

Appreciations towards Canada Wood for providing the following description:
In Dongyang of east China’s Zhejiang Province, you can find a stretch of wood structure resort villas in the middle of Mount Geshan’s Phoenix Valley, which seem to have grown naturally from the mountains and forests in the picturesque tourist resort of undulating hills. The villas represent the second phase of Dongyang’s Narada Phoenix Valley Resort. In the beginning of the development, the proprietor decided that wood structure would be a top planning priority, and eventually chose a series of timber from Canada’s legal logging areas that were supplied by Canada Wood as the main materials for erecting the villas.
▼项目鸟瞰,bird view of the project
Three reasons for choosing the wood structure
First, since the villas are surrounded by lucid waters and lush mountains, the property owner hoped that the buildings could naturally blend into the local environment in terms of building materials. Compared with traditional villas built with either the brick-concrete structure or the steel structure, wood structure ones are able to better communicate with the local environment and lively interpret the tranquil beauty of the Phoenix Valley, as wood is something that grows from the earth.
▼木结构建筑融入自然环境,wood structure blend into the local environment
Second, since the villas serve tourism and holiday purposes, the owner hoped that the buildings could bring occupants different living experiences with their inherent impressions of Lohas and naturality. Mankind has natural-born fondness and intimacy for wood, a kind of material that is able to breathe and automatically adjust the indoor temperature and humidity, providing natural and comfortable living experiences for those staying inside.
▼木材给人以自然亲近之感,wood creates a warm and intimate feeling
Third, out of practical economic considerations, the inherent properties of wood structure make it an erecting option of ease, speed, and flexibility. In fact, from design for completion, the three sample villas in the Phoenix Valley only took three months to finish, which was just a mission impossible for any other material.
▼胶合木梁筑结构示意图,便于搭建,glulam wood beam-column structure which is easy for construction
With considerations for site characteristics, wood structure villas of three distinctive styles, Chinese, Japanese and American, were designed for the project. It was hoped that through design tactics, lumber be offered different characters, and a dialogue between the lumber, the villas, and the surroundings be made possible as well.
▼总图,site plan
确定了建筑概念以后,对于具体的木结构形式的选择,业主特地请来了具有丰富木结构设计经验的工程师郭苏夷博士。最终,三栋别墅的主体结构采用了北美花旗松胶合木(Douglas Fir Glulam)梁柱式结构与云杉-松-冷杉(SPF)轻型木结构的混合结构体系。
Once the building concepts were finalized, the owner specially invited Dr. Su-Yi Guo, an engineer rich in experiences of designing wood structures, to help determine the actual structural form to be adopted.Eventually, a hybrid structural form combining the Douglas Fir Glulam beam-column structure and the SPF light-frame structure was adopted as the three villas’ main structure.
▼建筑采用北美花旗松胶合木梁柱式结构与杉-松-冷杉轻型木结构的混合结构体系,hybrid structural form combining the Douglas Fir Glulam beam-column structure and the SPF light-frame structure
As the name suggests, the load-bearing structural components of the glulam wood beam-column structure, namely the beams and the columns, are made with glued-Glulam frame and joined by metal connectors to form a beam-column structural system that shares the loads. Since the beam-column wood structure has a low lateral resistance, bracing or shear walls need to be added between columns to offset the lateral loads. Application of the glulam wood beam-column structure provided generous and comfortable meeting and public spaces for the villas and enabled an interesting interface for dialogue between the indoor and outdoor spaces.
▼面对庭院的界面采用胶合木梁筑,使室内外产生对话,glulam wood beam-column structure used at the interface of the interior and the garden
Meanwhile, the project’s light wood frames attended to more private living spaces, ensuring a high level of comfort and an ability of flexible spatial separation.
The light wood frames mainly use a system of wood-frame walls, wood floors and roofs made with dimension lumber and structural wood-based panels or gypsum wall boards.
Light-frame structural wood components are mostly connected by nails, although some are also joined together by toothed metal-plate connectors and special metal connectors.
The light wood frames boast multiple advantages, being easy to build, low in costs, and strong in quake-resistance.
室内采用轻型木结构,light wood frames used in the interior
In a way, modern wood structures can be viewed as a large-scale Lego toy, or a kind of refabricated construction.
▼木结构别墅A户型模型,Wood Structure Model for House A
其中,轻型木结构的预制基本单元主要有以下几类:1. 预制墙板:根据房间墙面大小将一片墙进行整体预制或分块预制成板式组件。预制墙板也分为承重墙体或非承重的隔墙。
2. 预制楼面板和预制屋面板:根据楼面或屋面的大小,将楼面搁栅或屋面椽条与覆面板进行整体连接,并预制成板式组件。
3. 预制屋面系统:根据屋面结构形式,将屋面板、屋面桁架、保温材料和吊顶进行整体预制,组成预制空间组件。
4. 预制空间单元:根据设计要求,将整栋木结构建筑划分为几个不同的空间单元,每个单元由墙体、楼盖或屋盖共同构成具有一定建筑功能的六面体空间体系。
The prefabricated wood structure refers to a process in which a building’s basic units are either fashioned into prefabricated panel components or prefabricated spatial components, or in which a building goes through whole-structure or sectional prefabrication, before the whole structure or the sections are transported onsite for connection with the foundation or assembled section by section. For basic units that are factory-prefabricated, insulation materials, ventilation facilities, water and electricity installations, and basic decorations can also be fitted for high levels of prefabrication. Both glulam structural wood components and light wood framess can be prefabricated, to achieve higher rates of prefabrication and assembly.
