
2022/04/15 15:17:05
Project Statement
The project is located in the south side of Hei longjiang Road, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, and it is an undeveloped green belt space left after the relocation of high-voltage lines. In this project, we discussed how to improve the quality of the urban environment, stimulate the vitality of the city, and promote the coordinated development of urban ecology, industry and life, while strengthening social cohesion and improving people’s healthy life.
Aerial photography of the western section
North of the project equipped with leisure and fitness sports areas meet the needs of citizens for rest and communication. The south of the green corridor is a dense forest area retains the native tree vegetation. It will become a green ecological screen for the future community in the south. The characteristic culture of Southern Shandong is integrated into the site. We integrate the characteristic culture of southern Shandong into the site, and place science & technology interactive facilities, which improves the participation of citizens and increases the vitality of the site. The project creates a scene of future urban life: more open and inclusive, free and equal, and culturally confident.
Aerial photography of the eastern section
The project is located in the south side of Heilongjiang Road of the Zaozhuang High-tech Zone. The narrow strip area connects Yuanzhai mountain and Hongtu river from west to east, which is an important urban ecological corridor of Zaozhuang High-tech Zone. It forms an ecological network pattern of the city together with other surrounding ecological green belts.
Planning analysis chart
挑战与机会 Challenges and Opportunities
场地原为狭长的高压线防护绿地,南北宽 85 米,东西长 1450 米,项目第一期横跨长白山路与复元二路,占地面积约 6.8 公顷。原场地布局单调、无可参与性空间、园路铺装破损严重,缺少与城市的周边空间对话和连接,是城市的一处灰色空间。随着高压线的迁移,为这片场地迎来新的生机。
The site was originally a narrow high-voltage line protection green space, 85 meters wide from north to south and 1450 meters long from east to west. The first phase of the project spans Changbaishan Road and Fuyuan 2nd Road, covering an area of about 6.8 hectares. The original site layout is single, there is no space for citizen activities. The road pavement is seriously damaged, and there is no connection with the surrounding space of the city. It is a “gray” space of the city. The relocation of high voltage lines brings the site a new opportunity.
Original state
As the first green space construction project in this region, S&T Innovation green corridor will lead urban green development and play a key role in promoting the healthy development of communities.
After renovation open and interactive public space in the East plot
Design Goals
Environmentally friendly, Open and inclusive, culturally diverse
We consider the various needs of the future community from the perspective of the whole city since the beginning of the design. We hope to build an ecological, open and diversified urban public space, strengthen the connection between nature, human and city from the aspects of ecology, life and society, and build a more open and inclusive, free and equal, culturally confident future urban life scene.
The interweaving of linear space not only considers the use function, but also the reinterpretation of water transport culture
Open leisure space under the forest provides a place for people to talk and rest
设计策略 1
Design strategy 1
Regeneration of the site—Space transformation, diversified functions
对场地南侧 38 米宽的原生密林种植区域进行轻微整理,最大限度的降低人为干预,打造安静私密的交谈空间,也成为南侧未来居住社区的绿色屏障,保障了南侧未来社区的生活质量;场地北侧的 50 米宽场地紧靠黑龙江路,我们对此空间进行了重构,充分考虑了全龄段市民的参与性和科技体验性。规划西侧地块为社区生活需求性场地、东侧地块为商业活动需求性场地,打造活力互动的城市开放空间;慢行交通体系贯通了东西地块和林间小路,并将场地南北串联,形成动静结合的空间体系。
Minimize human intervention in the 38-meter-wide native dense forest planting area in the south of the site and create a quiet and private conversation space. It has also become a green screen for the future residential community and ensure the quality of life in the south.
The 50-meter-wide area on the north side of the site is close to Heilongjiang Road. We have reconstructed this space and fully considered the participation, scientific and technological experience of citizens of all ages.
The west plot is planned for meeting the needs of community life and the east plot is planned for meeting the needs of business life, so as to create a dynamic urban open space;
The slow traffic system connects the east and west plots and forest paths, and connects the north and south of the site to form a spatial system containing both “static” and “dynamic” feature.
On the open lawn, the simple corridor is not only the opposite scenery, but also a place to take shelter from the rain and cool.
During the planning stage, we organized several meetings and visited nearby communities, and considered the actual demands of local government departments and citizens for the new site, so as to strengthen the participation of people, and create an urban communication space for daily life.
an urban communication space
After the opening of the project, people will gather here for activities, leisure and fitness, children’s entertainment, and even hold a flea markets, so that they can truly feel the value brought by the design for the improvement of life experience. In the west plot adjacent to the residential area, there are basketball courts, fitness venues, small football fields, children’s venues and other living venues. We have placed dry spray square, interactive floor piano, interactive pavilions and other interactive venues in the east plot which near the commercial street. People can also walk, sit, talk and play chess in the dense forest area on the south side.
Keep the original dense forest in the south, add leisure seats and create a quiet and comfortable space under the forest
The service station building in the site has functions such as toilets, leisure, catering and management, making it integrated with the park. Service stations are located in the dense area of greenway activity venues, which not only provide daily functional services for citizens and tourists, but also serve as auxiliary rooms for future exhibition activities in the park.
