
2021/11/23 12:04:21
With the rapid growth of urban car ownership, major cities have issued vehicle restrictions policy. Self-drive travel often cannot be estimated by simple distance. Looking for a parking space, waiting for a parking space, and even illegal parking bring a lot of meaningless fragmented traffic flow to the city, thus affecting the city’s dynamic traffic, forming a vicious circle. For parking personnel, parking buildings in the past bring everyone is dark, narrow, crowded, poor ventilation space picture and monotonous parking experience.
▼停车楼俯视,Overlooking the parking building© 赵强
2017 年初,钱投集团计划在杭州市区范围内新建一系列停车楼来优化城市的静态交通,并组织了一次国际范围的方案征集竞赛。作为仅有的两家受邀的境内设计单位,我们从杭州的互联网文化中汲取了应用软件的开发思路,试图将一个单体建筑的设计衍生成为一组系列式的停车楼产品。
At the beginning of 2017, Qian Investment Group planned to build a series of new parking buildings in the urban area of Hangzhou to optimize the static traffic in the city, and organized an international competition for proposals. As the only two domestic design companies invited, we learned the development ideas of application software from the Internet culture of Hangzhou, trying to derive the design of a single building into a series of parking buildings.
▼停车楼紧邻东南侧行政商务区 The parking building is adjacent to theadministrative and business district on the southeast side© 赵强
▼俯视图,Top view© 赵强
The project land is located in Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone. The land is a long and narrow triangle. Around the land, there are regional commercial center, administrative service center of the development zone, hotels, apartments and other business forms. Traffic in the city is under great pressure.
▼东侧俯视三角形基地,The east side overlooks the triangular base© 赵强
▼斜板停车流线研究,Research on the Streamline of Inclined Parking©浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
As a local design company, we have a better understanding of the “operation” characteristics of the city. By simplifying the use experience and optimizing the operation interface, we can think of the Internet. To improve the participation of citizens and sort out the fragmented traffic at the end of the city, we won the competition by virtue of the network parking products connected to the “micro hub” of the city’s terminal traffic network.
The Haida parking building is a product specification that introduces the whole “parking building plan” vividly.
Building appearance along the road on the south side© 赵强
Building appearance along the road on the south side© 赵强
简化使用体验 Simplify user experience
The core of the parking building is undoubtedly the organization of streamline. Different from the traditional style, this case attempts to “regulate” the way of searching parking space. The parking area adopts the combination of horizontal floor slab and inclined board, which eliminates the concept of layers. Pre-parked vehicles always run in the parking area, and users no longer need to choose routes. The first empty parking space they encounter according to the search streamline is the nearest parking space. One-way dual carriageways also ensure that parked cars do not interfere with moving cars behind them.
▼嵌套在架空层内圆形坡道,Spiral ramp located at one end of the parking area© 赵强
Different from entering the vehicle, the purpose of leaving the vehicle is clearer, and they will be more anxious. Therefore, we believe that placing incoming and departing vehicles in the same streamline is inefficient and inconsistent with user psychology. The three-dimensional parking building also provides the possibility of creating a shortcut: a special spiral ramp is located at one end of the parking area, and connects the horizontal sections of each elevation to form a shortcut independent of the entry streamline, catering to the needs of users to leave quickly.
You can also feel the light and shadow and the changes of the seasons when driving on the slope© 赵强
Optimize the user interface
Simple and complete forms such as traffic signs are often easier to remember. Parking buildings need a certain degree of recognition so that users can recognize them from the surrounding urban background. Redundant architectural vocabulary is abandoned.
The parking building that reborn the base© 赵强
Floating architectural form, open and rhythmic architectural skin, combined with the introduction of stream-like lighting layout and ecological plants, not only reflects the aesthetic feeling of the automobile industry, but also has the necessary identification. It is also different from the cold and closed image of traditional parking buildings.
Simple and elegant night view of parking building© 赵强
The ramps at the east and west sides bring a unique parking experience© 赵强
The inner light makes the perforated aluminum sheet skin like a hazy veil© 赵强
▼夜景局部,Night scene part © 赵强
The introduction of the atrium space can break the closed sense of personal space in the box, especially for parking building this kind of space is relatively drab buildings, the atrium as people with architectural space center position sense, at the same time transformation space atmosphere, provide memory coordinates and bring stability to the person relaxed feeling to return place.
▼开敞的三角形中庭,Open triangular atrium© 章鱼见筑
▼连接中庭的步行楼梯,Pedestrian stairs connecting the atrium© 赵强
In the parking building, people and vehicles are separated. The open space at the bottom, as a continuation of the urban public space, is arranged to provide social services and convenient functions for surrounding residents or users.
