

Appreciation towards CUC · ZOYO for providing the following description:550 days and nights, we completed an atypical landmark in the Qianyang town of Ningbo.
地标是一个地方的第一视觉、第一印象,第一记忆, 是“高”是“大”是“精致”是“唯一”。然而左右的建筑师们却在宁波前洋镇的在一片荒芜之中,建造了一座非典型性地标建筑——宁波前洋E商小镇。当左右的建筑师第一眼见到这块土地的时候他们就知道,这是他们通过城“势”形“意”的设计理念进行地标创造的完美实验。
Landmark is the first vision, the first impression, and the first memory of a place. They represent the height, the delicateness, and the uniqueness of a place. However, the architects from ZOYO have built an atypical landmark building in the Qianyang town-Qianyang E town of Ningbo. When ZOYO’s architects first saw the site, they knew that it was a perfect experimental challenge for them to create a landmark through the idea of designing “architectural form” from “urban momentum”.
欢喜参半:用地的特点和限制|Mixed Joy: Site features and Limitations
Qianyang E town serves as the north entrance of Ningbo Jiangbei District. It is the first stop of North Ningbo highway, as well as the gateway connects Shanghai, Hangzhou and the main city area of Ningbo. It is not only the demonstration area of the innovation industry agglomeration of Jiangbei, but also the core composition of Ningbo E-business town. At the same time, there is no heavy burden of historical context, which relieve the architects to attempt bold and creative spatial design for city’s spirit and lead the future of science and technology sense of architecture. The design methodology meats both geographical sense and functional morphology, which perfectly fits the requirements for landmarks. The project is surrounded by large-scale urban roads. On the west, there is Guanshan rivers, which is the Grand Canal Nature Reserve, because of the natural landscape, site is strictly limited to a maximum height of 50m. At the same time, about 70000m2 land use is naturally separated by the sinking river beneath the mountain, therefore the site lacks South-North connection. Broken, scattered site organizations is difficult to make a breakthrough design in the single building scale, that’s why the project cannot be the same towards the traditional marked with the “height”, “scale”, “delicate” for the design of the spindle, atypical design is the inevitable trend.
▼鸟瞰建筑,bird view
城“势”——打破典型性地标的主流思路|Urban “Momentum”- Break the typical landmarks mainstream ideas
▼城势是建筑在城市环境中意志体现,Urban Momentum is the embodiment of the will of the building in the urban environment
Urban Momentum is the embodiment of the will of the building in the urban environment and the attitude of the city. We care about the intrinsic nature of the building, they should have their own personality, rather than making no difference under different contexts. This is the relationship with the environment, the interaction with the city, and the organization of space. Qianyang E-town, which based on the characteristics of the urban context and site itself, produces a similar, but distinct impression of the city.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
突破创新:城势在内外的两种手法,连续&爆炸|Breakthrough innovation: both inside and outside the urban momentum practices, continuous & explosion
▼形态生成过程,Morphogenesis process
By taking the central landscape as the “explosive particle”, surrounded buildings will scattered from inside to outside
形“意”——强调未来感的形体空间塑造|Shape “meaning” — emphasize the shape and space of future feeling
▼基于“爆炸”的设计概念进行设计,based on the design concept of “explosion”
The urban momentum appeals to the attitude of architecture. Form “meaning” pays more attention to the expression of architectural form language. Through the combination of architecture and its organization, the shaping form of the building and the expression facade, the artistic conception elaborated by the architect should be well-presented.
Ningbo Qianyang E town is based on the design concept of “explosion”. Explosion not only produces to the heart of the architectural form, but also on the building facade, functions and partition, these elements construct three layers of a concentric circles: the office sector on the outside, the sharing space in the middle, and the supporting experience space inside.
▼在建筑的立面、功能和分区上划分出自内而外的三层同心圆,construct three layers of a concentric circles
对内空间组织|internal space organization
Office space is constructed with research and development space, creative space, soho space and etc., providing the most essential and most basic working space.
The Shared space is an interactive section for communication in the park, providing comprehensive meetings, venues, seminars and offline experience which meet different needs at different levels.
The supporting experience space is set around the central water system landscape, and it is prepared for road show, report and display function to meet the characteristics of modern e-commerce platform.
