

位于Alvorada do Sul的住宅坐落于一片靠近Paranapanema河流的场地上,提供了一个探寻建筑与自然环境关系的绝佳机会。住宅设计融入地貌,适应场地冗长形状并充分利用河流湿地树林茂密的美丽景色。
This house, located in Alvorada do Sul, in a site right next to the Paranapanema River was an amazing opportunity to explore the relation between built and natural environment. The design seeks to adapt to the geography, the lengthy shape of the site and to appreciate the beautiful view over the wetlands of the river, quite wooded in the section.
▼度假住宅外观,exterior of the holiday house
Being so, the design takes party of the topography to assume a role of a belvedere for this holiday house. The volume is then divided in two rectangular blocks – private and social. The volumes are slightly miss-aligned, to create movement and independence.
▼住宅体量划分为公共和私密两个矩形体块,the volume is divided in two rectangular blocks – private and social
▼两个体量彼此稍稍错位形成动态感和独立感,the volumes are slightly miss-aligned, to create movement and independence
▼第一个体量靠近场地入口,the first, is closer to the entrance of the site
▼具有通向三间卧室的快速通道和私密感,this volume provides quick access and privacy for three bedrooms
The first, is closer to the entrance of the site, providing quick access and privacy for three bedrooms. The highlight is the main suite, which overview the property and the river, framed by the opening in front of the bed – a deserved private belvedere for the owners.
▼体块内最引人注目的是主卧室,the highlight is the main suite
▼从床前的窗户可以俯瞰场地与河流,main suite can overview the property and the river, framed by the opening in front of the bed
▼第二个体量位于场地后部,靠近泳池和宽敞的后部花园,通过一个抬高的木板平台连接室内外空间,the later, goes deeper on the site, reaching the pool and the generous back garden, connecting inside and outside through an elevated wooden deck
The later, goes deeper on the site, reaching the pool and the generous back garden, connecting inside and outside through an elevated wooden deck. This block works as a pavilion, hosting living, dinning and kitchen. The open plan, allows not only a dynamic use of these spaces, but also an unblocked view to the river from anywhere inside.
▼体块像是一个亭子,容纳了起居室、餐厅和厨房,this block works as a pavilion, hosting living, dinning and kitchen
Finally, the main aspect of this house is its materiality. The private volume was finished using stones extracted from the site before construction, adding a beautiful layer of the red colours from the region to the project. Moreover, the social volume has a particular history: it was built using bricks from an old factory owned by the family, which were disassembled carefully to build their new holiday house. This process is known as upcycling, which consists in the reuse of a discarded material without the necessity of any transformation.
▼公共社交体量具有特殊的历史意义:它使用了业主家族一家旧工厂的红砖建造而成,the social volume has a particular history: it was built using bricks from an old factory owned by the family
▼起居室,living room
▼用餐区域,dining area
▼厨房区域,kitchen area
The bricks what once hosted their work, now hosts their holidays. Thus, the whole house is attached to its site and its owner.
▼住宅场地中的小教堂,chapel in the site
▼从小教堂中回望度假住宅,view back to the house in this chapel
▼小教堂夜景,night view of the chapel
▼住宅夜景,night scene of the house
▼住宅平面图,house plan
▼小教堂立面,chapel elevation
▼剖面A,section A
▼剖面B,section B
Project size: 250 m2
Site size: 3000 m2
Completion date: 2017
Building levels: 1
Project team: Solo Arquitetos