

1966年,苏黎世著知名建筑事务所Zweifel + Strickler为“Im Moos”学校综合体进行了方案设计,可直到1969年,项目计划的三栋建筑中只有两栋建成,此外仅有一个多功能厅和体育馆侧翼完工。在最初的设计中,建筑平面围绕一个宽敞的中庭布置,这一点直到现在也没有改变。与六十年代的普通建筑不同,新建筑有五层楼高,是Säumerstrasse大街的高点。
The existing school complex “Im Moos” originates from a 1966 strategic plan by the respected architectural office of Zweifel + Strickler in Zurich. In 1969, however, only two of the three planned structures were built, along with a multi-functional hall and gymnasium wing.
Back then, the complex was focused around a central court, which is still spatially present today. What is notable about the design, beyond the typical modularity of the 1960s building, is the placement of a high point along Säumerstrasse.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building
Extending an existing site means examining not only the built, but also the unbuilt environment. This point is of the utmost importance. The existing exterior spaces must be used efficiently, as these spaces are reserves for the future. Because of this reason, we created a punctual, concentrated intervention on the site in order to retain as much open space as possible. The new construction is therefore compact, compressed, and organized vertically. Rather than attempting to engage with the existing building volumes, it serves as a means of directing and determining the outdoor spaces, thus achieving a complete composition between inside and outside.
▼建筑和周边树木,architecture with trees around
In order to preserve enough space for the existing sycamores in the forecourt along Säumerstrasse – which forms the entrance to the campus – the new five-story building was placed as far to the southeast as possible. This accentuates the valuable mature plantings while creating well-proportioned, sequential exterior spaces. The green space between the new building, Nidelbad, and the sports fields remains unbuilt and open. The architectural expression of the new construction reveals the interior logic of the building on its façade; the floors, inverted at ninety-degree angles, and their generously proportioned or punctual openings characterize its appearance. Thus, a structured building is created with the individual horizontal elements, which sit atop a plinth extending into the landscape.
▼建筑立面体现室内布局,the façade reveals the interior logic
The robust, simply structured building volume stands almost stoically in the landscape, shaped by trees and open spaces. This approach is replicated in the building’s interior: generous, nearly structure-less spaces allow for flexible uses. The varied horizontal layers of spaces are based on the same basic program and are primarily structured by two central cores. We have differentiated the ground floor from the floors with craft rooms, the public mezzanine, the teacher’s floor, the classrooms, and the floor with the school kitchens. Stacked upon one another, these layers create the sum of the new building’s program.
▼模型展示建筑的主体结构,the models show the main structure of the building
While the more public program elements such as the school’s foyer, the multi-purpose hall, and the cafeteria are located in the mezzanine – these spatial units are non-load bearing and can be combined with one another to house large events such as concerts or exhibitions – the first floor contains the rooms for the administration, space for the faculty, and the library. The floor plan is divided into three zones: the middle zone with its more public functions (principal’s office, administration, social services, and conference room) and two banzones with lounges and offices for the teaching faculty and the library. The middle zone is constructed with full-height, load-bearing walls and, as a “transfer” floor, allows the mezzanine to stand without columns as a maximally flexible space.
▼夹层的入口及公共空间,entrance of the mezzanine and public space
The classrooms occupy the second, third, and fourth floors and are arranged according to the rules established by the first floor. The middle zones serve as recreational spaces with separate educational niches. The classrooms exist on the periphery. Each adjacent classroom can be combined with another neighboring space to form a large learning atelier. Nearby are the group classrooms, which can be accessed both from the individual classrooms as well as from the middle zone. The kitchen is housed on the fifth floor, along with the ICT classrooms, the therapy rooms for integrated facilitation, and natural sciences. All of the upper floors are based on the same spatial principle and are thus can be transferred into school and classroom spaces, such so that the newly created building allows the user maximum flexibility for the future development of education.
▼公共空间中的旋转楼梯,spiral staircase in the middle of the public space
▼可以相互连通的教室,classroom that could be combined together
▼理科教室,natural science classroom
In order to create a school with a future, flexibility must be guaranteed. Flexibility means being able to do much and making nothing impossible – without losing a sense of identity. Such a building requires a structural design that permits many different configurations. A building that defines itself by its flexibility is one that is aware of what can (structural system, infrastructure, and circulation) and what cannot be fixed. Flexibility of use also means allowing exterior spaces to remain free in order to permit possible future development. As such, flexibility must be defined both within and without, in order to ensure that what can be foreseen today remain possible tomorrow.
▼一层,夹层平面图,first floor and mezzanine plan
▼二,三层平面图,second and third floor plans
▼四,五层平面图,fourth and fifth floor plans
estricted Competition 2013, 1st prize
Address: Säumerstrasse, 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland Client: Zweckverband Sekundarschule Kilchberg-Rüschlikon, Rüschlikon Realization: 2014 – 2016
Team: Wim Eckert, Piet Eckert with Nils Döring and Eric Rudolph, Oke Hauser, Andrea Kovács, Kirstyn Lindsay, Valentino Sandri, Tobias Weise
Construction Management: Caretta + Weidmann, Zurich
Structural Engineering: Dr. Lüchinger + Meyer Bauingenieure AG, Zurich; Locher Ing., Zurich
Electrical Engineering: R+B Engineering, Zurich
Building Services: Todt+Gmür+ Partner AG, Zurich
Facade Planning: Buri Müller Partner, Burgdorf; Feroplan AG, Zurich
Building Physics: Buri Bauphysik& Akustik, Volketswil
Landscape Architecture: Raderschall Partner Land. Arch., Meilen
Model Photographs: Jon Naiman, Biel
Drawings: E2A
English text: E2A