting open space, still divided by local parkways, established a park, 130-acres in size and stretching over 2.5 miles in length, with a perimeter that extends over 8 miles in the heart of Eastside Atlanta. In the spring of 2020, the Freedom Park Conservancy, founded in the early 1990’s, began a masterplan process to help define the future development of Freedom Park with the goal of establishing a long-range roadmap.
© ASLA Group
▼社区主导的规划框架 A community-driven planning framework
© ASLA Group
The master plan for the park’s future was informed by intense community involvement, developing Signature Projects with the ambition of repositioning the park from its presence as a proud scar into a more potent connective tissue—one that offers an equitable, culturally rich and civic-minded common ground for Atlanta and the nation. The spirit of Freedom Park is personified as a place where the public can participate in an open dialogue to find common ground and engage in civic discourse for the betterment of our communities.
▼艺术地形 An art geography
© ASLA Group
▼市民交往空间 A civic link space
© ASLA Group
Both projects, Ricardo Lara Park and Freedom Park, are vibrant public spaces that enrich their surroundings well beyond trees and plantings. They reinforce landscape’s potential to enhance and unify communities.
© ASLA Group
In addition to the two projects above, SWA was acknowledged with nine regional ASLA awards including recognition for Nantong Riverfront (Nantong, China), Nelson Mandela Park (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Markham Square (Conway, Arkansas), as well as for the Ping Yuen Public Housing Redevelopment (San Francisco, California), among others.
“ SWA在2021年ASLA竞赛中共获得11个奖项。”
审稿编辑: Simin