The service station is compatible with the natural environment and has the functions of toilets, leisure, catering and management.
建筑面积虽然不到 150 平方米,但在设计过程中经过了多次改版,最终选择使用虚实结合的处理方式,形成了公园中“生长”出来的建筑。
Although the building area is less than 150 square meters, it underwent many revisions during the design process, and finally chose to use a combination of virtual and solid processing, forming the building “growing” out of the park.
The architecture is integrated with nature, and the exterior frame and greening interweave into a leisure gallery. The exterior finishes adopt bright silver to soften the color boundary, making the original thick building more light and flexible.
设计策略 2
Design strategy 2
Emotional resonance – Integration of South Shandong characteristic culture, unified linear design language
The project serves as a carrier of urban memory, Canal culture in southern Shandong and local poetry cultural elements are implanted in the landscape design to make people have emotional resonance and common interest.
The layout of the site comes from the water transport culture of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.
East Entrance Space
The interweaving of space and park road is like the continuous flow of the ships in the canal. We interpret this traditional culture in a modern and concise form, and adopt unified design language and localized cultural in pavement, planting, supporting post stations, sculptures, landscape seats, pavilions and other structures.
The public seat made of boat shape is surrounded by green trees. The boat about to travel seems to be ready to go.
The interactive cultural landscape wall brings people the fun of turning over the “blind box”。
设计策略 3 Design strategy 3 安全环保——交通顺畅、空间舒朗、选材环保
Safety and environmental protection – smooth traffic, comfortable space and environmental protection
项目保留了黑龙江路与场地之间的 4 米宽的绿化带,提升了场地内部交通安全;舒朗通透的空间使良好的景观视野不受干扰,提升了社会治安质量,同时为举办临时活动预留出场地;健身场地、儿童活动场地在空间布置、器械、材料、种植上均充分考虑了使用的安全性。铺装材料使用了仿石材铺装,照明采用了 LED 灯具。
A 4-meter-wide green belt between Heilongjiang Road and the site is reserved for improving the internal traffic safety of the site. The comfortable and open space keeps the visitor’s vision unobstructed and improves social security, and also is reserved for holding temporary activities. The safety of use is considered in the spatial layout, equipment, materials and planting of fitness venues and children’s playground. Imitation stone material is used for the paving, and LED lamps are used for lighting.
▼5 米宽主园路选用了深酞蓝底色与彩色划线,给人清新畅快的视觉感受
The 5m wide main road adopts dark phthalein blue background color and color marking, giving people a fresh and pleasant visual experience
为保证每一个空间、每一处细节都能完美呈现,设计团队与施工团队目标一致,克服了很多困难,解决了很多现场施工问题。目前科创绿廊一期已于 2021 年 7 月初向社会开放,完成后的绿廊公园为城市居民提供了多样化的空间体验。
In order to ensure the perfect presentation of every space and detail, the design team and construction team worked together to overcome many difficulties and solved many on-site construction problems. At present, the first phase of S&T Innovation Green Corridor has been opened to the public in early July 2021. After completion, the Green Corridor Park provides citizens with a diversified spatial experience.
Dry spray interactive square under the curtain of night
The ground interactive piano is a music field that children want to experience in the rain
项目实施前,该地块人烟稀少,城市活力不足,每天人流量不足 20 人次。项目实施开园后,人流量剧增,游客络绎不绝,每天人流量约 1000 人次以上。本项目加强了社区的凝聚力,营造了健康活力的城市交往空间,在网络评论上得到了市民的高度好评,并衍生出自由集市业态,已成为当地市民户外休闲娱乐的首选之地。项目开园后,通过随访调查和召开总结会的方式,在不同视角跟进研究城市绿地公共空间的发展趋势和更新策略。
Before the opening to the public, the site was rarely visited and the urban vitality was insufficient, with less than 20 people per day. After the opening, the number of people has increased greatly. More than 1000 people visit every day. The project strengthens the cohesion of the community and creates a healthy and dynamic urban communication space. The project has been highly praised by the citizens in the online comments, and the free market spontaneously emerged. It has become the first choice for outdoor leisure and entertainment of local citizens.
night view
General layout (Phase I)
设计面积:68000 平方米
设计时间:2020 年 10 月-2021 年 3 月
完成年份:2021 年 7 月
Project Name: Science & Technology Innovation Green Corridor (Phase I)
Location: South of Heilongjiang Road, high tech Zone, Zaozhuang City
Project Area: 68000 ㎡
Design year & Completion Year: October 2020 & July 2021
Design: Tongyuan Design Group Co., Ltd. – Landscape Design Institute
Program director: Yu Jing
Project Leader: Chen Bingqing
Chief Designer: Zhao Dongchang
Team: Qiu Yong、Han Jinzhao、Dong Yaozong、Qiaodan、Jia Chanjuan、E Linlin、Wu Yue、Lu Qun、Xing Zhaoyu、Geng Qingbin、Xu Enhao、Zhang Caiyan、Li Haotian
Construction unit: Shandong Zhicheng Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
Construction unit: China Railway 14th Bureau Group 4th Engineering Co., Ltd
Photography: Shao Yong、Zhou Qingxian、Zhao Dongchang、Qiu Yong、Han Jinzhao
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