Main commercial entrance on the east side of the ground floor© 赵强
The ground floor overhead space set up in conjunction with the commercial entrance on the north side© 赵强
Overhead space, sunken courtyard, landscape art or activity facilities are partially set on the first floor and underground floor to improve the vitality of the space and introduce commercial flow of people. It not only creates good landscape effect and commercial value, but also provides an open place for people to have leisure and communication, so as to shorten the relationship between the city and people, thus increasing the intimacy of the building.
Underground commercial entrance set on the west side combined with the sunken plaza© 章鱼见筑
Reserved Access port
自驾并不是通勤的唯一方式。停车楼底层架空,地面设置公共自行车与共享单车网点,使停车楼能够拓展 1-2 公里的较为便捷的通勤半径;结合设置电动汽车租赁站点,使停车楼的角色由起止点向中转站过渡。特别是当这样的停车楼以网点的形式布局时,更多的人会愿意使用停车楼。
Self-driving isn’t the only way to commute. The bottom of the parking building is elevated, and public bicycle and shared bike outlets are set on the ground, so that the parking building can expand the convenient commuting radius of 1-2 km. Combined with the establishment of electric car rental stations, the role of parking buildings from the starting point to the transfer station. Especially when such parking buildings in the form of network layout, more people will be willing to use parking buildings.
▼坡道与架空空间,Ramps and overhead spaces © 赵强
Car ramp and pedestrian stairs in the atrium© 赵强
Sorting out development logic
总体布局上,针对不规则用地,部分区域停车效率偏低,可以用 18 米宽的折板为标尺,环绕场地一周,将占地要求最小的螺旋坡道放在较局促的一侧,从而得到停车效率最高的建筑轮廓。
Research on the Commercial Compound Mode of Parking Building and Ground Floor © 赵强
Tidal area on the second floor© 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
In terms of the overall layout, parking efficiency is low in some areas due to irregular land use. Folding boards with a width of 18 meters can be used as a ruler to circle the site, and the spiral ramp with the minimum area requirement is placed on the narrow side, so as to obtain the building contour with the highest parking efficiency. Logically, the ground floor is for commercial use, the second floor is for “tidal parking” of horizontal floor, and the third floor and above is for folding board + spiral ramp parking area. The significance of “tidal parking” is that during peak times, more parking Spaces can be provided. Evening and holidays are conditional to set up some temporary business or community activities, but also for some auto shows, assembly to provide places.
▼潮汐停车区域,Tidal parking area© 赵强
建筑主体采用装配式 PC 预制混凝土,表皮采用预制构件,快速装配,成本较低。通过同一构件不同拼接的方式营造出富有变化的立面效果,穿孔板可避免在停车楼内部形成炫光,提高行驶的安全性。每块单元板上除了考虑装饰性、通风与采光外,还预留有泛光灯槽,实现建筑表皮像素化,可满足多种模式泛光效果、广告、大型活动背景板等多场景的要求。
The main body of the building adopts prefabricated PC precast concrete, and the skin adopts prefabricated components, which can be assembled quickly and cost is low. Through different splicing methods of the same component to create a varied facade effect, perforated panels can avoid the formation of dazzling light inside the parking building to improve driving safety. In addition to decoration, ventilation and lighting, floodlight slots are reserved on each unit board to realize the pixelation of the building skin, which can meet the requirements of multiple scenes such as flood light effect of various modes, advertising, and large event background board.
▼表皮肌理局部,Local epidermal texture © 赵强
Haida parking building will be a monomer building to seriation, reproducible guideline is put forward, with pure simplified experience, to optimize the design of the user interface for a starting point, tease out a set of its continuity to build logic and technological means, focus on the design of the parking building, by car to put forward a chaining can realize the business of the parking building solutions.
Research on the size of perforated aluminum plate unit components©浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
Research on the Angle of Folding of Unit Components©浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
Research on perforation pattern of unit component© 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
-1st floor plan
▼一层平面图,1st floor plan
2nd floor plan
▼三、四层平面图,3rd/4th floor plan©浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼五层平面图,5th floor plan
设计时间:2017 年
完成时间:2020 年 7 月
总建筑面积:28860 平方米
EPC 工程总承包:浙江省一建建设集团有限公司
Project name: Hangzhou Qiantou Haida Parking Building
Design: The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University Co, Ltd (UAD)
Design year: 2017
Completion Year: 2020.July
Gross Built Area (square meters): 28860
Photo Credits: zystudio
Clients:: Hangzhou Wenting Project Management Co., LTD
Brands / Products Used in the Project: Perforated aluminum plate、Imitation water exterior wall paint、grass
Lead Architect: Fan Xuzhuang
Architectural design: Fan Xuzhuang, Zhu Kai
IStructural design: Cheng Ke
Mechanical and electrical design: Fang Huoming, Sun Dengfeng, Shao Chunting, Yuan Xiaonan
Curtain wall design: Hangfei
Lighting design: Lu Danyu
Landscape design: Yao Haojun
Owner: Hangzhou Wenting Project Management Co., LTD
EPC Project general contractor: Zhejiang No.1 Construction Group Co., LTD
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