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山居岁月 | ALT PIRINEU 住宅更新,西班牙

2020/11/06 17:16:00
The existing building is the result of the sum of two houses. They are buildings that respond to the typology in ​​the Pyrenees area featuring a compact plot.
▼外观 exterior view © Pol Viladoms.
山居岁月 | ALT PIRINEU 住宅更新,西班牙-3
The main approach of the project was to empty one of the existing building and connect it to the existing house through a new staircase.
▼室内空间概览 overview of the interior space © Pol Viladoms.
山居岁月 | ALT PIRINEU 住宅更新,西班牙-7
▼轴测图 axonometric © Hiha Studio
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With this intervention we managed to have a volume for bedrooms and the other for living room, kitchen and dining room. In this house refurbishment, the existent cross timber wood structure organizes the space in eight quadrants with a different programmatic nature.
▼起居空间 living space © Pol Viladoms.
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山居岁月 | ALT PIRINEU 住宅更新,西班牙-14
▼开放厨房 kitchen © Pol Viladoms.
山居岁月 | ALT PIRINEU 住宅更新,西班牙-16
The newly realized openings allow for views on the mountainous environment while the original materiality of the house, such as the stone walls or wooden floors have been preserved. The staircase has been designed with the aim of letting the light enter to the lower floor.
▼开窗与楼梯 window in the staircase © Pol Viladoms.
山居岁月 | ALT PIRINEU 住宅更新,西班牙-20
The material essence of housing was achieved by fundamentally keeping the existing stone walls. Our aim was to recover the essence of this type of houses, where the material, the texture and the color are given additional value and incorporated within the new interior language.
▼房屋结构 wooden structure © Pol Viladoms.
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▼首层平面图 the 1st floor plan ©Hiha Studio
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▼二层平面图 the 2nd floor plan ©Hiha Studio
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▼三层平面图 the 3rd floor plan ©Hiha Studio
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Project year: 2018-2019
Area: 105m2
Location: Alt Pirineu. Pallars Sobirà. Lleida
Photograpy: Pol Viladoms.
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