Among them, there are four types of prefabricated basic units for light wood frames:1. Prefabricated wallboards: in accordance with the room size, a wall can be prefabricated into one whole piece or sectional panel components. Prefabricated wallboards can be either load-bearing walls, or non-load bearing partition walls.
2. Prefabricated floor roof sheathing accordance with the size of the floor or roof, floor trusses or roof rafters can be wholly connected with sheathing panels to make prefabricated panel components.
3. Prefabricated roofing systems: in accordance with the roofing structural form, roof panels, roof trusses, insulation materials and ceilings can be wholly prefabricated to make prefabricated spatial components.
4. Prefabricated spatial units: in accordance with the design requirements, the whole wood-frame structure can be divided into several different spatial units, each forming a hexahedral spatial system of certain architectural functions together with walls, floors or roofs.
▼A户型结构剖面图,Section View for House A
From House Type A’s sectional view, which is the biggest of all three villas in terms of floor space, it’s easy to tell that within modern wood-frame structures, reasonable designing and structuring can make best use of lumber’s features and advantages, if they’re coupled with modern technological solutions such as professional protection, high-temperature carbonization treatment, fireproof plasterboards and fire-fighting equipment. These can all well address people’s common concerns for lumber, like perishability, inflammability and infirmness, which are of particular importance for the mountainous environment in which the villas are situated.
In addition, being heat-preserving and energy-saving, wood-frame structures boast long-tail economic effects for long-term use. Being a fine heat insulation material, lumber has a thermal resistance that is 400 times that of steel, and 10 times that of concrete or brick. When in use, given the same environmental conditions, wood-frame houses have an energy consumption that is at least 20% lower than that of concrete houses. When they have the same wall thickness, the thermal insulation property of wood-frame walls is over 7 times that of concrete.And structural wood components are light in weight – using the same dimension of structural components, a wood-frame structure weighs about 1/4 to 1/6 of a reinforced concrete structure, which is of particular importance to holiday resorts with a theme of mountain residence, because it won’t incur too heavy vertical transportation burdens. At the same time, fast erection also means fast put-into-use, and fast cost recovery.
▼建筑立面使用天然耐腐的加拿大西部红柏,Red Cedar used as facade material which is corrosion resistant
House Type A – Chinese Style
▼A户型外观,external view of House Type A
A户型为了营造东方的意境,特地在室内采用了大量高温碳化处理的黄桦木(yellow birch),黄桦细腻的纹理经过高温炉火的锤炼,透出自然的光泽和稳定耐久的性格。
To foster an oriental mood, a large amount of yellow birch, which went through high-temperature carbonization treatment, was applied to House Type A’s interior. Once tempered with high temperature, yellow birch’s delicate texture will shine with natural gloss and unbending properties.
courtyard, responding to the interior space
▼A户型立面图及剖面图,elevations and sections
House Type B – Japanese Style
Also, being a partially two-story villa, House Type B has a main structure that’s the same as House Type A, a hybrid structural form that combines the glulam wood-frame structure and the light wood frames, to create a Japanese-style pastoral escape. It has a floor space of 160 square meters, slightly smaller than House Type A.
▼B户型外观,external view of House Type B
With light-colored Canadian maple wood, a natural yet uncontrived Japanese residence and courtyard was thus fostered.
室内采用浅色加拿大枫木,light-colored Canadian maple wood used in the interior
In addition to the reasonable use of lumber, delicate Japanese-style pottery tiles were especially imported from Japan. Wherever a drizzle falls from above the mountains, it brings a different experience for the wood-frame villa as raindrops drip down from the pottery tiles.
▼日式庭院,屋瓦选用从日本进口的烧制陶土,Japanese style garden, the tiles were especially imported from Japan
House Type C – American Style
▼C户型外观,external view of House Type C
What’s worth mentioning is the villa’s choice of roofing tile materials. It used Canadian solid wood tile materials made of Western Red Cedar, which is a kind of lumber with natural decay resistance and very good dimensional stability, and it’s noteworthy that many of North America’s century-old aboriginal totems were just carved out of this material. With the roofing to directly receive sunlight, ultraviolet rays will gradually turn the lumber into an ashen look through an aging process, just like human hair whitened with the elapse of time. Such naturally-formed color patches, serving as memories of time, represent a kind of understanding about life and nature that the villa hopes to present to its occupants.
▼屋瓦采用加拿大细部红柏实木瓦材,Canadian solid wood tile used for the roof
▼C户型立面图及剖面图,elevations and sections
Wood – recyclable in terms of environmental protection and sustainable in terms of design
Nothing better describes the wood-frame villas at Mount Geshan’s Phoenix Valley than these:all lumber used on the villas came from Canada Wood’s legal logging areas, which strictly comply with sustainable development strategies and ensure full traceability for each piece of lumber from factory gate to eventual treatment;
starting from a sapling that will absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the growth process, wood-frame structures themselves are a kind of carbon-negative material, as each cubic meter of lumber used equals one ton of carbon sequestrated;
and even at the end of their first life, wood-frame structures will not be wasted, as 90% of its materials can be reused or recycled, used as materials for other buildings or burnt as an energy source.
In short, the life of lumber perfectly complements the holiday villas’ pursuit of getting up close to and understanding the Nature, bearing both the philosophical beauty of oriental architecture and the comfort properties of North American wood-frame structures.Ascending to the wooden bird-viewing platform atop the mountain behind the villas, you can easily listen to a modern poem that celebrates the Nature with gentle melodies from birds and wood, as you embrace the green mountains and crystal waters of the Phoenix Valley.
▼从木结构观鸟亭眺望景色,view from the wooden bird-viewing platform