

It is a simple formal gesture that revolves around the customers, set in the cozy enclosed space of a store finished using a single material. The wooden elements are the only new features introduced into the existing store. The preexisting beige marble floor, the glass shop windows and the Portuguese marble finish of the facade have all been preserved. The black coloring of the perimeter walls, of the preexisting dropped ceiling and of the curtains creates a backdrop that allows the shape and the content of the new use stand out when seen from the street.
▼从室外看眼镜店室内,the interior view of the optical store looking from the outside
▼爆炸轴测图,exploded axon
A free-standing piece of furniture made of birch produces both an embracing and a panoptical effect with its concave forms within the main space of the new “Óptica Loja”. It allows visualizing the entire space and invites customers to meander along its curved showcases.
▼眼镜店室内,内凹形式的独立式展墙组织室内空间,interior view of the optical store, the free-standing piece of furniture organizes the interior space with its concave forms
宽敞的商业空间围绕着这个独立式的展墙家具排列,值得一提的是,这个展墙由曲线形的天花板构件和桦木饰面的弧形胶合板打造而成, 并将整个室内空间划分成了两部分:凹进的公共区域和凸出的私人区域。这些曲线造型不仅定义了两个区域之间的主要分隔元素,还被用于其他的室内家具如陈列柜、座椅和柜台等,同时,它们也为整个室内空间提供了一种统一性和连续性,在室内空间中创造出一种蜿蜒的交通流线,消除了一切视线遮挡。通过弧形墙体这种设计手法,无论是从入口看,还是从公共区域的中心看,整个销售区域都在室内占据着主导的地位。
The ample commercial space is organized around this piece built with curved plywood panels with a birch finishing that divides two spaces: the public area, which is concave, and the private area, which is convex. These curved shapes define both the main separating element between the two areas and the rest of the furniture-showcases, seats and counters, while they also unify and give continuity to the ensemble, generating curved itineraries and panoptical views of the merchandise. In this way, both from the entrance and from the middle of the public area, and thanks to the curved walls, the entire sales area is dominated.
▼眼镜店室内局部,商业空间围绕着弧形展墙排列,partial interior view, the commercial space is organized around the curved display wall
This furnishing element divides de the original space both horizontally and vertically, creating two environments thanks to its different proportions and concavities. After entering the shop, one accesses the first space marked by a larger curve with a diameter of 6.25 m; it includes the welcome counter and its height maintains that of the original store. From there, customers enjoy a panoramic view of the optical store and all of its products. The showcase in the shape of a circular table and the round lamp that hangs above it further highlight the centripetal sense of this first space.
▼第一空间区域内的柜台迎接区域,the welcome counter in the first space
At the back, a second curve with a smaller diameter of 3.25 m intersects with the larger curve. Here, the height is reduced by means of a dropped, birch-panel ceiling, thus generating a cozier and more private space in the personalized attention area around the second counter. This second curved space replicates the first space providing the same effect by including a smaller showcase and lamp in the center. The lighting adapts to the geometry of the curved ensemble and it is placed strategically with respect to the showcases and the merchandise.
▼室内第二空间区域,弧形墙面直径较小,the second curved space with a smaller diameter
▼室内第二空间区域局部,包括一个客服中心,partial interior view of the second curved space including a customer service
▼第一二空间区域交接处细节,details of the junction where the first space and the second space meet
▼室内展墙细节,details of the interior display wall
▼室内的圆形座椅,the round seatings in the interior store
▼眼镜店夜景,night view of the optical store
▼平面布置图,layout plan
▼北立面图,north elevation
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼剖面图A-A,section A-A
▼剖面图B-B,section B-B
work name: PANÓPTICA
location: Avda de Pérez del Álamo 3. Loja (Granada) .Spain
date of ending: June 2018
author: Jose Luis Muñoz (Re-Activa Arquitectura)
colaborators: Aida Caballero, architect; Daniel Usero, architect
photographer: Fernando Alda
owner/promoter: Óptica Loja S.L. (David Sánchez Echeverría)
cost: 36,500,00 euros
Built surface: 107,35 m2
Companys envolved: Pedro Félix (carpentry), Carlos Guerrero (electricity)