旺市大都会中转站(Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Transit Station)

2019/03/22 09:30:19
“大气照相机”公共艺术装置由 Paul Raff Studio 设计,本文文字及图片皆由 Paul Raff Studio 提供。装置所在的加拿大多伦多旺市大都会中转站(Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Transit Station)的外部设计由 Grimshaw Architects 负责完成。The ‘Atmospheric Lens’ is designed by Paul Raff Studio, and the images and text following are specifically Paul Raff Studio. The architect the for the exterior of the building is Grimshaw Architects.
大气照相机(Atmospheric Lens)是一件公共艺术品,嵌在加拿大多伦多旺市大都会中转站(Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Transit Station)的圆屋顶上。该公共艺术品的占地面积高达16,000平方英尺,将中转站凸面形的天花板打造成了一个动态的、立体主义的拼贴画,形象地展示了车站内的日常百态。当乘客进入“镜头”下方的空间并在其中来往穿梭的时候,他们的影像便会被反射在天花板上的面板中,成为了不断变化的大气环境中的一部分,从而实现了一种被动动力学的效果。具有战略意义的天窗与冬至夏至、春分秋分时期的太阳角度相对应,将两个层次的光线投射到车站的深处,照亮了这个十分缺乏日光的空间,形成了一种动态的视觉效果。
Atmospheric Lens is a public artwork integrated into the dome of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Transit Station in Toronto. Spanning 16,000 s.f. it dissolves the convex ceiling of the above-ground pavilion into a dynamic, cubist collage of reflections of life inside the station. Commuters moving under the “lens” complete the passive kinetic effect by being in and seeing their reflection in the panels, becoming part of the ever-changing atmosphere above. Strategic skylights align with solstice and equinox sun angles channel light two levels down into the depths of the station, kinetically illuminating a typical daylight-starved space.
▼旺市大都会中转站外观,通过“大气照相机”在其屋顶上设置天窗,exterior view of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Transit Station, the Atmospheric Lens forms the skylights on its roof
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The project was a collaboration between the architects and artist from the onset ensuring a good fit of philosophy and approach. The artist developed and discussed conceptual sketches over the course of several months while the architect responded and refined their design. The mirror polished steel panels that line the underside of the ceiling for example, use a panel module inherent to the architecture of the structure. The artist was part of the design team which consisted of architects and 12 specialized design engineers (acoustic, lighting, structural, etc.) As a result, Atmospheric Lens was conceived and realized to be fully integrated with the architecture.
▼“大气照相机”,位于车站的圆屋顶上,the Atmospheric Lens that is integrated into the dome of the station
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▼“大气照相机”局部,采用一系列嵌入天花板结构中的镜面抛光钢板,partial view of the Atmospheric Lens with the mirror polished steel panels that line the underside of the ceiling
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旺市交通枢纽站承担着各式各样的多模式交通联运。广场层向南一直延伸到7号高速公路的下方,从而在7号公路这个“主要路障”之下创造出一个免费的人行通道。同时,这也是Millway大道(Millway Avenue)下的一条通道,以确保行人能够安全地到达东侧空间。在7号高速公路的中心则有通道将其与城市快速交通VIVA BRT的站台相连接。广场层向北侧延伸,可以直接通往约克地区的巴士总站。主要的车站入口则位于一个狭窄的景观公园内,该公园内还设有自行车停放设施,并提供乘客接送服务。
▼采光设计概念图,sketches of the natural light
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The Vaughan hub accommodates a wide range of multi-modal connections. The concourse level extends south under Highway 7 providing an unpaid pedestrian connection under this major road barrier. There is also a tunnel under Millway Avenue for safer pedestrian connections to the east. At the center of Highway 7 there is a connection up to the surface platforms for VIVA BRT running on dedicated lanes. The concourse level extends north providing direct access to the York Region Bus Terminal. The main subway entry pavilion is located within a narrow landscaped park that incorporates bicycle parking facilities and passenger pick-up.
▼“大气照相机”局部,天窗将自然光线引入空间内部,partial view of the Atmospheric Lens, skylights introduce the light down into the depths of the station
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车站运用了一系列低维护成本且耐用的可持续性材料,如(建筑外露的结构钢材)、建筑混凝土、锌制屋顶板和不伤害鸟类的幕墙系统等,共同塑造了车站的主要色调和特点。该设计团队共实现了三个主要的加拿大绿色建筑标准(TGS, 即Toronto Green Standards),通过采取使用绿色屋顶、收集雨水和捕获与水径流等措施以减少城市热岛效应。此外,设计团队还使用软质的景观,同时减小车站建筑的表面积,以降低周围环境的表面温度。
Low- maintenance, durable and sustainable materials such as AESS (architecturally exposed structural steel), architectural concrete, zinc roof panels and a curtain wall system with bird-friendly screens formed the main palette for the station. The team addressed three main TGS (Toronto Green Standards) requirements including urban heat island reduction by use of green roofs, storm water retention, and storm water run-off capture. In addition, the use of soft landscaping and the reduced surface of the entrance building structure allow for a reduction in ambient surface temperatures.
▼“大气照相机”局部,通过反射来往行人的活动来创造出一种动态的视觉效果,partial view of the Atmospheric Lens, creating a kinetic effect by reflection
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▼空间内视线设计概念图,sketches of the views inside the space
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The station is a catalyst for future urban redevelopment for a new commercial district at the City of Vaughan. The team worked closely with the client and representatives from different municipalities in developing and integrating the station to both current and future development of the urban realm. The team was challenged to imagine a new city around the station and create an iconic headhouse that would become a focal point and organizing element. This station is an example of how the sensitive introduction of new transit systems can actively add value to a city in addition to improving mobility.
▼“大气照相机”外观局部,天窗为空间内的乘客提供了向外的视野,partial view of the Atmospheric Lens, skylights provide passengers with the outward views
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Architecture for infrastructure is sometimes utilitarian and inhumane in its construction and expression. Vaughan Metropolitan Centre seeks to be exemplary not only in its function but in its aesthetics and ease of use as well. By incorporating a large work of public art and responding to the patterns of passengers and users, the station is an inviting and memorable place that seeks to bring light and moments of levity to commuters.
▼“大气照相机”的镜面抛光钢板细节,details of the mirror polished steel panels
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▼设计草图,the design sketches
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