

Appreciation towards URBANUS for providing the following description:
Located in Zhongbei Town, Tianjin, and next to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the former Meiya Automobile Factory has been empty for years. Since the Grand Canal has been successfully granted as one of the World Cultural Heritages, this once industrial area is designated to be renovated into the OCT Loft Creative Culture Park, a new urban model to attract creative business to stimulate new urban lifestyle along the Grand Canal.
▼改造后的广场鸟瞰,aerial view ©夏至
▼广场改造后轴侧图,axonafter renovation
▼隐喻大运河的巨构台阶,the grandiose stair is a metaphorical expression of the Grand Canal ©夏至
In order not to affect the subsequent development, the Grand Canal Creative Center, the first showcase project to launch the new development, is to renovate a building at the farthest corner of the campus, hidden behind a grove of poplars. This unfavorable location instead inspires the idea of using a nearly 200 meters long zigzagged stair to lead visitors to ceremonially approach the building, and such an exaggerated visualization of the hidden building also symbolizes that a grounded large ship is ready to set sail. Tactfully enlarging the image of the factory building, this grand stair ascends to the second floor level when it reaches to the foot of the building, and the effect of the grandiose stair make the humble building as a solemn Greek temple.
▼改造后的二层厂房剖轴侧图,axon of the factory building after renovation
改造后的厂房山墙(左)©夏至;希腊雅典神庙。gable wall of the renovated factory building (left);the solemn Greek temple
▼巨构台阶与创意市集,the grand steps and the creative market©华侨城
▼改造后展厅入口大楼梯,entrance stair of the exhibition hall©夏至
▼改造后展厅入口大楼梯与玻璃天光门廊,aerial view of the grand stair and theporch with skylights©夏至
二层展厅外廊轴侧图,axon of the porch along the exhibition hall
玻璃天光门廊,the porch illuminated by skylights©夏至
历史与当下共存,thecoexistence of history and present©夏德岛
▼封闭的弧形锈钢板走道引向展厅,the enclosed corten steel corridor leading to the exhibition hall©张之洲
▼钢板走道内部,interior view©王辉
▼改造前的厂房,the factory building before renovation
With an original floor area of not more than 3,000㎡, the new program of the three-level “Grand Canal Creative Center” includes functions of exhibition, office, reception, meeting, cafe, etc. with more than 5,000㎡. The original floor height is very tight for such a 3-story expansion. This tough restriction sparkles a simple layout: the plan is divided into two parts to house public exhibition in the front, and the office headquarters at the back; the section is divided into three parts to make the exhibition sandwiched between the upper and lower office areas. This layout helps to maximize the interaction between the public and private parts.
▼改造空间剖透视图,sectional perspective after renovation
二层展厅入口主空间轴侧,axon of the main exhibition hall on the first floor
Haunted by the trusses of the original building with an aura of industrial environment, the main space for exhibition is located on the second floor level so as to make the visitors be intimately closer to the trusses. In contrast to the white exhibition space, a grand stair in black descends to the ground floor level and serves as a theatric place.
二层展厅主空间,main exhibition hall
▼二层展厅主空间与屋架结构,roof structure of the main exhibition hall ©夏至
▼屋架结构的重复带来的空间秩序,the roof structure creates a sequence of space©夏至
▼下沉到地面层的黑色大看台,a grand stair in black descends to the ground floor level©夏至
▼具有浓烈工业气息的屋架结构,roof structure with a strong industrial impression
▼白色屋架与远处上层空间外维护饰面的白色张拉网,detailed view of the white trusses andstretch-draw frame
The layout of the main exhibition floor is in two homocentric squares. The long walls on both sides are slanted with a small angle to achieve a better tension between the new and the old. Several circular windows are installed to mimic the ship portholes to recall the theme of the re-setting sail of the old factory building.
“回”字的布局的两侧空间,the layout of the main exhibition floor is in two homocentric squares©张之洲
▼“回”字的布局的两侧斜墙,the sloped walls of the exhibition area©夏至
Le Corbusier used to say: “une maison, un palais.” Here, a humble factory building is sensitively treated as a palace as well by a set of strategies: firstly, not to redo the elevation but just to furnish the new ground; secondly, enlarging the building image by means of attaching a long exuberant tail to it; thirdly, glorifying the industrial space aura by exposing the original structure in an intimate way; and most importantly, embedding space within space to generate unexpected impact. In the age of the post-industrial time, we are dealing with more and more industrial heritages. It is time to let it happen: a factory building, a palace.
▼“回”字布局轴侧与中央大型装置展区轴侧图,axon of the central exhibition area for large-scale installation
Hidden in the very center of the building lies the gem of the Grand Canal Creative Center — the Flowing Water Temple. It is a dark and deep space dominated by a huge multimedia installation. Unlike conventional exhibition, this installation indeed is an archive of the Grand Canal information, presented in a way of myth and mystery.
直径叙事主持设计师李德庚,艺术家周文斗以及新媒体团队signal alpha设计和制作的大型装置:行水圣殿,the Flowing Water Temple, installation work by Li Degeng and Zhou Wendou©夏德岛
▼“行水圣殿”装置,the Flowing Water Temple©夏至
▼改造后的广场夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of the campus at night©夏至
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
二层平面图,first floor plan
▼三层平面图,second floor plan
完整项目信息项目名称:天津·京杭大运河创想中心项目类型:景观/厂房改造项目地点:天津·中北镇建设单位:天津华侨城设计单位:URBANUS都市实践主持建筑师:王辉建筑设计团队完整名单:姚咏梅、郑娜、张富军、郝钢、石浩、梁雪成、姚翔、王喆、李永才、徐卓然、陈宇、方轶楠、武婧、高子絮、孟江璞|秦嘉悦、许涵泳、赵丽璐、刘子莘(实习)设计时间(起迄年月):2017-2018建设时间(起迄年月):2018用地面积(平方米):13,000平方米建筑面积(平方米):2,800平方米(改造前);5,630平方米(改造后)规划、建筑、景观、室内设计:URBANUS都市实践结构鉴定与施工图设计:天津市房屋鉴定建筑设计院策展及展览设计:直径叙事设计团队成员:李德庚(策展人/总设计师)、周文斗(艺术总监)、白金、陈玲、付頔、关一为、凌勇、李嘉辉、马妍灵、徐晓茵、徐诗涵、杨率平面设计:石松子设计顾问新媒体设计:SIgnal α灯光设计:吉晟通照明影视媒体:铸间影像/深圳杰尔斯展览服务有限公司展陈施工:深圳杰尔斯展览服务有限公司装置制作:上海建谆景观工程有限公司专家顾问:运河研习社、设计营照明设计:北京光影同创城市文化发展有限公司施工:中铁建工集团有限公司西北分公司摄影师:夏至影视:夏德岛