知末案例   /   TLS


2018/05/21 12:53:56
由 TLS 带领的“共同土壤”团队于五月十七日在旧金山海湾重塑计划中呈现了“湾景大道”的理念。方案致力于为受洪水威胁、堵塞且连接旧金山城市北端的 37 号州级高速公 路,以及邻近的大片恢复湿地、潮汐带群创造一个富有弹性的未来。方案最终成果将是一 个比旧金山占地面积更大的生态中央公园。
The Common Ground Team led by TLS Landscape Architecture has presented the “Grand Bayway” vision at the Resilient by Design Challenge in San Francisco, May 17th. The proposal looks at a resilient future for flood threatened and congested State Highway 37 connecting the northern edge of San Francisco Bay as well as a vast restored marsh and tidal complex adjacent. The result creates a new Ecological Central Park bigger than the area of San Francisco itself.
▼公园整体一览,overview of the park
▼湾区的生态中央公园平面,plan for the Ecological Central Park for the Bay Area
▼米尔岛门户鸟瞰图,aerial view of Mare Island Gateway Hub
▼纳帕门户鸟瞰,aerial view of Napa Junction Gateway Hub
TLS 与建筑师迈克尔·毛赞合作,在相互交织的堤岸处,设计了一条架高的,具有标志性的跨湾大道。此大道高于波动的海面上方 25 英尺,并且提供了多样的通行选择。沿途人 们可以欣赏湾区地标迪亚波罗山和塔玛佩斯山,并可以近距离接触大片的潮汐泥沼与恢复 湿地。自行车和人行游步道诠释并连接了游步道、木质人行道、皮划艇线路、漂浮的钓鱼基地以及 19 世纪用作旅行火车车站的城市废墟。
TLS collaborated with architect Michael Maltzan, on an iconic bay crossing on a braided, elevated causeway with separated lanes and diverse transit options 25 feet above migrating tidal marshes. It creates a scenic experience of views to bay landmarks like Mt. Diablo and Mt. Tamalpais, and a front door on the immense open space of tidal sloughs and restored wetlands. Bike and pedestrian trail also “unspool” and provide access to trails, boardwalks, kayak routes, floating fishing camps, 19th century ghost towns that provide excursion train stops.
▼37 号公路与架高的环湾步行道,proposed SR 37 Causeway and Bay Trail above
这处湾区最大的沼泽群正受到潮汐上升与洪水淹没的威胁。TLS 与当地生态社区合作一系 列土地改造的技术来修复沼泽与底栖生物群落,并且将会设立许多实验室,以对太平洋盆 地周围相似问题进行试验与试点项目研究。
The marsh complex, largest in the Bay Area is also threatened with inundation by rising tides and flooding. Working with the local ecological community, a spectrum of terra-forming techniques for marsh and benthic habitat recovery will create a vast working laboratory for experiments and pilot projects to benefit similar conditions found around the Pacific Basin.
▼构想的湾区步道与赏景火车站点,proposed Bay Trail and Recreational Train Service at Buchli
丰富多彩且迅速增长的城镇如瓦列霍和美国峡谷将会吸引新的人群来到这片 21 世纪以生 态为核心的开放空间。游客可以通过驾车、火车来到联运枢纽,并借以探索加州这部分不 为人知的地区。第一阶段的各项目将会在 2 年内成形,更大尺度的初期规划将于明年与加 州交通局沟通商定。
Urban gateways from the diverse and rapidly growing cities of Vallejo and American Canyon invite new populations to this 21st century, ecologically-oriented open space. Visitors can arrive at intermodal hubs by car, ferry, or train and be equipped and launched for explorations into a part of California, previously unknown to the public. First stage projects will take shape with the next 2 years and engineering of larger scale initial phases will be coordinated with Caltrans alternative planning over the next year.
▼鱼钓营地,Cullinan Fishing Camp
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