▼建筑外观,exterior view
Wutopia Lab was given the task by tourism company Aranya to revamp their concierge room near their offices to change it into a “striped” tourism information center.
▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view of the site
▼像海魂衫一样的条纹包裹了整个立面,the building is entirely covered withthe pattern of sea-striped shirts that is immediately associated with sailors and the ocean
▼令人“眩晕”的立面,the facade brings a dizzy feeling
立面细部,facade detailed view
▼改造前的访客中心,the original building
近景鸟瞰,a close aerial view
▼原有的建筑表皮被剥离,留下一个纯粹的半透明玻璃盒子,the skin of the original house was first replaced with semi-transparent glass to create a translucent box
玻璃盒子外部的围墙形成了一个半开放的院落,the box is surrounded by a solid wall, which creates a court yard that acts as the intermittent space between inside and outside
▼内部庭院,courtyard view
围墙和玻璃盒子以及院落一起成为游客中心的完整表达,the solid wall is not to be mistaken as a secondary element as it holistically unitizes the box and the courtyard
▼条纹削弱了围墙的实体感受,the effect of these stripes dissipates the dominating presence of the solid wall
That is all we can talk about this exterior wall, but this wall has become an obvious building elevation and instead flattens the layering effect and architectural romance that I attempt to achieve. This is what I don’t want to see, yet, I am attached to the holistic nature of this wall and I also don’t want to replace this with just another semi-transparent wall. This building is located near the ocean and the structure to support light weight material such as polycarbonate and perforated steel will become much too bulky because of strong ocean winds.
墙壁和圆窗细部,detailed view of the facade and the round opening
What Aranya keeps on emphasizing and reminding me is the ocean. This made me think of the pattern of sea-striped shirts that is immediately associated with sailors and the ocean. I decided to use this pattern to cover completely this wall and grounds. The effect of these stripes dissipates the dominating presence of the solid wall, creating an optical illusion that distorts the elevation of this structure. Along with the deliberate punctures through the wall and the people occupying inside the semi-transparent box, this spatial arrangement creates an ambiguous and much more romantic setting. With this, the desired result was achieved even through the initial design plan was different.
立面细部,facade detail
This has become a newly formed antithesis, that evokes a certain giddiness that leads you to the sea.
夜景,night view
▼总平面图,master plan
▼1层平面图,plan level 1
设计:Wutopia Lab
设计团队:潘大力 孙悟天
摄影:CreatAR Images 艾清
Area:35 m2
Project Year:2018.10
Project Name: Aranya visitor center
Firm: Wutopia Lab
Chief Architect: YU Ting
Project Architect: Zhilin MU
Design Team: Dali PAN, Wutian SUN
Photography: CreatAR Images
Location: Qinhuangdao
Area: 35 square meters
Material:Glass curtain wall,Steel plate,Coating,Floor paint