古堡中的现代科学教育中心——I-LOFAR 都柏林教育中心

2019/08/19 17:35:49
Cooney Architects
Appreciation towards
Cooney Architects
for providing the following description:
The town of Birr, a historic market town located in County Offaly, with its medieval roots and Georgian textures, has been Ireland’s eye to the solar systems from the 19th century. Birr Castle, once a medieval stronghold and now a tranquil oasis of mature trees and gardens, has been at the heart of Birr since the 12th Century.
▼镶嵌在Birr城堡花园中的建筑,the barn carved into the gently rolling hills of Birr Castle Gardens
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The Rosse telescope, also known as the Leviathan, a stone folly which still proudly stands on these historic grounds, side by side with the modern array of telescopic antenna, the Irish-European I-LOFAR telescope project.
▼古老花园周围的壮丽景色,with stunning views across the historic garden landscape
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The Mount Palmer Barn, a modest structure, that was once the daily meeting place for traditional demesne ac­tivities, is nestled between mature champion trees, on the edge of the vibrant river Camcor, carved into the gently rolling hills of Birr Castle Gardens.
▼坐落在老树间的谷仓,the barn nestled between mature champion trees
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The building is now a thriving education centre and science hub, located at a natural vantage point above the telescopic array, with stunning views across the historic garden landscape.
▼谷仓作为教育中心和科学中心,a thriving education centre and science hub
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Our approach was conserving the historic fabric and setting of Mount Palmer Barn, by applying a reversible, modern patina of textures to this modest structure.
▼谷仓室内效果,the interior view of the barn
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▼现代轻质骨架与石墙形成对比,a new lightweight modern carcass contrasting from the thick stone walls
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A new external skin of lime plaster, natural slates, and new hardwood timber windows were applied. Internally a new lightweight modern carcass, standing indepen­dent and contrasting from the thick stone walls, adds a functional support to modern activities and the visitor’s experience.
▼室内入口处,the entrance of indoor
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▼从室内看庭院,views from indoor to courtyard
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A low maintenance landscaped courtyard, enclosed by the historic stone walls of the yard, provides the setting for the education centre, with external seating, textured stone chippings and a corroded metal layer.
▼室外金属板,corroded metal layer outside
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▼石头围绕着的庭院, courtyard with external seating, textured stone chippings and a corroded metal layer
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▼总平面图,site map
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▼平面图,floor plan
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Trinity College Dublin
Architect: Frank Cooney, Bryan Brady, Ana Paula Barbosa, Lucy Yang
Main contractor: Michael Bracken & Sons
Completion Date: 2018.05
Location: Mount Palmer Barn and Yard, Birr Castle Demesne, Birr, Co. Offaly
Project Size: 140 Sqm
Budget: €250,000 approx
Project Photography: Ros Kavanagh
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