Ness Point 住宅

2020/01/13 11:32:07
Ness Point是坐落在英格兰多佛白崖上的一幢新住宅,它以蜿蜒的姿态嵌入环境,将周围的绝妙景致尽收眼底。从横跨英吉利海峡的来往船只,到冬至时从海平面升起的太阳,再到名为Ness Point的沿海悬崖,每个房间都坐拥独特的风景,房屋也以此命名。该建筑在某种程度上属于凯尔特风格,由生长于此的当地客户委托Tonkin Liu事务所打造,以回应这一地标性的文化和家庭遗产。
▼多佛白崖边上的住宅,The house on the edge of the White Cliffs of Dover ©Tonkin Liu
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Ness Point is a new house set in the dramatic landscape of the White Cliffs of Dover. Hunkered into the land with undulating thick walls along its length, Ness Point is constructed as a journey with views that pull the surrounding landscape into the house. Each room is orientated towards a different aspect of the landscape, across the passing ships of the English Channel, towards the sun rising out of the sea at the winter solstice, to the coastal cliffs called Ness Point, after which the house is named. The client grew up in the locality and commissioned Tonkin Liu to design a modern building that responded to the cultural heritage of this landmark setting and to his own family heritage, suggesting that the building could in some ways be Celtic.
▼项目侧立面,Side facade ©Tonkin Liu
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Ness Point的设计就好像它是从其嵌入的土地中长出来的。具有生物多样性的绿色屋顶向下倾斜到房屋后方的地面上,在储存雨水的同时还为当地的野生动植物提供了栖居场所。随着时间的流逝,房屋逐渐融合到了沿海崖顶的景观中。
Ness Point has been designed as if it had grown out of the land in which it is embedded. The bio-diverse green roof slopes downward into the land at the rear, retaining rainwater and harbouring local wildlife, merging the house, over time, into the landscape of the coastal cliff top.
▼倾斜的生态多样性屋顶,Sloping eco-diversity roof ©Tonkin Liu
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▼房屋后部,At the back of the house ©Tonkin Liu
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Although the form is irregular the constructional techniques used to construct the house are traditional. The combined effect of undulating plan and inclined sections creates a cavernous internal space that has been articulated to allow flexibility of use. The interior catches the dynamism of the day’s changing light so that the building becomes a part of the larger canvas of ever-changing coastal weather.
▼从起居空间看向一望无际的海洋,The view from the living room is of the endless ocean  ©Tonkin Liu
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▼蜿蜒的落地窗,Winding French Windows ©Tonkin Liu
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▼楼梯间,Stair  ©Tonkin Liu
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为了回应高出海平面65米的悬崖顶部的裸露自然景观,住宅被设计成高度密封和隔热的围护结构。城堡般的Ness Point住宅采用了热回收和太阳能热再生系统,使得能源效率在冬季达到最大化。而长长的走廊天窗和生态通风口,使被动冷却系统在炎热的夏季骄阳下也能发挥作用。
In response to the exposed nature of cliff top site perched 65 meter above the sea, the house is designed as a highly sealed and insulated enclosure. The castle-like Ness Point House utilises heat recovery and solar thermal renewable systems to maximise energy efficiency in the winter, whilst the long gallery skylight and eco-vents enable passive cooling for equally exposed hot summer sun.
▼从厨房看向窗外露台,View from the kitchen onto the terrace ©Tonkin Liu
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▼长长的走廊天窗,Long corridor skylight ©Tonkin Liu
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▼顶部有天窗的卫生间,Bathroom with a skylight on top ©Tonkin Liu
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▼轴测图,axonometric drawing ©Tonkin Liu
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▼一层平面,Ground floor plan ©Tonkin Liu
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Client: Private
Location: Dover, UK
Status: Completed 2016
Size: 439 sq.m.
Structural Engineer: Eckersley O’Callaghan
Landscape Design: Tonkin Liu
Lighting: iGuzzini
Interior Design: Aedas
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