

Les Architectes FABG在将Guy-Gagnon体育场改造成凡尔登市Quai5160文化中心的竞赛中获得优胜。项目包含一个360座的演出厅,一间冥想室,一所面向邻里儿童的马戏学校,以及办公室等必要的辅助设施。
A winner of an architectural competition held for the conversion of the Guy-Gagnon Arena into a Cultural Center for the borough of Verdun, Quai 5160 includes a 360-seat performance room, an art gallery, a mediation room, a circus school for the children of the neighborhood as well as the additional offices and spaces necessary to implement this mission.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Steve Montpetit
The primary objective we pursued was to open this opaque building on the waterfront promenade and adjacent linear park to foster interaction with citizens while enhancing the sense of security around it. The project is part of a broader vision of valorization and development of the river banks that were once places for swimming and recreation before being contaminated by waste spills and the construction of buildings with an industrial character surrounded by vast asphalt areas. A new public beach has just been laid out, the renovation of the Verdun Auditorium is underway and a new public indoor pool is planned.
▼建筑位于滨水道路上,building on the waterfront promenade ©Steve Montpetit
The arena was a concrete structure covered with brown concrete bricks and, later, colored acrylic plaster surfaces. The outer shell was partially demolished but the structure was retained. An expansion allowed the addition of a large entrance hall generously open to the park and which includes a step staircase for performances and cultural mediation activities in an informal setting. A forecourt in the extension of the hall encourages complementary activities outside. All the mechanics have been hidden in the sanitary vacuum under the building and the biogas from the soil contaminated by the decaying waste in the basement are channeled and discharged through the drums on the outskirts of the forecourt.
▼扩建部分形成面向公园的宽敞通透入口,expansion creating an open entrance towards the park ©Steve Montpetit
▼温暖的公共空间与白色立面形成对比,contrast between the warm public space and the white facade ©Steve Montpetit
The new building envelope, designed on the principle of rain screen with a ventilated cavity is coated with aluminum panels with small perforations producing a slight visual vibration of the painted surface (fluoropolymer) with a high luster. Golden accents and oiled oak plank siding warm public spaces in contrast to the cold whiteness of the envelope. Some brick surfaces of the original building have been preserved and dyed black. They serve as a support for a wall of brass cut plates, designed as part of the arts integration program.
▼穿孔铝板立面细部,details of the perforated aluminum facade ©Steve Montpetit
▼前厅,vestibule ©Steve Montpetit
▼带有阶梯的入口公共空间,public entrance with steps ©Steve Montpetit
▼通透的空间,transparent space ©Steve Montpetit
▼阶梯可用来举办非正式的活动,steps allow for informal activities ©Steve Montpetit
▼展厅,exhibition room ©Steve Montpetit
▼健身房,gym ©Steve Montpetit
▼剧场,theater ©Steve Montpetit
This conversion project reflects the significant change that has occurred in recent years in public space, cultural practices, and the environment. It reflects the expectations of the public, elected officials, and architects who converge through more participatory design processes including the architecture competition, presentations to citizens, and the move to the Urban Planning Advisory Committee.
▼总平面图,site plan ©Les Architectes FABG
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Les Architectes FABG
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Les Architectes FABG
▼立面细部,facade details ©Les Architectes FABG
Project Name: Quai 5160-Maison de la Culture Verdun
Location: Verdun, Montreal
Commissioning Date: August 31, 2018
Client: Arrondissement of Verdun representative – Jean-Pierre Gauthier
Architecture Firm: Les Architectes FABG – Éric Gauthier, Marc Paradis, Dominique Potvin
Structure: SNC Lavalin
Mechanical, Electrical: SM Group
General Contractor: Construction TEQ Inc.
Scenography: Go Multimedia
Acoustician: Octave acoustics
Photographer: Steve Montpetit