

新零售体验店|New Retail Experience Store
The Cotton Lab Urban Lounge, designed by Atelier Archmixing, is located in a technology park in Changzhou city, Jiangsu Province. It was a standard industrial factory.The client has been operating a clothes store on Tmall successfully, and then in 2017 they designed and created a store focusing on the aesthetics of life by experiencing clothes and catering consumption, and selected a place far away from the downtown to build an offline brand – ‘Cotton Lab’ in the environment of new retail format.
▼棉仓城市客厅东立面,east elevation of Cotton Lab ©WU Qingshan
“在新的线上线下融合的商业模式中,虚拟空间中的网店与实体空间中的“新零售体验店”,相互成为展示性的“橱窗”和进行体验和消费的场所。这种新的“内外”关系正在成为当下中国建筑普遍存在的状况。” (鲁安东. 棉仓城市客厅:一个内部性的宣言[J]. 《建筑学报》2018(7))
In this online/offline combined new commercial model, the store in the virtual world and the “new retail experience store” in physical world have emerged as a display “window” and a place for experiencing and consumption respectively. This new “internal and external” relationship is prevailing in the Chinese architectural industry. (LU Andong. Cotton Lab Lounge: A Manifesto of Interiority [J]. Architectural Journal, 2018(7):52-55)▼主入口,the entrance©SU Shengliang
屋中屋 |House in House
▼大厅,big lobby©WU Qingshan
"After accepting the commission, we are facing three major problems. First problem is how to coordinate and bridge the gap between large-sized inner space of a factory and small-sized space for retail and catering consumption. The second is about how to create attractive space at lower cost. And the third is how to make the new space comfortable economically as the original factory building is simply designed and energy-costing." Said the architect, "Finally we chose a ’House in House’ design strategy which aims to build a complete new-type independent structure inside the main factory building to balance these two major functions.
▼大厅由天窗照亮,the lobby illuminated by the skylight © WU Qingshan
▼从室内望向入口,view from the inside to the entrance ©SU Shengliang
▼钢结构的服装成衣舱体,air ducts and the chamber for clothing
Two high, straight and transparent chambers of the “House in House” which go parallel in north-south direction are the same in the outline, as they adopt a standard cross-section of arch shape with sharp point in the middle but completely different in construction. One chamber for clothing which uses steel structure is totally white, which appears so charming and fashionable that it is just appropriate for clothes display.
▼白色的舱体用于服装的展示,entrance of clothing retail ©SU Shengliang
▼室内空间,interior view ©WU Qingshan
▼屋顶钢结构细部,structure detail ©SU Shengliang
▼钢木结构的餐饮空间,air ducts and the chamber for Chufan restaurant
The other chamber is a combination of steel-timber structured catering space and multifunctional space featured as comfortableness presented by the architect. The broken line-shaped wooden poles hanging over head adds both intimate feeling and sense of steadiness.
▼餐厅入口,entrance of Chufan restaurant ©WU Qingshan
▼从餐厅看向零售空间,view from CHUFAN restaurant to clothing chamber ©SU Shengliang
自然光照亮餐厅内部,Chamber for “Chufan” with natural light©WU Qingshan
折线形的木杆重重叠叠地在头顶形成一个富有亲近感,且有一定分量感的覆盖,the broken line-shaped wooden poles hanging over head adds both intimate feeling and sense of steadiness©WU Qingshan
▼餐厅立面,elevation of the chamber of restaurant ©SU Shengliang
▼结构细部,structure detail ©SU Shengliang
The main factory building applies natural ventilation as the first defense for the space to form an initial environment while two newly-added structures apply new-type ventilation system to make up an independent and fully closed air-conditioning environment separately. Such system allocation does not only solve the functional problems but also emerge eventually as a complete set of visual model fully matching to the structure in the space.
▼舱体结构外观,exterior view of the chamber structures ©WU Qingshan
▼细部,air ducts and chamber©SU Shengliang
The entrance lobby of the building connects with the outer space directly in addition to the connection with other sites of the “Cotton Lab” includes: restaurant, clothes retail store and indoor activity space.
▼大厅直接与外部空间相连通,也连接着整个“棉仓”的其他场所,the entrance lobby of the building connects with the outer space directly in addition to the connection with other sites of the “Cotton Lab” ©WU Qingshan
内部中的内部|Interior of the interior
Neither of the newly-added chambers occupy too much in this factory building but to leave a vacancy between them where there are a lot of sports and passive facilities for both children and adults. People may feel wandering in street or square when they take a leisure time here. Thanks to the “House in House” or “Interior of the interior” design, everyone is able to experience a kind of “mild exterior” when staying inside the factory building.
舱体之间有意留出一处带状空地,“Platform” space between the two chambers©SU Shengliang
▼在厂房“内部”体验一种“温和的外部”,a “mild exterior” inside the factory building©WU Qingshan
▼场地平面图,master plan
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
建筑面积:6300 m2
建筑设计团队:庄慎、唐煜、朱捷、王迪、邓健、叶阳、游诗雨、张灏宸、黎家泓、许晔(实习生)、周炜楠(实习)结构设计师:源规建筑结构设计事务所(普通合伙)/ 张业巍、余威威、李秋云、徐永芊
木结构施工单位:上海思卡福建筑工程有限公司/戈苹 庄晓峻 周向前 龚晓莉 徐蓉蓉
品牌:宁波佳斯达/ 6mm厚挤出型聚碳酸酯板
宁波佳斯达/ 20mm厚米字型中空阳光板
镀锌方钢/ 江苏国强镀锌实业有限公司
Project name: Renovation of Cotton Lab in Changzhou
Architect’ Firm: Atelier Archmixing
Lead Architects: Atelier Archmixing / ZHUANG Shen, REN Hao, TANG Yu, ZHU Jie
Project location: No.8, Sanjing Science Park, No.25 Changjiang Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu prov-ince,China
Completion Year: 2018
Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): 6300sqm
Photo credits: SU Shengliang, WU Qingshan
Other participants
Design Team: ZHUANG Shen, TANG Yu, ZHU Jie, WANG Di, DENG Jian, YE Yang, YOU Shiyu, ZHANG Haochen, LI Jiahong, XU Ye(Intern), ZHOU Weinan(Intern)Structural Engineer: Shanghai Wildness Structural Des. Firm Inc. (General Partnership) / ZHANG Yewei, YU Weiwei, LI Qiuyun, XU Yongqian
Mechanical and Electrical Consultant: JIAO Xueyuan, CAO Yang, LU Renjie, SHEN Jian
Constructor: Changzhou Haige Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. / LIAO Qiang, ZHOU Aiming, HE Tao
Wood structure constructor:Shanghai SKF Builder / GE Ping, ZHUANG Xiaojun, ZHOU Xiangqian, GONG Xiaoli, XU Rongrong
Client: Jiangsu Cotton Lab Clothing Co., Ltd.
Brands / Products:Ningbo JSD Co., Ltd. / 6mm PC plate
Ningbo JSD Co., Ltd. / 20mm M-shaped hollow sun board
Jiangsu Guoqiang Galvanization Industrial Co., Ltd / Q235B Galvanized square steel
Shanghai SKF Builder / Nordic Finnish spruce glulam