

In its prominent corner location, the new taz building must mediate between the traditional Berlin block and the solitary buildings from the period of the IBA. Our design combines the urban block and the corner: we adopt the height of a typical Berlin eave and continue the block; a subtle setback of the façade facing Friedrichstrasse creates a clearly accentuated entrance. Street, corner, and courtyard thus become the urban leitmotiv and convert the potential building envelope of the existing development plan into a simple and concise volume.
▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Rory Gardiner
▼附近街道视角,view from the surrounding street ©Rory Gardiner
Its structural system, conceived as a network, attempts to reach the greatest possible load capacity with the fewest possible elements. The net is a structure in which all the parts must perform equally and only together can they achieve stability. It is a system with no hierarchy. The architectural appearance of the new house for taz thus becomes simultaneously the structure and emblem of the organization.
▼清晰的缩进式入口,a clearly accentuated entrance © Yasu Kojima
▼网络式的结构系统,a structural system conceived as a network © Yasu Kojima
▼立面细部,facade detailed view ©Rory Gardiner
▼楼梯细部,staircase detailed view ©Rory Gardiner
▼室内立面,internal facade © Yasu Kojima
▼首层空间概览,ground floor space overview © Yasu Kojima
▼厨房空间,kitchen area © Yasu Kojima
The main structure is composed of diagonal bracings along the periphery of the building envelope and therefore does not require any additional support on the inside. The thirteen-meter, free-spanning office floors create a row-like, workshop atmosphere and are able to respond flexibly to a variety of different forms of use.
▼办公楼层,office floor © Yasu Kojima
▼沿外墙分布的对角线型结构带来大跨度的自由空间,the main structure is composed of diagonal bracings along the periphery of the building envelope and therefore does not require any additional support on the inside © Rasmus Norlander
▼结构细部,structure detailed view © Rasmus Norlander
▼中庭,artium © Yasu Kojima
© Rasmus Norlander
▼从办公空间望向中庭,view to the atrium from the office © Yasu Kojima
© Rasmus Norlander
▼投入使用的员工餐厅,canteen area on the ground floor © Yasu Kojima
▼投入使用的办公室,office interior view © Yasu Kojima
The glass-housed staircase sculpture in the center of the new building is, due to its dimension and plasticity, more than just a vertical connection mechanism: the generous flight of stairs becomes the vertical pedestrian route of the new house. The intermediate podiums are places of encounter and informal exchange. Here, the building “breathes” and promotes spontaneous communication.
▼楼梯间内部,staircase © Yasu Kojima
▼楼梯间外观,exterior view ©Rory Gardiner
▼从公园望向建筑,view to the building from the surrounding park ©Rory Gardiner
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼标准层平面图,typical plan
▼立面图, elevation