沿街立面与周边景观, facadeAlong the street and surrounding landscape
对外立面选取|Selection of Facade
There are two systems of facade. One of the most eye-catching one is the continuation of 100 meters of aluminum plate. Every piece of metal plate is rigorously designed, the combination is like the blowing winds over metal ripples caused the general ups and downs. The facade system established the breathing system for the building, and created the lightness and the fashion sense of science and technology. The facade easily pulled the distance from the traditional project. The material is made of a 3mm perforated metal rotating aluminum plate, which neither causes too much glare reflection nor provides enough natural light for the interior of the building. Lining of toughened glass has high security and good energy saving: coefficient of heat transfer < 2.0, < 0.4, the transmission ratio > 0.4 shading coefficient, reflectivity < 0.16, in the E-business town project, all the glass curtain walls adopted the energy security products.On the northeast corner of the building, the designer selected a 3mm thick strip color aluminum plate and aluminum alloy tensile net plate combination system. The aluminum alloy is organized according to the line of the stair order and keel which is connected effectively, and modeled translucent visual effect, added hazy feeling and future feeling for the science and technology attribute of the park. In order to make the central landscape more fully infiltrated, Zoyo’s architects selected a large area of glass curtain wall as the facade facing the landscape stage. In such an office space, people can easily enjoy the maximum landscape view through the panoramic window, and truly integrate the landscape of the park into the working environment. When the architect starts to design the joint facades along the street and inside, he boldly uses the diagonal aluminum alloy sunshade board with purple and green stitching to combine with the strip glass curtain wall. The extended lines echo the design core of “explosion”, and a series of smart and smooth lines are drawn in the park.
▼铝合金遮阳百页板,continuation of 100 meters of aluminum plate
▼每一块金属板都经过严密的角度推敲,组合后犹如风吹过引起的金属涟漪一般起伏延续,Every piece of metal plate is rigorously designed, the combination is like the blowing winds over metal ripples caused the general ups and downs
以人为本的使用体验|People-oriented user experience
In addition to space organization and building facades, concentric circular zoning also provides users with a 16-hour work circle within the park. Zoyo Architects have always been studying the relationship between working rhythm and building space. When you arrive at the company at 8:30am, after Parking on the ground floor, you can take the direct ladder to the spacious and comfortable personal office area to start your work life for one day. Then you walk into a bright shared space at 10 o’clock for meetings and discussions, and meet with colleagues at 11 o’clock for communication and brainstorming sessions. At Noon you can rest in supporting business area in central park to enjoy delicate cate alleviate the fatigue of work, after a short nap on the second floor terrace reception to visit customers, park center can provide cutting-edge performance space, and you can represent a roadshow report in the public area. Different and diverse zoning organizations have created a variety of behavioral stages for different working modes, which shows the design theory of Zoyo to truly consider the industrial park’s space and form from the users’ perspectives.
▼3mm厚的条形彩色铝板与铝合金拉伸网板组合的立面,3mm thick strip color aluminum plate and aluminum alloy tensile net plate combination system
紫色和绿色拼接的斜向铝合金遮阳板与条形玻璃幕墙,the diagonal aluminum alloy sunshade board with purple and green stitching to combine with the strip glass curtain wall
550天——突破限制的左右速度|550 days-Zoyo Speed
Every architect wants to be able to refine his or her design slowly and gently, to take full account of all the details and try to achieve the perfection between different pieces. However, the constructing time is not very rich, the seventy thousand square meters project from the bidding to the expected delivery time, is only at very most 550-day, and the merchanting is included. Time was tight and the project was so big that the architects gave up the idea of digging the basement down, instead they set the garage directly on the floor of the plate. This greatly shortens the working period. The ground garage not only provides better natural ventilation conditions and comfortable natural light, but also simplifies the traffic flow and gives the owner a better parking experience. In addition to the ground floor of several plates in the north and south, there is also a Parking building at the southwest corner of the park, providing nearly 400 Parking Spaces. The site is actually equipped with 887 motor vehicle Spaces, which greatly exceeds the 719 motor vehicle Spaces required without underground Parking. More importantly, the design of no downward excavation preserves the water storage capacity of the water-bearing land as the “sponge ecological project”.
The project also used a large number of steel structures to shorten the construction period. Using the position of the steel structure in the center, adjacent to the landscape with cantilever system, it strengthened the interaction between architecture and interior landscape. Meanwhile, the steel quality also has good environmental properties, from inside to out, the project meets the green energy saving mission. “Many architects are pursuing the novelty and pioneer of design concepts, but what kind of architecture can really be called a ‘good’ one. For me, a real good design is useful, which is to make the users who live and work in it feel comfortable, convenient and beautiful. Ningbo Qianyang E town is neither relying on height and size, nor to fight a refined protracted war. But by means of building design, architect presents a collection of creative and practical “landmarks”, the city is a perfect fusion of design conception and it is also about architects design of beginner’s mind and always.
项目名称 / project name:宁波前洋E商小镇 / Ningbo Qianyang E town
建筑公司 / architect or company:中联·左右建筑 / CUC · ZOYO
项目设计 & 完成年份 / Design year & Completion Year:2016年设计&2017年6月
主创及设计团队 / Leader designer & Team:首席建筑师:方晔/Chief architect:Fang Ye
创作人员:王尉、郦波、李盈 / creators:Wang Wei、Li Bo 、Li Ying
项目地址 / Project location:宁波 /Ningbo
建筑面积 / Gross Built Area (square meters):113660㎡
摄影师 / Photo credits:地产线 / Real Estate Frontier